Jones On Fire

Jones On Fire

Näytä tilastot:
Returning to this game after a long break and I've absolutely no idea what the controls are >.< Mouse seems to sometimes jump and sometimes slide. Help appreciated - it would've been a long time since I did the tutorial and button mashing in the middle of a mission is panic inducing!
Alkuperäinen julkaisija: megalomanium:
It's up arrow / down arrow, or at least that's what I always use. The mouse is using click regions, where one side of the screen is jump and the other is slide. You can also control it that way, if you prefer.
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Tämän sovelluksen kehittäjä on merkinnyt tämän julkaisun vastaavan alkuperäiseen aiheeseen.
megalomanium  [kehittäjä] 10.9.2020 klo 16.00 
It's up arrow / down arrow, or at least that's what I always use. The mouse is using click regions, where one side of the screen is jump and the other is slide. You can also control it that way, if you prefer.
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I WAS HAVING THE EXACT SAME ISSUE!!! I've spent the last twenty minutes dinking around with the game thinking, "Maybe it's me? It's gotta be me. There's no way this is something other people can't freaking figure out." BLESS YOU!!!
megalomanium  [kehittäjä] 6.1.2023 klo 14.46 
Happy to help!
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