Metaphor: ReFantazio

Metaphor: ReFantazio

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Anon Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:23pm
This game is woke, right?
Atlus lost the plot, just like RGG, Square Enix and other Japanese companies, right? I watched the IGN review that talked about diversity, equality and other communist hippy diatribe. Sad that Blackrock's forcing of behavior plan is working so well.

Sad to see a great effort destroyed.

I played the demo that had a phenomenal art style, orchestral embellishment, and aesthetics but no...I will not pay someone for re-education.

I am old enough and can make up my own mind about sociopolitical issues.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 580 comments
KARTOFFEL Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:27pm 
You're right art should ONLY be esthetic and pretty things. Depth and meaning is overrated I want pretty things and that's IT. ♥♥♥♥ politics and woke I'm returning to Bioshock. A true apolitical game
yuhaowutong Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:36pm 
Hilarious. Never seen people like you in an anime game community before. This and a couple other threads here have been really entertaining.
ez game ez life Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:37pm 
If you have clown awards to give out, they are better off with me.
Esmian Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
I mean one of the persona style personality stats you raise in the game is literally called "Tolerance". Never too late to train yours like the MC will be doing.
KuroneR Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:41pm 
I will definetly be awake this friday tho
Aizen Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
''I am old enough and can make up my own mind about sociopolitical issues.'' then procede to not buy a videogame because of ''it's woke''
Let's be clear, I don't like woke in videogames, but that's won't stop me playing a game I like. If you made your personality around your political orientation that's bad for you i guess.
(Also: the game is not woke)
Deified Data Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:51pm 
Initially I thought it might be because swee baby concord but looking at the high review scores or must be based, not woke. If something reviews well it's never woke
Hypronic •ᴗ• Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:53pm 
yay here comes another thread of people arguing non-stop over a non-issue

you have to be such a miserable person to let the political undertones of the story stop you from enjoying a video game. if you don't enjoy playing that's totally fine, but purposely trying to start discourse is lame.
Last edited by Hypronic •ᴗ•; Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:56pm
Griever Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
I played the demo and didn't notice anything.
Then watched the reviews and heard that it's pro diversity, etc.
It worries me but I'll play the game anyway. I didn't feel like it was forced when I played the demo. It was more of a common sense "lets fight injustice stuff".
Anon Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:57pm 
Originally posted by Hypronic •ᴗ•:
yay here comes another thread of people arguing non-stop over a non-issue

you have to be such a miserable person to let the political undertones of the story stop you from enjoying a video game. if you don't enjoy playing that's fine but purposely trying to start discourse is lame.

I guess I am miserable. It looks like the new Dragonball game that teaches hardwork and inequality suits my sad existence better.

Yet, because turn based JRPG's are by far my favorite genre I really hope I am proven wrong as more people review its story. As I said from what I played I cannot wrong the game except its narrative.
Griever Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:57pm 
Originally posted by Hypronic •ᴗ•:
yay here comes another thread of people arguing non-stop over a non-issue

you have to be such a miserable person to let the political undertones of the story stop you from enjoying a video game. if you don't enjoy playing that's totally fine, but purposely trying to start discourse is lame.

It is literally relevant if a game tries to push a real life political idea.
Unfortunately more and more games can't separate gaming and pushing politics these days, it's become yet another medium for indoctrination.

But I'm hoping this is a false positive.
Esmian Oct 7, 2024 @ 2:02pm 

Got these images from a couple reviews, I'm pretty sure it would fall under "woke" for most. Really doesn't have to be this big mental gymnastics things, just engage with the story and its themes with an open mind. Maybe you'll get something out of it/agree with it or maybe you won't. Kind of the whole point of stories.
「Lukja」 Oct 7, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
Originally posted by Esmian:

Got these images from a couple reviews, I'm pretty sure it would fall under "woke" for most. Really doesn't have to be this big mental gymnastics things, just engage with the story and its themes with an open mind. Maybe you'll get something out of it/agree with it or maybe you won't. Kind of the whole point of stories.
Yeah that last one is pretty yikes.
Leviathan Oct 7, 2024 @ 2:06pm 
Originally posted by Esmian:

Got these images from a couple reviews, I'm pretty sure it would fall under "woke" for most. Really doesn't have to be this big mental gymnastics things, just engage with the story and its themes with an open mind. Maybe you'll get something out of it/agree with it or maybe you won't. Kind of the whole point of stories.

I am only doing this once and never doing it again. I will not respond you any further but HOW ON EARTH IS THE SECOND IMAGE WOKE ? what the hell ? learning about different cultures is fun and being tolerant is in no way a bad thing, for the love of God.
lordstuffing Oct 7, 2024 @ 2:07pm 
Originally posted by Anon:
Atlus lost the plot, just like RGG, Square Enix and other Japanese companies, right? I watched the IGN review that talked about diversity, equality and other communist hippy diatribe. Sad that Blackrock's forcing of behavior plan is working so well.

Sad to see a great effort destroyed.

I played the demo that had a phenomenal art style, orchestral embellishment, and aesthetics but no...I will not pay someone for re-education.

I am old enough and can make up my own mind about sociopolitical issues.

i agree it feels somekind of forced undermined meaning of the story why ? well o dont know why they feel for punching agendas

so is this another brainwash class ?

well we just have to wait and se
< >
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Date Posted: Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:23pm
Posts: 582