Big Questions (Spoilers)
1. What was the relevence of the necronomicon?

2. Is there really going to be an interactive sex scene with Serena and The Dude as one developer said, and like...what would be shown/how would it work if so?

3. Also can someone explain how this game would be multiplayer int he first place? Another developer said one person would play as the corpse and another as the does that work? You just have a black screen for 90% of the game?

4. Serena was obviously not too bright if she thought just torching everything after having a lot of time to think about how to hide her crime. The letter she wrote suggests she's reasonably inteligent...maybe she lost her sanity after she killed him...i guess? Anyone have any better ideas?

5. Does anyone else think a multiplayer and/or a second mode playing as Serena would be a better idea than one person playing as a corpse and staring at a black screen for 90% of the game?!

Please answer listing what number(s) you are answering.

Última edición por Anne Zeno Muffiner; 6 FEB 2014 a las 15:26
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Mostrando 1-8 de 8 comentarios
AgustinCordes  [desarrollador] 6 FEB 2014 a las 18:34 
1. The Necronomicon is relevant to EVERYTHING.

2. There's new information, man: that rug really tied the room together.

3. This could work.

4. You're making a BIG assumption there (still an aspect of the story that many keep missing).

5. Yes, the first player is the armoire.
dogshine 6 FEB 2014 a las 20:16 
Someone should play as the wall clock in multiplayer.
Lucathegreat 7 FEB 2014 a las 0:47 
Publicado originalmente por dogshine:
Someone should play as the wall clock in multiplayer.

"Tick, tick, tick. That's the sound of your life running out."
fred_o88 7 FEB 2014 a las 8:52 
1. No comment.
2. The Dude isn't in this. He's in The Big Lebowski.
3. Are you insinuating it's a bad idea? :(
4. No comment.
5. Are you insinuating it's a bad idea again? :(
Última edición por fred_o88; 7 FEB 2014 a las 8:53
Blasto 8 FEB 2014 a las 10:41 
"There's new information, man: that rug really tied the room together."

This made me laugh.

"3. Also can someone explain how this game would be multiplayer int he first place? Another developer said one person would play as the corpse and another as the does that work? You just have a black screen for 90% of the game?"

10/10 would play
Última edición por Blasto; 8 FEB 2014 a las 10:43
DAJU 12 FEB 2014 a las 7:38 
But i want to play as the pepper shaker...
Stigma 13 MAY 2015 a las 5:17 
The Necronomicon, the cabin in the woods, the pendelum om the clock stopping halfway up.. I'm thinking Evil Dead easter eggs?
whitecrow 30 JUN 2015 a las 13:38 
The Necronomicon was probably just a gag like the Encyclopedia Galactica by Don T. Panic.
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