Age of Water

Age of Water

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AlvanTolk  [developer] May 3 @ 4:22am
  • The number of medallions that can be obtained for participating in the mission “Mangrove Pearl Mining” has been increased by 50%.
  • Fixed a bug when some technologies at the base did not complete and continued to research. Just click on the research icon again if you have this issue from before the update.
  • Changed the required number of items to craft some pumps, motors, generators, exhaust pipes and air ducts.
  • Wooden Box and a Box with Instruments can now be disassembled to get resources
  • Now you can find “Rags” in loot more often.
  • Locations “Big snake” and some quest markers are added to both map and mini-map.
  • Removed annoying message about craft completion at the base.
  • Fixed some animations and character models.
  • Fixed bug allowing technical work message to double.
  • Fixed bug making some quest boats to not appear at designed spawn point.
  • Fixed bug causing manual pump to operate without crew member appointed.
  • Fixed an issue where players could receive extra items after boarding ships.
  • Fixed animation of movement aboard “Master Tuck” raft.
  • Fixed some dialogue text errors.
  • Fixed bug causing player lost cargo chest to be stuck in a building.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect quality of items to be obtained after completing crafting.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to rare cases of player progress rollback.
  • Fixed research time for some base technologies at Level 5.
  • Fixed incorrect rolling of starter mast with camera movement.
Last edited by AlvanTolk; May 3 @ 4:22am
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
lnomsim May 3 @ 5:03am 
Thanks for the patch note. :steamthumbsup:
Lyzerz May 3 @ 5:06am 
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
  • Fixed an issue where players could receive extra items after boarding ships.
You've overdone it.
Now the parts are falling much worse than before the error occurred, which almost completely kills the point of boarding even with all the skills learned for additional items from Alter Ego and the other three crew members (Twins and African)
AlvanTolk  [developer] May 3 @ 5:26am 
Originally posted by Lyzerz:
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
  • Fixed an issue where players could receive extra items after boarding ships.
You've overdone it.
Now the parts are falling much worse than before the error occurred, which almost completely kills the point of boarding even with all the skills learned for additional items from Alter Ego and the other three crew members (Twins and African)
Well, actually at some point the probability factor broke off completely and became 100%, so now it was just fixed to the default values. We will keep analyzing the stats.
Ryuu May 3 @ 5:57am 
Thanks for the update and the patchnotes!

I understand it's not a priority, but it seems at least some owners of the gold edition only have the regular crew skins despite the upgraded skills. That's regular skins in the screenshot, right? I remember seeing them in the demo, so it must be regular, and probably it's even because i've played the demo before.
Also an ability to switch between those skins at will would be nice.

Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Well, actually at some point the probability factor broke off completely and became 100%, so now it was just fixed to the default values. We will keep analyzing the stats.
You should extremely carefully relay such changes to the community to avoid misjudgements. Now it sounds better, but it's not in the original text, and many would not see your comment because it's only posted on the forum.
Last edited by Ryuu; May 3 @ 6:06am
Hello, I urgently need help from an admin. Yesterday I had a bug in the shipyard where my inflatable boat and my vigilant ship were in the same shipyard. I couldn't get either ship out. I later turned off the game in the hope that the problem would be resolved after restarting the server. But no, it got worse, my game status has now been deleted when I wanted to repair the game. Now my request, I would like to have my old save from May 2nd, 2024. It would be nice if anyone could help me.
Zlodey May 3 @ 6:28am 
Originally posted by Ryuu:
Thanks for the update and the patchnotes!

I understand it's not a priority, but it seems at least some owners of the gold edition only have the regular crew skins despite the upgraded skills. That's regular skins in the screenshot, right? I remember seeing them in the demo, so it must be regular, and probably it's even because i've played the demo before.
Also an ability to switch between those skins at will would be nice.

Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Well, actually at some point the probability factor broke off completely and became 100%, so now it was just fixed to the default values. We will keep analyzing the stats.
You should extremely carefully relay such changes to the community to avoid misjudgements. Now it sounds better, but it's not in the original text, and many would not see your comment because it's only posted on the forum.

