Beware Planet Earth

Beware Planet Earth

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Barbak 23 Thg04, 2014 @ 9:19am
Help beating the game/Tips from the dev
Hi there!
I was just wondering, maybe some people out there need advice to beat some levels of the game. Well, this is the place to ask for tips.

We'll also give you some. Here's one: the Water Sprinkler instantly cools down a broken tower, including other Water Sprinkler. Although this requires quite a few free squares of grass, it allows you to keep some towers under ongoing power surge (for example a Cog Factory.)

Also, do not underestimate the Water Can!
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Gloomy 24 Thg04, 2014 @ 1:34am 
I'll just copy/paste some advices I gave for level Summer 2 in another thread.

When Summer 2 starts, you gain the Barbecue tower. It is quite useful to get rid of the Martians waves on this level.

You could try to play this way:
1/ Choose the cog factory, the keg, the barbecue, and complete your deck as you wish depending on the way you like to play the game.
2/ When the level starts, place a cog factory as far as you can from the path. I like to place them on the top left side of the map for this level. Then destroy the hale bails to get the extra cog.
3/ When the first martian spawns, you should almost get the possibility to place another cog factory. Do it as soon as you can. Then kill the martian with your zapper, and your zapper only. Don't let your zapper break.
4/ Do it again for every martians that comes until you get 5 cog facrory. At this point, a heavy duty martian should spawn. In any case, place a barbecue as close as possible from the path so he can target many tiles of path. Then, two options : if you have the mine, place it ahead of the path, but not to much, it should borrow you some time. If you don't have the mine, place a keg and a fridge - these towers should be close to each other.
5/ Place another cog factory. You should have 6 by now. Constantly hit the heavy duty martian with your zapper when you have nothing else to do.
6/ Place another cog factory. You should have 7 by now, and that will be more than enough. And the mad scientist should have spawned around this time. Destroy the green energy fields with your zapper.
7/ You should have enought money to place another barbecue tower. If possible, place it far from the first barbecue, to maximize its strenght - it won't hit the same targets as the first barbecue tower. Collect the available cogs and place a keg.
8/ From now on, you should have enought cogs to place as many towers and objects as you like - if you do not forget to collect the cogs. Always put a barbecue if you have enought cogs to do so - 3 barbecue towers should be enough for the whole level - and use your objects if you see a threat coming - the bomb when you can hit several martian, and the mine for stronger ones as the heavy duty and the mad scientist.

You can win this level in several ways, this is the way I like to play it - lots of cogs, get expensive towers as soon as possible, lots of micro management with the zapper.

Hope these advices will be of any help :)
Gloomy 29 Thg04, 2014 @ 7:50am 
Tips to beat Fall 8 (Veteran)

Towers I would advise you to play (my style of play):
- Cog Factory
- Flamethrower
- Super Keg
- Barbecue
- Bomb
- Acid Trap
- Explosive Barrel

You can change Barbecue for Poison Splasher, and Explosive Barrel for Decoy or Fridge. That's quite an aggressive deck, you'll need to be quick in the early stage of the game.

Main objectives:
- Use the Zapper a lot, especially in the early stage of the game, to kill as many Martians as you can. That will allow you to save money to place more Cog Factories.
- Save money to place strong towers quickly. Be patient in the early stage of the game, and you'll be rewarded with more cogs and more firepower.

To counter the Saboteur:
- Always place a tower in the shooting range of at least another one. When the Saboteur try to dismantle a tower, all tower within the range of the saboteur will aim at him automatically.
- Save your bomb for when he's coming. Use a bomb and then finish him with the zapper - not the other way around because first of all you will heat your zapper more than you would need, and also because this way the bomb will become available sooner.
- Additionally you can place less vital tower near the entrance - such as the cog factory. This way the Saboteur will first try to dismantle it and you'll have the opportunity to kill him before he gets to a more important - and expensive - tower.

- First place a Cog Factory in the upper left corner. The 2 other factories after that one should placed in the same column, only on lines below. Take care of the haystacks and collect the cogs.
- Only use your Zapper for the first 3 Martians.
- You should have 4 Cog Factories when the first couple of Martian arrives. Place a Super Keg in the bottom left corner of the path (next to the rock). Save your Zapper, let the tower work a bit and just finish the last Martian. Place a Cog Factory if you have time to do so, and place it in the upper right corner of the map, just ahead of the crop circle. This way the Saboteur will come for it first.
- Continue to place Cog Factories until you get 7-8 of them. Don't worry, you'll be able to destroy them later if you need the space. Remember that you should place them near the crop circles so that the Saboteur will try to destroy them first.
- Use only your Zapper and taka advantage of your tower to kill the two couple of Martians that are coming next. Continue to place Cog Factories. One of the last Martian of these two couples might take your cow. No worries, just finish it with the Zapper and the tower and quicly use your cowbell on the cow - remember you only have to press the mouse button, no need to click several times.
- When the Grunt is near your first, place a Flamethrower - on the empty tile which is just ahead your Super Keg. This way it will aim at both path - the main one and the one coming from the other crop circle. Don't forget to collect all the cogs and place another Super Keg just above the Flame Thrower.
- If needed, use the Acid Trap.
- Always replace the towers the Saboteur has destroyed.

You should be fine...
Lần sửa cuối bởi Gloomy; 29 Thg04, 2014 @ 7:50am
MyBooMStick 23 Thg08, 2014 @ 12:52am 
Sir any plans about DLC
Shaska 15 Thg08, 2015 @ 5:16pm 
please visit for the Enhanced mod v1.0
lamont.swart 22 Thg09, 2015 @ 11:10am 
ek weet nie so mooi van daai stratagie nie. net Cog Factory, Keg en Super Keg werk vir my.
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