Hexcells Plus

Hexcells Plus

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Help with Next Logical step on level 31 (screenshot included)
haven't needed help until now. I know I have several areas I can make a good guess at (right 6 vertical with 80% success) but it's still 'guessing'. Can someone help me with my next logical step so I can proceed with this puzzle?

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Berahlen 16. Juli 2020 um 20:57 
First thing that jumps out at me is that one of the diagonal 3s on the left is solvable. Not sure if that'll give anything useful when you fill it in though, looking for more.

EDIT: actually yes it does give you more from there.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Berahlen; 16. Juli 2020 um 21:02
sir_real 16. Juli 2020 um 21:41 

thank you for the quick comment. I'm not seeing that solution either. I'll explain what I'm seeing then you can see the flaw in my logic. (omitting bottom 3 diag as it's complete)

Top 3 diag:
Not guaranteed for upper left section because of the top of the triad
Not guaranteed for middle left section because the "2 pair" could fit in the 7 diag below it

3rd '3 Diag':
This can't work because
OMG EUREKA MOMENT. How did I miss that?!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von sir_real; 16. Juli 2020 um 21:44
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