I have Gold edition and my crew have regular skins. Gold edition skins not applied.
I'm continued game after with free demo save.

Кстати, уважаемые разработчики, когда вы звук-то почините, чтобы был не только стерео?
Last edited by Zlodey; May 3 @ 6:29am
FI3RR0 May 3 @ 7:04am 
"Fixed an issue where players could receive extra items after boarding ships"

boarding ships for the loot isn't even worth it anymore unless you need the hull blueprint. the loot we used to get gave me a slimmer of hope that i could get and consistently maintain t3/t4 items on my ship. the loot obtained from boarding ships now doesn't justify the repair costs for the dmg taken during the board attempts.

i'll have to go back to using T2/low-end T3 items on my ship now because i can't afford the repair costs and i'll be 95 years old before i can craft enough weapon parts for better weapons that is if i ever get enough materials to craft the needed amount. thank you.
Last edited by FI3RR0; May 3 @ 7:07am
Digfig May 3 @ 7:35am 
Is there any plans to add a respec option to the game? after 107 hours in and wanting to fix mistakes made early game with skill points. It seems incredibly painful to start over just to fix a few wasted points.
AlvanTolk  [developer] May 3 @ 8:31am 
Originally posted by Arischock:
Hello, I urgently need help from an admin. Yesterday I had a bug in the shipyard where my inflatable boat and my vigilant ship were in the same shipyard. I couldn't get either ship out. I later turned off the game in the hope that the problem would be resolved after restarting the server. But no, it got worse, my game status has now been deleted when I wanted to repair the game. Now my request, I would like to have my old save from May 2nd, 2024. It would be nice if anyone could help me.
You need to send ingame report with a log (Esc menu) for assistance
AlvanTolk  [developer] May 3 @ 8:31am 
Originally posted by Digfig:
Is there any plans to add a respec option to the game? after 107 hours in and wanting to fix mistakes made early game with skill points. It seems incredibly painful to start over just to fix a few wasted points.
Sure, it is on the list of QoL for future fixes
Zlodey May 3 @ 8:54am 
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Originally posted by Digfig:
Is there any plans to add a respec option to the game? after 107 hours in and wanting to fix mistakes made early game with skill points. It seems incredibly painful to start over just to fix a few wasted points.
Sure, it is on the list of QoL for future fixes

А многоканальный звук - есть в этом списке? Я от вас не отстану - я люблю стримить на Ютубе со звуком 5.1 :)
AlvanTolk  [developer] May 3 @ 9:11am 
Originally posted by Zlodey:
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Sure, it is on the list of QoL for future fixes

А многоканальный звук - есть в этом списке? Я от вас не отстану - я люблю стримить на Ютубе со звуком 5.1 :)
Вот честно - даже не знаю :)
Ryuu May 3 @ 1:13pm 
Originally posted by Zlodey:
I have Gold edition and my crew have regular skins. Gold edition skins not applied.
I'm continued game after with free demo save.
BTW i've reset my progress before starting the full game, and even did it a few times later — so it does not change anything, the regular crew skins remain.
And this question was never answered yet in any threads, though i can understand it not being important, i just want to know if the issue is known and is gonna be fixed someday.
Leonid May 3 @ 2:06pm 
Квест Ордена завис после обновления. "Огнём и мечом", после завершения его не сдать, нет выбора ответа.
Zlodey May 3 @ 3:53pm 
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Originally posted by Zlodey:

А многоканальный звук - есть в этом списке? Я от вас не отстану - я люблю стримить на Ютубе со звуком 5.1 :)
Вот честно - даже не знаю :)

Узнавайте - ведь в Unity с FMOD он доступен из коробки. Если что - есть варианты со Steam Audio. 2024 год на дворе, это непорядок, если доступен только стереозвук.
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
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Date Posted: May 3 @ 4:22am
Posts: 28