Sideways screen! Help meh
Braid is the first game I've bought through Steam so I'm not sure whether it's a problem with the game, with Steam or with my system. I've been wanting to play Braid for years but just now finally went through with it; I can't play it on my Macbook because it's a Tiger (old faithful), but I downloaded the game through the Windows partition of my internet is crap and it took all night to download, but when I finally went to go play the game thismorning it booted up sideways?? Oh man, it was so heartbreaking. You have no idea the pain in the ass it was just getting that far (getting the internet to work on the partition, getting Steam to work etc.), to finally have it and then........sideways. I mean......sideways. X_X

I've looked at what both game settings and Steam settings are available and haven't been able to get any results from there; I notice someone else had this problem but there have been no answers. If somebody knows how I would go about fixing this problem, PLEEZ oh PLEEZ. Purty please? :D
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Sell the mac and buy a PC x'D
sull 1.12.2012 klo 9.19 
Have you tried turning your monitor sideways? Sorry, not sure how to help you. Try downloading other games from steam (Free-to-Play if you dont want to spend money) and see if the problem persists.
I had to play the game with my laptop turned sideways dude it sucked! I practically broke my neck. XD Then the back-of-the-screen casing fell off. lol. I just really wanted to play it dammit. It works fine when I log into other computers...
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Lähetetty: 7.11.2012 klo 13.31
Viestejä: 3