The Path
This is a funny glitch
I just found a tree (one marked with an "X" by the woodcutter) that thinks it's a bouquet of flowers. I am still trying ti find the last five coin flowers and I thought I'd found one hidden behind a tree near the campsite. So Ginger picks it (139), then she picks it again (140), and again and again (141, 142, 143, 144) and then again (145, 146, 147...) When I looked at my items I was still 5 flowers short so, ho hum, I guess I'm still looking. The map is a bit glitchy too - landmarks not being where they should be then reappearing when I double back - so I went away for a while and came back to the campsite to see if the flower actually appeared. No, but the glitch was alive and well! I got to 155 flowers before I got bored. ;-)
Дата создания: 16 янв в 3:35
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