Age of Water

Age of Water

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Mycool Dec 31, 2023 @ 1:45pm
There are pay to win aspects of the game!
Are there pay to win aspects of the game?
Last edited by Mycool; Jan 4 @ 8:26am
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Mycool Dec 31, 2023 @ 2:13pm 
Have the ones from beta been removed?
One single purchase is enough to play the game and make to the final battle and beyond.
Mycool Jan 2 @ 7:08am 
For those wondering. The game was in a pay 2 win state at the last beta. I already bought access to the game to find that out before but was hoping it changed. I will update this once the game comes out to verify it is still pay 2 win.

TLDR: This game is pay 2 win.
knolle Jan 2 @ 11:18am 
Originally posted by Mycool:
For those wondering. The game was in a pay 2 win state at the last beta. I already bought access to the game to find that out before but was hoping it changed. I will update this once the game comes out to verify it is still pay 2 win.

TLDR: This game is pay 2 win.
I had the game in my discovery queue today and saw your post. Can you describe a bit more why you think the game is p2w?
Originally posted by knolle:
I had the game in my discovery queue today and saw your post. Can you describe a bit more why you think the game is p2w?
Never got the chance to actually play it, since I found out a bit too late about the CBT. But I've watched a few hours of game play footage.
I've got no clue what that guy is talking about 'Pay to win'.
For starters, it's a PvE focused game. If a player has to kick in extra cash to beat AI opponents, that player needs to re-examine their playing habits / strategies.

That said...
I could easily see where they'd introduce perk-packs that'd speed up 'the grind'.
So... 'Pay to go faster', sure. But that's pretty common these days.
But, 'pay to win'... nah.
At least, not at launch.

If this game launches well enough to survive and evolve, it wouldn't surprise me to see the late game shifting towards PvP.
And I've got a recent bad experience with a different Gaijin published game that is purely PvP, so I'm cautious.
But Gaijin is just the publisher, and this is a different dev studio... so I'm also optimistic.

Put me down as cautiously optimistic :steammocking:
Last edited by AugustusTirion; Jan 3 @ 11:05am
knolle Jan 3 @ 12:15pm 
Originally posted by AugustusTirion:
Originally posted by knolle:
I had the game in my discovery queue today and saw your post. Can you describe a bit more why you think the game is p2w?
Never got the chance to actually play it, since I found out a bit too late about the CBT. But I've watched a few hours of game play footage.
I've got no clue what that guy is talking about 'Pay to win'.
For starters, it's a PvE focused game. If a player has to kick in extra cash to beat AI opponents, that player needs to re-examine their playing habits / strategies.

That said...
I could easily see where they'd introduce perk-packs that'd speed up 'the grind'.
So... 'Pay to go faster', sure. But that's pretty common these days.
But, 'pay to win'... nah.
At least, not at launch.

If this game launches well enough to survive and evolve, it wouldn't surprise me to see the late game shifting towards PvP.
And I've got a recent bad experience with a different Gaijin published game that is purely PvP, so I'm cautious.
But Gaijin is just the publisher, and this is a different dev studio... so I'm also optimistic.

Put me down as cautiously optimistic :steammocking:
Thank you very much for your explanation. The shop page looks interesting and appealing and your explanation helps to categorise it a little. I haven't done much research yet, but I've put the game on the follow list.

Nobody likes "pay to win" but I don't see "pay to progress faster" as a problem. If it helps developers to generate some money, so be it. Let's see how it develops :)
Mycool Jan 3 @ 2:33pm 
Originally posted by knolle:
Originally posted by Mycool:
For those wondering. The game was in a pay 2 win state at the last beta. I already bought access to the game to find that out before but was hoping it changed. I will update this once the game comes out to verify it is still pay 2 win.

TLDR: This game is pay 2 win.

I had the game in my discovery queue today and saw your post. Can you describe a bit more why you think the game is p2w?

Unlike AugustusTirion I played the beta.

After playing for a few hours you will realize that there is a resource that you need in order to advance that is very scarce and even contested via griefing but don't you worry. You can buy it in the RMT shop.

It is deep enough in the game where you will more than likely be out of the refund window when you realize it is in the game.

