BabyCat  [developer] Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:38pm
Depth: Dragon Dance

After the ancient dragons fought back the hadal monsters and returned peace to the sea, a great festival, The Dragon Dance, was had which is still celebrated around the Lunar New Year today. The name Dragon Dance comes from and is described in the tales as an ancient technique which was performed by Frost and Flame to seal the hadal evil back from where it came. Frost and Flame are not the only dragons celebrated during the festival as many took on the form of sharks during the great battle. One of the most well known and celebrated is Jin, the Gold Dragon. Possessing great wisdom and the uncle of Frost and Flame, Jin's scales shimmer with a purity of gold second to none. Unlike his nephews, Jin took the form of a Great Hammerhead when he joined the fight bringing with him extraordinary strength to match his tactical genius. So join us in the festivities, let us celebrate the Dragon Dance!

Dragon Dance Event

Join in the celebration of the Dragon Dance and unlock exclusive rewards! Score from completed games of Depth will count toward rewards such as 金龍 (Jin the Gold Dragon), the 'Lantern Sonar Buoy', help level the Dragon Dance commemorative coin and more! Along with reward unlocks all players will be able to enjoy S.T.E.V.E's Dragon Dance costume, and new designs of in-game gold! New to this event is the Dragon Dance Supporter Pass. Players which decide to purchase the Supporter Pass will immediately receive an exclusive Jade Commemorative Coin, and also have their score count double toward the progress of the event rewards!

Twenty New ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

To celebrate the Dragon Dance we've expanded the drop pool with 20 new item drops! Keep your eye out for the ADS Dive Team featuring the classic diver trio, Exogel Great White & Tiger, the Azure Thresher and more!

Commemorative Coin Selector Now Available!

Collectors rejoice with the addition of a Coin Selector! Head to your in-game profile to display your favorite from your collection.

This includes the major changes since the last update (minor bugfixes and changes are not included)


  • Tranquilizer Ammo can no longer make Shark stamina go into the negative
  • Bull shark no longer loses its rage when using its active ability
  • Ignore pain now only triggers on lethal damage
  • Volleyjet now fires half of its spears allowing it to now fire twice before reloading
  • Volleyjet individual spear damage increased to 60 from 50


  • Suicide Score -500 to -2000
  • Damage Teammate Score -4 to -5 (per point of damage)
  • Net Shark Score 100 to 500
  • Shark Shield price to 500 from 700
  • Shark Shield life time to 20 seconds from 30 seconds
  • LJ-10 Volleyjet reload time to 2.2 from 2.3


  • Fixed crash when viewing 'Creator' skins in the Diver Store


  • Changed MatchMaker port from 1337 to 26100


  • Old Bones Hammerhead eye is wiggly again
  • Molten skins have a new molten material effect


  • Several skins have had their memory usage improved

Minor fixes to the Dragon Dance event

This includes the major changes since the last update (minor bugfixes and changes are not included)


  • Fixed the Dragon Dance bronze coin display when it drops.
  • Fixed a bug where other players visually appeared with your coin in the scoreboards.
  • Fixed event rewards icons duplicating when you bought a supporter pass.
  • Fixed 'next reward' UI in Event menu for higher levels.
  • Shark Shield silhouette's now turn off for divers when they run out of battery.
  • Coin Selection doesn't open from other players' Depth profiles.


  • Fixed event coin upgrading.

Last edited by BabyCat; Jan 25, 2017 @ 9:31pm
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Showing 1-15 of 152 comments
Sinopia Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:43pm 
KrokZombie Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:43pm 
BabyCat  [developer] Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:44pm 
MissLehcar Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:48pm 
thank you!
马丁内斯 Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:54pm 
Just got this game in the sale, already 33 hours logged...stop with the hype updates please.
Jurassic Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:56pm 
update plz gimme
GlacticaMO Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:03pm 
Ava BM(a)X Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:08pm 
Ken Griffey, Jr. Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:26pm 
Coule you please look at slowing down the rate of STEVE regenrating after being hit by a shark now that all players have welders.
zero Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:26pm 
"depth version out of date" after updating
BabyCat  [developer] Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:38pm 
We're temporarily delaying the start of the event while we investigate some issues, sorry for the inconvenience! We are also looking into why the Supporter Pass is not yet appearing in the item store.
Newbie Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:40pm 
Oh I don't understand whats been done to my precious bull! I must investigate :awkward:
KrokZombie Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:45pm 
Originally posted by BabyCat:
We're temporarily delaying the start of the event while we investigate some issues, sorry for the inconvenience! We are also looking into why the Supporter Pass is not yet appearing in the item store.

@ndy Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:50pm 
only 2 bucks?
in my inventroy already...
TheReptileMan Jan 24, 2017 @ 11:55pm 
as always the event counter dosent sync properly.. like it is with every update like this

Originally posted by BabyCat:
We're temporarily delaying the start of the event while we investigate some issues, sorry for the inconvenience! We are also looking into why the Supporter Pass is not yet appearing in the item store.
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Showing 1-15 of 152 comments
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Date Posted: Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:38pm
Posts: 152