Gods Will Be Watching

Gods Will Be Watching

Fatal Memory Error: Out of Memory (Chapter 5)
I receive this error every time I get a good run/am about to beat capter 5 (That chapter is litteral hell on original...) And every time I get into the base through pure luck I receive this error that crashes my game every time. It's happened atleast a good 5 times now, 2 when I had a good run, once when I was having a bad run and twice when I FINALLY got to the friendly base.

Can the devs of the game fix this? I'm loving the game so far but I can't progress due to this gamebreaking bug.

My specs if needed:

Processor AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor
Manufacturer AMD
Speed 3.1 GHz
Number of Cores 8
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Chipset GeForce GTX 660
Dedicated Memory 2.0 GB
Total Memory 3.9 GB
Memory 8.1 GB
Operating System Microsoft Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit
Service Pack 0
Size 64 Bit
Display Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080
Size 931.5 GB
Free 676.7 GB
--------------------------------------------------FIX FOUND!-----------------------------------------------going to your steam/steamapps/common/gods will be watching/chapter 5/ chapter 5 control file and setting the first value to something like 10 and the other values (like water) to 50 or so. The first half is for original difficulty players, the second is for easy players. Just give yourself 50 water and set the map size to 10 and you won't crash and will be able to win the chapter you were cheated out of easily.
最近の変更はCameron The Ravenが行いました; 2014年7月26日 6時17分
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1-14 / 14 のコメントを表示
Seconded. This level is hell, and the fact that the game has a penchant for crashing whenever the player gets close to the endpoint is infuriating. The desert is by far the least enjoyable segment in a game I've otherwise enjoyed so far, and the fact that the game has continuously crashed every time I finally get the memo that I've gotten close to the friendly base doesn't help matters in the slightest.

This NEEDS to be fixed.
最近の変更はHex Machinaが行いました; 2014年7月25日 18時55分
Frolix 2014年7月25日 19時19分 
+1. I've perfected Chapter 5 simply because I've crashed to desktop four times with this same error you've described. Once while I was walking into the camp!

Still haven't "beaten" it. Very aggrivating.
最近の変更はFrolixが行いました; 2014年7月25日 19時20分
Exia 2014年7月25日 19時39分 
I am getting the same thing too. Once on a bad run, and twice on good runs where I was close to the base. This is INFURIATING. It really sucks that the most frustrating level that I have come across seems unbeatable because the game crashes whenever I seem to be doing well. This needs to be fixed ASAP!
Exia 2014年7月25日 19時47分 
I just read over the specs from Super Spy Raptor. I am also using an NVIDIA GTX 660. Maybe that is related? The rest of my specs are a bit different:

Windows 7
intel i7 3770K ivy bridge quad core
8 GB Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer RAM
Frolix 2014年7月25日 19時51分 
I'm using a GTX 770.
I'm using a GTX 670 / i7 / 16 GB ram, and having the same issue. Much like the OP, this is the first point in the game where I find myself disappointed.
Guys, your specs are pretty irrelevant when it comes to a game like this. I know everyone wants to pull out their PC-Master-Race e-peens and wave them around at the slightest excuse, but really...

This is a pixel art game. The game isn't even using a tiny, tiny fraction of your system's resources. If you played this game on a budget laptop it would run, and crash, exactly the same way.

The issue is almost certainly happening in the game's code, and your specs have nothing to do with it.
最近の変更はtakashi_Kが行いました; 2014年7月26日 0時27分
Noob 2014年7月26日 1時14分 
Thought it was just me or something going on on my computer, because I never had it crash before the desert too.
takashi_K の投稿を引用:
Guys, your specs are pretty irrelevant when it comes to a game like this. I know everyone wants to pull out their PC-Master-Race e-peens and wave them around at the slightest excuse, but really...

This is a pixel art game. The game isn't even using a tiny, tiny fraction of your system's resources. If you played this game on a budget laptop it would run, and crash, exactly the same way.

The issue is almost certainly happening in the game's code, and your specs have nothing to do with it.

I won't speak for anyone else that referenced their specs, but I certainly wasn't trying to gloat about my machine. And I don't think anyone thought it was a matter of their hardware not being powerful enough, either. The sad truth is that sometimes games that aren't demanding can still have trouble running properly with certain hardware configurations.
Fix found, look at main post.
Haha, too bad this fix wasn't known last night when I ended up beating it. Although knowing myself, I probably wouldn't have been able to go through with it.
Super Spy Raptor の投稿を引用:
--------------------------------------------------FIX FOUND!-----------------------------------------------going to your steam/steamapps/common/gods will be watching/chapter 5/ chapter 5 control file and setting the first value to something like 10 and the other values (like water) to 50 or so. The first half is for original difficulty players, the second is for easy players. Just give yourself 50 water and set the map size to 10 and you won't crash and will be able to win the chapter you were cheated out of easily.

Thanks. So much for "If you love us, play on Original." If you loved your customers, release finished games.
最近の変更はFrolixが行いました; 2014年7月26日 8時25分
TeutonicPlague の投稿を引用:
The sad truth is that sometimes games that aren't demanding can still have trouble running properly with certain hardware configurations.

Cases like that are almost always driver issues, which is still a software issue.

My comment was rooted in the ever-annoying tendency of steam gamers to complain that a game is running poorly and then bust out their PC specs, as if that's the end-all-be-all of performance issues.

The majority of performance issues players experience are due to driver problems, the game's engine being poorly coded or poorly optimized, or some combination of the two. Unless you're running really old hardware, your particular configuration shouldn't matter too much.
takashi_K の投稿を引用:
TeutonicPlague の投稿を引用:
The sad truth is that sometimes games that aren't demanding can still have trouble running properly with certain hardware configurations.

Cases like that are almost always driver issues, which is still a software issue.

My comment was rooted in the ever-annoying tendency of steam gamers to complain that a game is running poorly and then bust out their PC specs, as if that's the end-all-be-all of performance issues.

The majority of performance issues players experience are due to driver problems, the game's engine being poorly coded or poorly optimized, or some combination of the two. Unless you're running really old hardware, your particular configuration shouldn't matter too much.

Sometimes, yes. But sometimes developers have been able to help when they know what kind of builds are more prone to having issues with their games.
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投稿日: 2014年7月25日 18時40分
投稿数: 14