Age of Water

Age of Water

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there are some quests i think its 3 where a crew member jump on ypur boat and u need to finish the quest before they leave...finish the quest is totaly useless because there are no more follow quests and bad reward and its a deep impackt if u decide to keep them on your boat....pls fix this broken stuff fast
Last edited by Amnezia; May 12 @ 1:40pm
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
WakWak May 12 @ 12:37pm 
Try to rejoin the world, sometimes quests don't update, or don't recognize you anymore.
Sonido May 12 @ 12:39pm 
Originally posted by WakWak:
Try to rejoin the world, sometimes quests don't update, or don't recognize you anymore.
he meant its abused to have 10 active weapons ;)
Amnezia May 12 @ 12:57pm 
yeah i mean u can have 8 normal crew members....but + 3 from quests and if u dont finish the quest u got 11 crew members this is totaly a game changer and they rly need to patch this because of pvp and the total balance
Amnezia May 12 @ 1:08pm 
ppl who know this from the beta will abuse this and have a huge advantage in pvp and pve so u guys rly need to fix this broken extra crew member quests
Originally posted by Sonido:
Originally posted by WakWak:
Try to rejoin the world, sometimes quests don't update, or don't recognize you anymore.
he meant its abused to have 10 active weapons ;)
This is true but they can only recycle craft and repair, they will not man guns, however having 3 extra crew repairing your ship on pvp is a huge advantage, I have one of the twins on my vessel currently and have for about a week I had Diogenes as a member of my crew for a while too
Last edited by A Wild Shrew; May 12 @ 2:08pm
Amnezia May 12 @ 2:10pm 
Originally posted by A Wild Shrew:
Originally posted by Sonido:
he meant its abused to have 10 active weapons ;)
This is true but they can only recycle craft and repair, they will not man guns, however having 3 extra crew repairing your ship on pvp is a huge advantage, I have one of the twins as a on my vessel currently and have for about a week I had Diogenes as a member of my crew for a while too
my extra crew members man all guns u just cant set them but if u press fire and got a empty weapon they will use it at least its a crazy advantage and they rly need to fix it
Originally posted by Amnezia:
Originally posted by A Wild Shrew:
This is true but they can only recycle craft and repair, they will not man guns, however having 3 extra crew repairing your ship on pvp is a huge advantage, I have one of the twins as a on my vessel currently and have for about a week I had Diogenes as a member of my crew for a while too
my extra crew members man all guns u just cant set them but if u press fire and got a empty weapon they will use it at least its a crazy advantage and they rly need to fix it
Admittedly I haven't tried that but that feels a bit abusive, I just keep them there to speed up recycling while wave farming so I have to return to 3 whales less
It does however feel semi intentional as they have their own thumbnail on the crafting screen I just figured that as they aren't in the options to assign weapons they weren't able to man them
Last edited by A Wild Shrew; May 12 @ 2:16pm
Ryuu May 12 @ 2:36pm 
But at least they got no bonuses for weapons and neither for repairs? Not that it makes them balanced of course
Would be fine if all the could do is sort, i guess
HeHe, but you don't like the fact that some people can choose between progress and the number of crew. Yes, I have 11 crew members, but 2 are people from T3 Base missions, which blocks further development, Ryu comes from the radio tower mission (I don't think that completing this mission would bring anything to the game). But if it hurts you so much :P this is a simple, annoying solution... After each relog, these tasks are renewed and you have to pick up the crew again from the starting point of the task, there should be no problem with such a trick and it would be effective in limiting abuses as you call them.
Originally posted by A Wild Shrew:
Originally posted by Sonido:
he meant its abused to have 10 active weapons ;)
This is true but they can only recycle craft and repair, they will not man guns, however having 3 extra crew repairing your ship on pvp is a huge advantage, I have one of the twins on my vessel currently and have for about a week I had Diogenes as a member of my crew for a while too

They will absolutely man the guns, you just can't assign them specific guns, and they have no bonuses to gun use.
Sonido May 13 @ 12:02am 
whatever extra cannons with no bonuses are still advantage
Xitami May 13 @ 12:47am 
Originally posted by Ryuu:
But at least they got no bonuses for weapons

Correct, but if you have 10 crew on the guns and you happen to have a full set of T4 cannons, then even un-skilled crew works out just fine because of the insane knockback effect T4/T5 cannons have. I keep running into a few dudes in decked out Burdocks who use it on Caravan to annoyingly great effect (because they will just capsize your ass with the rapid fire whammabambambam knocked over ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D)
That seems totally broken, i didnt even notice them. They shouldnt be able to do anyhing on the ship except eat and drink.
Ryuu May 13 @ 4:45am 
Originally posted by Neyreyan_Youtube:
That seems totally broken, i didnt even notice them. They shouldnt be able to do anyhing on the ship except eat and drink.
What about pooping? :hee:

And not even sorting?
Well, we have 12 crew members, more cannot be shown on the screen, but I suspect that I will find one more, although 11 guns only work in PvP and PVE, the energy runs out too quickly.
Last edited by Włóczykij; May 15 @ 1:56am
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Date Posted: May 12 @ 12:35pm
Posts: 25