Age of Water

Age of Water

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Underwater Exploration?
Does this game have Underwater Exploration like Sunkenland and Subnautica?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
AlvanTolk  [developer] Jan 6 @ 8:03pm 
Well, it has some degree of underwater activities, but most of the game happens above the waterline ")
DRUIDER Jan 8 @ 7:28am 
I would also love realistic underwater challenges, with water pressure, darkness etc.
Jibbster Jan 31 @ 1:13am 
adding mini subs or diving bells alongside diving suits etc would be great to set it apart from Sunkenland...just seen a yellow mini sub in the new trailer and Airships...take my money now!
Last edited by Jibbster; Jan 31 @ 1:18am
Just to clarify for those who weren't in the beta; there is no underwater content in this game. The yellow submarine pictured is most likely an NPC you interact with for a quest.
There were some bugs that allowed players ships to submerge but this was unintentional, there is no content under the water.
Gameplay consists of killing NPCs on top of the water, in the air, or emplacements on land, you cannot leave your ship except when interacting with a dock and that's just to view an NPC screen for dialogue.
You can 'dredge' from pools in the open world, essentially dropping a crane into the water to get loot.
Your main goals are completing the story to unlock extra crew for your ship, grinding materials to level up your base, taking over NPC boats to add to your collection, and crafting weapons, and structures to place on your boat.
PvP consisted of two different open world events that you join into, including a convoy of attack vs defense, and a pearl event where you compete to loot an item in an area and escape with it.
And open world PvP where you select a faction and players of other factions become hostile, but does make you allied with the NPCs of that faction in the open world.
I'm not sure what content if any has been added since the last beta.
Viator Feb 2 @ 10:49am 
There is a sonar minigame of sorts to locate wrecks/resource caches underwater and recover them.

You do not your self, go underwater. Think of combat like Crossout, but well, boats. <Well I guess later ships. I never got far enough to have a full blown ship, but as far as I can tell they definitely exist.>

Competition for the rarer resources is a thing, racing from spots when they spawn was a thing in Beta, but that might be more a product of alot of players in a single shared server for testing.
Captain Feb 8 @ 3:26am 
Originally posted by AlvanTolk:
Well, it has some degree of underwater activities, but most of the game happens above the waterline ")
Please add underwater exploration with lots of different sea animals
QQ Mar 11 @ 11:00am 
@devs Please ignore people that is requesting underwater exploration... If they want that, they can play those games. Maybe a few years from now it can be a goal but focus on what the game is now but just add more gun types and options of auto targeting gunners you can improve.
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Date Posted: Jan 4 @ 2:26am
Posts: 7