The Memory of Eldurim

The Memory of Eldurim

₹GemmaFaye₹ 2015년 11월 23일 오전 6시 26분
Update Thoughts (Nov 19th)
So after the long wait for a new update I was very happy to see the post telling us everything that you guys had been working on.

First off the new Aqueduct and small farm area underneath it was a nice addition to the game. I do not know if it was added in this update as I have not played the past few updates either.

Moving on to the encampment it was refreshing to see that you went back to this and made it more fortified a lot more to it now instead of just running to the captain.

The we move on to the Archives, This is I know your first time opening them up to us and there is still work to be done in there but some of the things that I think that need changing right away are a followed.

1) The Lighting within the building itself is really poor, Trying to finding my way around the building was a pain, Constantly falling down and killing myself because I could not see where I was going having to go all the way back just took the fun out of the game.

2) The specters hit box is very poor. You have to actually be standing still for them to hit you even though their attack animation is showing an arch style motion.

3) Running around the archives listening to the same outdoor music takes away from the mystery and what I see as a dark horror of the building. The last thing you want to hear as a player is a bird chirping away while you getting killed in a dark building by a specter.

I understand this is your first edition of the archives and I know you will make it amazing in future updates but these are this things I have found so far that I think would need changing to make the archives in particular a better more satisfying experience.

Keep up the good work, It is nice to see you guys are still sticking with this game and making it great. It is teams like you guys that makes me happy that I backed you on day one of your EA
게시된 날짜: 2015년 11월 23일 오전 6시 26분
게시글: 0