Treasure Adventure World

Treasure Adventure World

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Robit Games  [developer] Feb 13, 2018 @ 6:18am
Version: 1.05 - Patch Notes
This thread contains patch notes for each version post 1.0.

Version: 1.05 - February 27th
In NewGame+ Chests with items you already have will contain coins.
Changed the way TV functions to prevent crashing (also removed TV related achievement)
Fixed various typos
Added name to credits
Changed underwater camera in treasure locations
Fixed bug with King Boone on Jatko Island
Chapter and Page text now pulled from Dialog file
Lava pools in solfor prevent player from sequence breaking
Adjusted platform sensor in Daunasal Rooftops
Fixed bug - crawling when entering defensive mode caused player to run slow
Fixed bug - down stabbing on cloud platforms
Fixed bug - downstabbing when jumping into drill bot didn't turn off downstab mode
Fixed bug - crystal cave barrel platforms get out of sync
Lepidus NPC ? marker disappears after finding Treasure 11
Updated menu description for Mushroom Cap Hat
Add ? marker to Andrew NPCs
Adjusted solid sensors in AngelOak tree to to prevent clipping when entering Hat Store secret area
Added ring to Tenerife Temple 2 to prevent playing from getting stuck
Enemy bees freeze during dialog
Chests bounce of edge of screen to avoid missing them underwater
Fixed diving/surfacing glitch on Kingstree Overworld
Added dragonfly critters to Kignstree and Zwaan Overworlds
Player is no longer frozen during sequence when getting Hook for the first time
Fixed bug - Sprites not appearing at Grandpa Rondeau’s camp site

Version: 1.04 - February 10th
Fixed bug - music cache wasn't unloading
Added Steam Controller option in control menu
Replaced dialog Text object
Changed how textures are unloaded at end of scene
Changed elevator code to prevent glitching

Version: 1.03 - February 8th
Added controller mapping for German and French X-box controllers
Fixed bug - Carrying an item when going into "defensive" animation causes player to stay stuck in Carry-mode
Turned off WindSpell in final boss, cutscenes and flashbacks
Attempted to mitigate bug where TVs cause game to crash
Fixed bug: Mushroom baddies keep respawning higher and higher
Fixed bug: Volume level for video player 2
Inventory menu zooms in depending on resolution
Fixed crash at the end of Psaul's Dream Sequence

Version: 1.02 - February 7th
Fixed bug - defeat beevil with magic bottle - doors don't open
Send usage data disabled by default
Fixed code to mitigate crashing when changing tv channels
Fixed bug - crown not visible at night

Version: 1.01 - February 6th
Fixed various typos
Fixed bug - activating flashlight with shortcut key in narrow passages causes player to clip through solids
Fixed bug - hooks act twitchy in lower frame rates
Fixed bug - hook act twitchy in lower frame rates
Fixed bug - could collect falling specimen while hanging on hook or ledge leading to a softlock
Fixed bug - Kosthad laser looping sound wouldn't stop
Fixed bug- jumping on specimen that is on the water causes player to clip through water
Fixed bug in Tenerife Pyramid 2 - ceiling would disappear after finding secret area
Fixed code to mitigate crashing when changing tv channels

Version: 1.0 - February 4th
Last edited by Robit Games; Feb 27, 2018 @ 6:02am