Nexus Defenders

Nexus Defenders

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Needs some improvements
It does not save my completed stages, only completed chapters. I do not want to replay stages every time I have to leave the game.

The game does not display tower damage. I have no idea if it is better to make a lot of turrets with low upgrades or to make a few turrets with max upgrades.

On the mission that I get the orbital cannon and laser turret there are waves with fast units that are impossible to defend against. I always lose lives on those waves. I can not beat this stage. My best is wave 11, and most of the time I don't even get that far. The fast units are too hard to counter. Nothing I've tried has worked. As far as I can tell that stage is impossible to beat. This is a giant leap in difficulty. Every stage before then I got a perfect on the first try.
Last edited by FireNinja474; Feb 12 @ 6:00pm
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same here, id need that info too sry
otherwise lovely lil game, i got hooked on TDs long ago and scifi is my thing
Last edited by NIkto Barada; Feb 13 @ 10:38am
Mustafa  [developer] Feb 15 @ 4:46am 
1. I'm not sure what you mean by the stages are not saving. Are you wanting checkpoints, such as leaving the game at Wave 5 and then coming back at Wave 5 with the same amount of money and same board state?

2. I will update the descriptions to include stats for the full game.

3. I've also adjusted the difficulty of Chapter 3. The changes will be reflected in the final release of the game. I appreciate the feedback. Game balance is very important to me. I've been doing lots of testing to make sure the game is challenging yet beatable, but the problem is that I've been testing the game so much that I've become too good at the game, so getting feedback from players is very important to me. Thanks.
1. Chapter 3 was not unlocking when I beat chapter 2. Now it is after an update.

3. The problem is the speeder units are too strong. They are immune to the slow tower. They can take more damage than other units. And they are fast too. There is no tower that counters them.

I always lose on wave 11 no matter what I do. The towers are not effective and my specials run out of energy. Then I lose.
Mustafa  [developer] Feb 17 @ 7:32pm 
Thanks for the feedback. I've made adjustments for the retail release to make sure the Speeders aren't too difficult. I appreciate the input.
I do well until chapter 3 and the last level is unbeatable with no kills. I have every possible space with guns to the max and the last (15 turn) completely overwhelms me. Love the game but cannot progress.
Mustafa  [developer] Feb 28 @ 7:27am 
Originally posted by willisbuck:
I do well until chapter 3 and the last level is unbeatable with no kills. I have every possible space with guns to the max and the last (15 turn) completely overwhelms me. Love the game but cannot progress.
Did you play after yesterday's update? Yesterday's update includes several balance tweaks to level 3, including adjustments to wave 6, 7, 8, as well as the boss. I reduce the movement speed of the boss and set more money so you can purchase more mines. Are you using your player abilities often? Both the EMP and the Bolt stun the boss. You can use those to constantly keep stunning the boss. The game is designed for the player to be proactive with the abilities. Let me know if you're still having issues beating level 3.
Last edited by Mustafa; Feb 28 @ 7:28am
Thank you for the quick response. I love the game, just happening problems with Chapter 3. I will respond after I play again.
Do you have to eliminate all of the enemies in chapter 3 or how many are allowed to progress?
Mustafa  [developer] Mar 2 @ 7:20pm 
Originally posted by willisbuck:
Do you have to eliminate all of the enemies in chapter 3 or how many are allowed to progress?
You don't need to get a perfect run, but if you let the boss get through then you lose.
I thought I had eliminated the boss and I exited out. When I reloaded the game, I was only able to access chapter 3. it could be the way I finished the game. I will give it another shot. Good tower game.
Mustafa  [developer] Mar 3 @ 5:28pm 
Originally posted by willisbuck:
I thought I had eliminated the boss and I exited out. When I reloaded the game, I was only able to access chapter 3. it could be the way I finished the game. I will give it another shot. Good tower game.
How did you exit out? Were you displayed with the end level screen?
Nevermind. I realized what I was doing wrong. I have advanced in the story and love it. Keep it up.
Mustafa  [developer] Mar 4 @ 12:00am 
Originally posted by willisbuck:
Nevermind. I realized what I was doing wrong. I have advanced in the story and love it. Keep it up.
Thanks for the update. Please report any other issues you come across.
Mustafa  [developer] Mar 5 @ 2:36pm 
Originally posted by willisbuck:
Nevermind. I realized what I was doing wrong. I have advanced in the story and love it. Keep it up.
I found out the issue, turns out that you likely weren't doing anything wrong. I discovered that if the player wins the level and goes from one level to the next, the save manager doesn't realize it's in a new level, so it doesn't record the win onto the new level. Issue has been resolved as of last night.
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