I bought the game to get into beta so I will verify this system is still in the game on release and update this post accordingly.
AugustusTirion Jan 4 @ 12:03am 
Originally posted by Mycool:
Unlike AugustusTirion I played the beta.
And I've been playing MORPGs since the very first one, Meridian 59, launched back in '96.
Experience makes if fairly easy for me to watch a few hours of gameplay footage and 'fill in the blanks' with what I've learned over the decades.
Originally posted by Mycool:
After playing for a few hours you will realize that there is a resource that you need in order to advance that is very scarce and even contested via griefing but don't you worry. You can buy it in the RMT shop.
Of course resources are limited. They have to be.
Because, if they're not the games economy floods and the market crashes.
And, obviously, people will be competing over those limited resources.
This is all standard stuff for MORPGs and has been for nearly 3 decades.

If the only way to get those resources was the games cash store, sure, that'd be 'P2W'.
But you can get those resources yourself through farming (dredging) or trading on the players market (not sure if that made it into the beta, but I'm pretty sure it's planned for release).
So, buying those resources in a cash shop is just 'pay for a shortcut'.

If this model is uncomfortable for you, I suggest you avoid MORPGs in general. Because most of them work like this.
Maybe try online combat sims. WoT or WoWS, for example.
Mycool Jan 4 @ 7:11am 
Originally posted by AugustusTirion:
Originally posted by Mycool:
Unlike AugustusTirion I played the beta.
And I've been playing MORPGs since the very first one, Meridian 59, launched back in '96.
Experience makes if fairly easy for me to watch a few hours of gameplay footage and 'fill in the blanks' with what I've learned over the decades.
Originally posted by Mycool:
After playing for a few hours you will realize that there is a resource that you need in order to advance that is very scarce and even contested via griefing but don't you worry. You can buy it in the RMT shop.
Of course resources are limited. They have to be.
Because, if they're not the games economy floods and the market crashes.
And, obviously, people will be competing over those limited resources.
This is all standard stuff for MORPGs and has been for nearly 3 decades.

If the only way to get those resources was the games cash store, sure, that'd be 'P2W'.
But you can get those resources yourself through farming (dredging) or trading on the players market (not sure if that made it into the beta, but I'm pretty sure it's planned for release).
So, buying those resources in a cash shop is just 'pay for a shortcut'.

If this model is uncomfortable for you, I suggest you avoid MORPGs in general. Because most of them work like this.
Maybe try online combat sims. WoT or WoWS, for example.
Lol ok buddy. Good for you and your GREAT and VAST MMORPG experience.

I hope you enjoy it but my opinion is this game is P2W.

You can disagree all ya want but it doesn't change the facts.

Thanks for the unsolicited suggestions on how I should spend my time.

Best of luck to you!

TLDR: Game still p2w
If you don't like something, then don't play. Or make yourself a game that you like and give it away for free, without subscribing or buying resources. I didn't notice anything related to p2w in the last test, I quickly reached the t5 boat without buying resources. There were much more problems to raise the captain's level to the right level.
Mycool Jan 4 @ 8:20am 
I am letting other people know before they commit that there were and more than likely still are P2W aspects of the game.
Oh no you can buy materials early in game if you want its so broken oh wait still have to research them unlocks which last time I looked took hours to complete some a full day then have to grind your captain up to the tier to be able to get boat hull you want to use along with all his other skills yup sure is broken. buying materials and still having to wait on all other things is yes pay 2 win but only gets you the materials it does not get to ahead of all other players still going to be waiting and grinding just gets to ahead players material wise...

Honestly too me I don't see how its pay 2 win now if you could buy a god tier gun and nuke people yea to me that's pay to win but your still having to grind and put in the time.
i played all CBT's, you will get to a point where you have to drop off extra resources at your base, so I never needed the "pay options". They were added at last test. Also keep in mind most of items you need you can just scavenge, so saying you NEED to buy its not true. You also have time to go back if you lose your stuff, it marks on map, so again buying not really needed. The only time I can see where you might have issues if just upgrade to better boat or some parts (like metal armor) until you get right area it will harder to get drops from npcs but again scavenge in right areas your good.
AlvanTolk  [developer] Jan 6 @ 11:01am 
Hi, no, the game was changed since early tests to regular pay to play game. You buy it once and you play it to the end.
AlvanTolk  [developer] Jan 6 @ 11:16am 
Attention! There will be one notable change from the summer CBT: we do not plan to sell any progress boosters or in-game resources for real money. Hopefully this clarifies the questions discussed in this thread.
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Date Posted: Dec 31, 2023 @ 1:45pm
Posts: 37