Descent from Arkov's tower - prologue

Descent from Arkov's tower - prologue

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Some feedback
Cool game.
- One javelin as permanent item seems a bit too slim. At least give 3 or 5.
- Clicking on website in extras freezes the game as it loose focus. Need alt-tab to get back into the game. The site does not work BTW.
- In inventory and at trader at any items' menu cancel not closes the menu and goes back to inventory but quits the whole inventory/trade.
- Rotten apples have the same name in inventory as the good ones This and the fact that items sorted by quantity can cause stupid errors if used in a rush :summerskull:
- Suggestion: Rotten apples should be a russian roulette, random decided damage or heal.
- Difficulty settings should be after clicking play and not in settings.
- Vokra's quest giving should be more obvious.
- In godmode I still get way too much damage. :lunar2019grinningpig:
- Shop: 'PERMANENT ITEMS' (german seems ok)
Last edited by nyenye; Mar 26 @ 11:51am
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
saturn91gamedev  [developer] Mar 27 @ 11:14am 
Hello :D

Thank you so much for your feedback, it is very much appreciated!
1. You are right about that! I think I will increase this... will think about the amount but 1 is not that much :D
2. The website is currently down... Have to talk with the responsible people. Thank you for pointing it out. Regarding the Fullscreen to Browser transfer (you had to use Alt-Tab) Would you mind sharing your OS+ version (e.g. win 10) because on my end this works. I can not reproduce... I am thinking that maybe it would help to windowify the game when someone clicks a link and then when the window is back in focus, set it to fullscreen again... Not sure yet. But again, thank you for pointing this out, I will investigate this today.
3. I think I just reproduced the error you are describing with the inventory: open inventory, open dropdown (all using either controller or keyboard) and then do cancel the dropdown with the "menu" button (e.g. `C` on Keyboard or `B` on Controller). Expected Dropdown closes, actual: whole Menu closes -> this goes on my list ;-) Thank you for spotting the issue
4. Hehe :D Love the russion rulette idea unfurtionally there will be a character (which is not yet public) which can only eat rotten apples and therefore the behaviour has to be consistent.
5. Difficulty Settings -> will concider that! Thank you for the suggestion. Have to think about the best way to integrate that in the UI.
6. Vokras Quest: might add an Exclamationmark behind the Dialog option! :D
7. Well in godmode you don't die even if your health reaches 0, it just gets filled up again you cheater :D. (Cheating is encouraged in this game, congrats on finding the mod manager)
8. Translation thx for pointing that out ;-) will imeplement in a future patch!
nyenye Apr 23 @ 10:15am 
- Could not figure out what the Sir Cuttlery upgrade was, especially the culinary part.
- The rogue's 'sprite' is a bit uhm. . .suggestive. Or it's just me. . .
- I don't think the rogue can make that 3rd boss fight. Not tried it but my warrior barely made it.
- Those yellow snake thingies (2nd area) hit a bit way too hard.
saturn91gamedev  [developer] May 1 @ 1:23am 
Sorry late response! Just check the community hub.

- Sir cutlery will increase your base armor. Somthing which should be seen in an increase of your stats in the bottom left of the screen ;-).
- Not sure what you mean :D so maybe just you, if more people mention this, I might adjust
- I made it several time :D. Its a roguelike, it has to be hard - hard to balance for everyone, I hope that answer is not to harsh. That is not what I mean with that!

Thanks to your feedback I implemented the following in the last Update
- dialog options with actions (basically quests) are no marked with an exclamation mark
nyenye May 3 @ 11:33am 
- The vampire is far-far the hardest i quit at the goblin boss after 6 deaths. Weak, poor hitrate, small life, worst dodge. A basic goblin can 1-hit-kill him. Very few healing items for him and top of that all the precious rotten apples go back to normal after death.
- Poisons show positive life in inventory, unlike rotten apples.
- When quit game i had an exception screen:

logger/Log.lua:92: invalid value (boolean) at index 172 in table for 'concat'


[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler'
[C]: in function 'concat'
logger/Log.lua:92: in function 'saveLog'
logger/Log.lua:67: in function 'gatherErrorData'
logger/ErrorModule.lua:15: in function 'runCatchedFunction'
main.lua:138: in function 'update'
[love "callbacks.lua"]:162: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
saturn91gamedev  [developer] May 4 @ 9:00am 
Oh dear!!

But you get to be quite the qualilty assurance player here! This is really helpfull!
1. Tbh I have to think about how I can better balance the Vampire...
2. Yes I am aware of the apple turns back to normal after death bug will fix soon
3. error on quitting -> this is actually a follow up error where my error handling is failing, this is really bad, I will try to improve this! If this happens next time - Could you try to get the Log.log file within: "...\AppData\Roaming\arkovsTower" (on windows)

I can not thank you enough! First for playing my game with that much dedication, second for reporting all these bugs! I really appreciate that.

Would you feel honored by a "special thanks" entry in the credits, I would use "nyenye" as a reference?
nyenye May 4 @ 10:35am 
I does not updated the log.log with my vampire run. It still has my last warrior data in it.
saturn91gamedev  [developer] May 4 @ 1:30pm 
Ok, thank you, I will look into it
saturn91gamedev  [developer] May 6 @ 9:39am 
I think I found the error, there was an issue if certain data was logged... thank you for reporting! This should be fixed with the next patch
saturn91gamedev  [developer] May 11 @ 4:45am 
Hey ;-)

I just released Patch 1.0.31

it fixes some of the issues you mentioned
- the issues you had when closing the game
- the saving of items states (rotten apple)

I am still investigating how to balance the vampire better. You are totally right, the later levels are to hard and getting oneshot by a Snake or Sword Goblin is no fun...

Currently I think I will increase the health it starts with to evtl. 9 or even 10, then to counter act the earlier stages of the game which then might get a little to easy, I might let bats attack undead creature (e.g. the vampire) without the armor (basically ignoring the players armor stats).
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