Age of Water

Age of Water

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Is this a gankbox?
Or can I get people who hate full loot PVP to come play this with me?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
AlvanTolk  [developer] Feb 8 @ 9:35pm 
Yes, PVP is really really optional and all content can be obtain without it
Stryker Feb 8 @ 10:07pm 
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Yes, PVP is really really optional and all content can be obtain without it
Oh nice! :D
Viator Feb 12 @ 11:01am 
Honestly I remember every PvP event in testing being over looked because no one wanted to lose their stuff and have to go allll the way back to get it again.

It's very much so optional; and for the best. It's not actually that fun to have a 76mm just hole your ship because you can't even see him over the waves lol.
XIKRILI Mar 26 @ 9:42am 
from experience in the cbt's the pvp is totally optional depending on what faction you choose, if you attend a pvp event or transfering to pvp map. You did not have to go back and retrieve your stuff under pvp flag it remains on with your ship on respawn. Their was lots of ppl who did the events and tested out pvp mechanics
Last edited by XIKRILI; Mar 26 @ 9:42am
Ashar Apr 1 @ 6:12am 
how does it work then, do you have to flag yourself to pvp, i get its optional, but that doesnt explain how it works, just want to make sure noone else can attack me if i dont want them to.
Last edited by Ashar; Apr 1 @ 6:13am
Ydyp Apr 3 @ 1:49am 
Originally posted by Ashar:
how does it work then, do you have to flag yourself to pvp, i get its optional, but that doesnt explain how it works, just want to make sure noone else can attack me if i dont want them to.
From the few bits I could find on these forums it seems to some events that flag an area as PvP with ample of warning to stay clear of the zone if you don't want to participate in it. So as long as you are not in that zone or a pvp server you will not be flagged for PvP and you can't be attacked by another player (even if he is flagged for PvP).
I hope more info will be released, like how the PvP will work or how to avoid PvP (like collision detection and damage from collision if not in PvP mode), and if there's enough other content besides bullying each other.
Also no details about character creation and customization, which is a huge part in making some people invested in a game. Ships are nice, but the character and companions are more important.

And if there are ways to play together with real world family and friends? Because Ubisoft had none in their sailing game, for them "friends" meant the randoms you were placed with in their 20 player session instanced servers.

The game seems fun, seen a youtube vid about the demo or whatever it was, so will keep an eye on this.
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Date Posted: Feb 8 @ 6:57pm
Posts: 7