"Failed to connect"
My friend and I can't connect to each other's multiplayer games. Each time one of us tries to connect to the other it says "Failed to connect". We have tried several ports and even tried Hamachi. Neither of us have windows firewall enabled.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: PhamTrinli; 2014. febr. 22., 23:02
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14/4 megjegyzés mutatása
Sean  [Fejlesztő] 2014. febr. 23., 0:27 
when using hamachi, right click on each other's names in the hamachi client and select ping. Does it successfully ping?
If you ping is not successful and port-forwarding is not an option for you, check out the Evolve software at
It's similar as Hamachi because you can connect through a virtual network.
I got it, it was some kind of problem with hamachi failing to use the network tunneling adapter so I reset everything with hamachi and it worked; but oddly enough I still couldn't connect to my friend, he could connect to me though..
Sean eredeti hozzászólása:
when using hamachi, right click on each other's names in the hamachi client and select ping. Does it successfully ping?
request timed out
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