BabyCat  [developer] Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:33pm
Chivalry vs Depth Update!
Chivalry and Depth have teamed up to bring you a bunch of new in-game cosmetics, as well as a new map! Starting tomorrow at 10am PDT, both games will be 50% off on Steam until May 5th, 2015 to celebrate this union of Sharks and Knights. The update is scheduled to go live as soon as possible, the current status of that can be found below.

Chivalry vs Depth Status: Patch live, enjoy! (Message Last Updated: 5:51am PDT)

New Cosmetics for Depth & Chivalry!

Players which own both Depth and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on Steam will have access to these new cosmetics in-game:

Cosmetics Available in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare:

  • Arm yourself to the teeth with the Deepfang Morning Star and bring the ferocity of a Great White to the battlefield.
  • Strike fear with the Great Bite Helm as you put your enemies in deep water to escape the jaws of death.

    Cosmetics Available in Depth:

    Chivalry Themed Weapon Skins - Thrust yourself into combat with the Thrusting Dagger and Thrusting Spear weapon skins for the Knife and Bang Stick. These weapons may not be cutting edge technology but their proven ability to penetrate armor bodes well for dealing with shark attacks.

    New Map: Hillside - Available for everyone!

    Based on a popular Chivalry map of the same name, Hillside features a coastal fortress that was the site of many battles during the age of chivalry. It is now a crumbling ruin that has been partly consumed by the ocean, but rumors state there are still a lot of artifacts down there which should make the dive worth it.

    Megalodon Hunt Improvements

    We've re-done the HUD Megalodon Hunt, fitting it into the new UI style. We're also re-built the score display at the top-left of the screen, with a big emphasis on clarity for new players. The new map Hillside has also been added to the Megalodon Hunt rotation, so there's never been a better time to grab some friends and hunt each other!


    I already own Depth and Chivalry. Now what?
    Well done you! The map, and all the in-game items (Deepfang Morningstar and Great Bite Helm in Chivalry / Chivalry Knife and Chivalry Bangstick in Depth) will be automatically unlocked when you play.

    I own Depth, but I don't own Chivalry.
    You'll still be able to play Depth as normal, including the new Chivalry themed map. But you will need to purchase a copy of Chivalry to try out the Chivalry Bang Stick and Chivalry Knife skins.

    Are the Chivalry themed weapons different than the normal ones?
    They are functionally identical, the only difference is how they look / sound.

    This includes the major changes since the last update (minor bugfixes and changes are not included)


    • Fixed bug where the bang stick could proc twice in a row
    • Added the ability for divers to double tap a direction to perform a dash in that direction
    • Fixed Sharks sometimes spawning on top of each other for the 1st spawn
    • Fixed AI Shark pathing issue with breakables
    • Fixed a bug that caused AI to sometimes swim through walls
    • Suicide limitations are no longer applied in single player


    • Stubbs now orders S.T.E.V.E. to drop a shark shield at safes if the divers are more than 8 tickets behind. He doesn't mind you dying - but hates you losing his loot after giving up.
    • Sharks now evolve more quickly when faced with extinction - if they get more than 8 tickets behind, their deaths give them 20 evo points.
    • Tiger's active ability duration reduced to 2/3/5 seconds from 2/4/6 seconds
    • Med Kits no longer take area of effect damage which causes them to be destroyed
    • Seals always die in the same amount of time from any shark
    • Easy sharks no longer use active abilities or lunge


    • Revamped the Megalodon Hunt HUD to fit the new UI style
    • Reworked the Megalodon Hunt HUD score progress indicator at top-left
    • Fixed bug where the Friends panel would not display correctly in 15:4 aspect ratio
    • Weapon modifiers that are grouped together now have a line to visually connect them together
    • Added black outline effect to elements in the HUD so that they are always visible in bright light
    • Fixed bug where the tickets graph did not display correctly when one team has a flawless victory
    • Fixed bug where Captain Stubbs was always using the first message for all messages
    • Fixed LJ-Volleyjet preview in the Diver Loadout Weapon Details panel
    • Captain Stubbs now sends a message when he decides to help out during a match
    • Depth now indicates when it is down for maintenance
    • Added option to skip the knife and/or cosumables when scrolling
    • Diver avatar selection now remembers your previous choice using Steam Cloud.


