The Path
The Path could've been survival horror?
Watching a commentary on this game I've learned that apparently the game's forest would've been more linear, and most importantly, that the game would've been a survival horror game, rather the just atmosphere horror with no real gameplay danger in the woods. I'm not saying that it would've been better or anything (even though I'm not really a fan of slow walking games) but I do wanna know how many people would like to see the story of Red Riding Hood be reinterpreted into a horror survival game, with The Path's theme and atmosphere.
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I like the The Path the wah it is. I don't know if I'd like it better if it was a survival horror.
Messaggio originale di O Trovador:
I like the The Path the wah it is. I don't know if I'd like it better if it was a survival horror.
Yeah I understand that, and it's great (though not much for me), but I guess this post was more about if people would've liked to see the story of RRH interpreted as a survival horror with The Path's storytelling.
You could do that, and maybe it would be fun, but it would be a *completely* different game, even if you use the same atmosphere/setting. It wouldn't be the same storytelling. The storytelling here is about the process of growing up and maturing. The storytelling of a survival game is.... to survive? lol. Anyway, this game primarily is philosophical, survival games are the opposite.
Could still be fun though. :)
Messaggio originale di msb:
You could do that, and maybe it would be fun, but it would be a *completely* different game, even if you use the same atmosphere/setting. It wouldn't be the same storytelling. The storytelling here is about the process of growing up and maturing. The storytelling of a survival game is.... to survive? lol. Anyway, this game primarily is philosophical, survival games are the opposite.
Could still be fun though. :)
no when I said "survival horror" I was talking about the gameplay, the same story of maturing could still be told, it's just that the gameplay would be more different than just running around with no real gameplay danger. You can still tell psychological story with a survival horror (doesn't Silent Hill series do that anyway? Dunno I'm not familiar with SH series).
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