    • Brand new map Hillside based on the map of the same name from Chivalry
    • Improved collision in maps


    • Matchmaking algorithms re-balanced to strongly bias more balanced games


    • Fixed incorrect normals on tip of Diving Knife model
    • Fixed bug where the wrong skins is applied to a shark
    • Fixed bug where twin pistol weapons would not show the correct effect on the right hand
    • Fixed bug where some projectiles were displaying the wrong particle effect and material
    • Fixed bug where dead diver hose/mask would stretch unrealistically


    • Integrated Steam HTML surface which replaces Awesomium
    • SteamVR no longer attempts to initialize when booting in Depth Ed
    • If Steam Music is detected in the play state on start up, Depth will enable Steam Music
    • When Steam Music is enabled, it will disable the in game music and the music volume slider switches to control Steam Music's volume
    • Steam Music no longer attempts to perform auto muting between in game music and Steam music. This helps some issues with performance
    • Added Galleon to the 'Times Played' statistic tracking


    • Switched to Shipping build which should help with performance and memory usage
    • Removed unused DLLs that are no longer required, reducing the download/update size
    • Improved performance by dynamically enabling / disabling silhouette rendering depending on what is within the player's view
    • Fixed bug where the last damage dealt was not recorded correctly
    • Fixed bug where weapon attachments on divers would produce silhouette artifacts
    • Fixed bug where the game would hang on start up when Steam is online when your user name had a particular sequence of characters
    • You can now disable dynamic loading screens by launching the game with -UseStaticLoadScreens. This fixes issues for players who crash while loading into a map
Last edited by BabyCat; May 1, 2015 @ 5:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 39 comments
Nasty Peep Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:42pm 
Omfg, some guy a while back was talking about wanting to add maces and swords and spears from medieval things to this game and we all made fun of him for it.
Whoever that was, Babycat, you made his dream come true.
abugaj Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:44pm 
Are you guys putting out anymore road maps for future updates?
Gameo May 1, 2015 @ 4:27am 
Nice updates. Guess I'm gload I actually bought that Chivalry game a long time ago, now. Don't like it much but, cool new weapon skins. :thumb:
Still need to add something to prevent players from quitting matches and having me be stuck with bots nearly every... game...
Aether-Eel May 1, 2015 @ 4:36am 
I hope the next update adds knights, said no one ever...
Originally posted by Pizza, The Hutt:
I hope the next update adds knights, said no one ever...
Johnny[HUN] May 1, 2015 @ 5:16am 
Any chance to add Ferraris and dirt tracks in the future?
Gameo May 1, 2015 @ 5:16am 
Originally posted by Mitigate:
Originally posted by Pizza, The Hutt:
I hope the next update adds knights, said no one ever...

What knights were added?
Oh, right. None.
airtekh May 1, 2015 @ 5:18am 
Originally posted by Pizza, The Hutt:
I hope the next update adds knights, said no one ever...

I hate free content in my game, but I love paying for overpriced, mediocre DLC.

Said no-one ever.
Originally posted by Gameo:
Originally posted by Mitigate:

What knights were added?
Oh, right. None.
Knights is obviously a blanket term for knightly stuff. No need to get butthurt.
Gameo May 1, 2015 @ 5:20am 
Originally posted by Mitigate:
Originally posted by Gameo:

What knights were added?
Oh, right. None.
Knights is obviously a blanket term for knightly stuff. No need to get butthurt.

No need to self project said butthurt :thumb:
Originally posted by Gameo:
Originally posted by Mitigate:
Knights is obviously a blanket term for knightly stuff. No need to get butthurt.

No need to self project said butthurt :thumb:
No butthurt here man. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Gameo May 1, 2015 @ 5:25am 
Originally posted by Mitigate:
Originally posted by Gameo:

No need to self project said butthurt :thumb:
No butthurt here man. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Umm.. well I lack a quippy retort at the moment, soo..
Made said mountainous molehill for you to go crawl into?
ChibiFenrir May 1, 2015 @ 5:31am 
Matchmaking algorithms re-balanced to strongly bias more balanced games
This was needed but I feel seachers will take even longer now :(
Mom's Spaghetti May 1, 2015 @ 5:56am 
Okay, you added some new content for the game, but how about better grafics and an optional way for Open world? That would be importier than the new content.
I loved the game Jaws where you can be a shark for sure and have a big OpenWorld and kill some people,animals etc. and improve the skills like the shark skin and the teeth.
It would so awesome if that can be added here as well. I think the game would be better than now.
Gameo May 1, 2015 @ 5:58am 
Originally posted by Minato:
Okay, you added some new content for the game, but how about better grafics and an optional way for Open world? That would be importier than the new content.
I loved the game Jaws where you can be a shark for sure and have a big OpenWorld and kill some people,animals etc. and improve the skills like the shark skin and the teeth.
It would so awesome if that can be added here as well. I think the game would be better than now.

Go play Jaws, that's not what this game is, even slightly.
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Showing 1-15 of 39 comments
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Date Posted: Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:33pm
Posts: 38