Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

What changes would you like to see to Tale of the Dragon?
Hey guys,

What changes would make you happy with the Tale of the Dragon DLC? Please be as specific as you can be.

Here's the kind of template that would be quite productive:

  • Chu ko nu animation should look more different from gastraphetes
  • Chinese Titan should get a new model

  • Voice volume during cinematics should be fixed


Remember, please bring up everything that makes the DLC not up to par for you quality-wise.
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1-15 / 28 のコメントを表示
Leinad 2019年7月28日 13時31分 
Chinese Titan should get a new model --> you have all reason, tha actual chinese titan stinks,
unless they had put him as an ax, as in the myth
Dgo 2019年7月28日 13時44分 
First sorry for not using the template I typed the suggestions b4 but kinda separated the topics, please read.

Honestly? I'd love that dlc to be fully removed from the game and made into a new campaign instead. No TotD Chinese new civ.

But if that isn't possible,
I'd love Chinese explorers to be 1 pop only
They are a man and a horse, I'd rather have them costing more pop than just reducing their armor/weapon. They are easily spammeable and turns into a horde that can win due to number than quality of attacks. Also both costing just1? Please...

When you build a Chinese structure, let's say a temple, the barebones model is HUGE and it seems you are building a TC or something, maybe reduce it a bit?

I'd love their gardens to be nerfed a little more than in the new beta patch. Maybe producing favour only or maybe producing as they do but less!

Fully rework the campaign cuz all I remember from its launch was a rain of bugs. Voices for chars would be nice too.

You already mentioned gastraphetes clones and new titan model (guess new animation too right?) so that's fine to me.

I haven't played since a long time so I don't remember everything cuz I plainly quit playing due to this horrendous dlc.

Put a limit to Chinese Civs production they didn't have one for what I remember.

Regarding Greeks:

Please make physicians being trainable on temples, they shouldn't just share their spawn
structures with civs then you need to stop your eco for healing. It's not fair.

Hades is the god of arrows and sucks in water bc he doesn't have a MU and his ships are exactly like the rest. What about a slight buff to his arrow ships???

Maybe Hades's tech cost reduced a bit? It would help his eco to have it asap and it's not exactly cheap to research it early.

Also, regarding Kronos and Oranos, buff Leto and Oceanus a little more, so Prometheus isn't ALWAYS the only choice they make.

I'll make more suggestions when I have more, thanks.

Edit: please rework Zeus, Oranos, Isis, Thor so they aren't top tier gods that trample over the rest with impunity. Maybe considerably buff the rest or wisely nerf these ones?

Oh I have something more regarding maps!!

When TotD was launched they removed Highlands so we have less maps on random maps. Please add more. I loved new maps with new animals, pandas, etc

Why don't you rework old map or include more for random maps battles? What about Valley of Kings or Erebus? Why not Nomad? It's so random but it's super fun. Please add more and some of the new Chinese ones too. We have the same maps over and over again for random matches.
最近の変更はDgoが行いました; 2019年7月28日 14時05分

Remake it from scratch, like ditch the voice acting or use it sparsely but make a whole new scenario pack. Less or more is up to you but please not this same plot, it's an insult to the playerbase.


New models for Monkey king, War Salamander, Terracotta, Golden Lion and new animation sets
New models for Halberdier, Chu ku nun and new animation sets
New Textures for the buildings in Mythic/Heroic age, they look like a rough port of the Textures from the Chinese treasure ship in aoe3.
Eurydike の投稿を引用:
turma should be nerfed against toxotes
Nothing to do with TotD...Post China stuff please.
Dgo 2019年7月28日 14時51分 
I really want to say something about gardens and balance.
Gardens sounded super fun and even revolutionary when we first read about them in theory, but in practice they aren't that balanced imo.

If you actually plan to balance the game, why gardens giving all sort of resouces? Don't we have a late game special building for that? The market? (I know one of the Chinese iirc can build it on classical, fine to me).

Using the market so much has consequences, inflation. What consequences are there using gardens? Only that you aren't getting more of the other resources, so actually advantages only.

My suggestion, limit gardens from producing everything but only FAVOUR. I think they kinda outboom anyone with the gardens system. If you need gold and aren't Chinese you must fight for gold.

Another idea would be to limit the gardens from 4 out of 10 or make gardens more expensive but I think only favour is the best choice and maybe just 8 as much.

Personally I think that unless the game is fixed and Chinese are seriously adjusted some ppl will keep rage quitting against them at start.

Edit: I remember one of the Chinese GP a dragon worm that spawned from earth and having obscenes amount of HP or armor. It was like trying to kill a titan. Maybe you want to nerf that too.
最近の変更はDgoが行いました; 2019年7月28日 15時18分
Damn the Chinese! Fix Ambient sounds!
Fix performances!

Add team game quick search, for now just allow us to make team games rated again.
Hagrit 2019年7月28日 15時31分 
earth dragon hp was reduced from 5k to 2500.

As much as i would love teaming up quick search, this patch sure wont be able to bring it. Rated teamgames would be a nice addition though. Question is, should this be a seperate TG ladder? if so that probably complicates the situation aswell.
最近の変更はHagritが行いました; 2019年7月28日 15時33分
Dgo 2019年7月28日 15時37分 
Talking about earth dragon and I searched I found this about Xi Wangmu:
Aren't those actually apples instead of peaches? Maybe you want to include that in art changes as well.
Compared to:
They seem a rip off.
最近の変更はDgoが行いました; 2019年7月28日 15時41分
nottud 2019年7月28日 16時54分 
Simple fix: skipping cinematic should NOT result in a different situation then not doing so. E.g. first mission if you skip the cinematic you end up in a different age and such. The cinematics should be rebuilt to reflect current map.

Please remove the unit DLC check on scenarios. I own the DLC but I am unable to use DLC units unless it is for an AI player otherwise if a player ends up playing with the DLC they are effictively kicked out the game which sucks big time. Please do one of the following:
(1)Remove the DLC prompt in a multiplayer game. This causes issues if you Traitor a Chinese unit anyway affecting legitimate play even outside of scenarios. :(
(2)Create a trigger allowing scenario designers to override the prompt for their scenario only.
最近の変更はnottudが行いました; 2019年7月28日 16時59分
-I agree the titan needs a new model. But if that isn't possible, then at least fix the vertex weights in the shoulders.
-Overhaul the Jiangshi's animations so it looks like it's actually hopping. Currently it appears as if it's just floating up and down. Especially when idle and moving.
-Add additional attack animations to units. Literally every other unit for every other civ have about 2 attack animations and a special attack animation for the myth units. Right now all Chinese units only have the one attack animation which is also used for the special attack.

-Shouldn't Shennong be allowed to pick Dabo Gong when aging up to Heroic? It just seems odd to me that the major god that gives Monk bonuses can't pick the minor god that gives even more Monk bonuses. Could someone please educate me?
-The option to turn off the dlc units for the other civs. For me, the Physician goes against the idea of the Greeks being this game's Protoss. Very strong individually, but much more expensive and cannot heal. I do understand folks would like to play with them though. That's why I'm asking for an option, not their removal.
But that's just me. Some guy who only has a surface level understanding of the balance who doesn't know the theory behind it. :/
Dgo 2019年7月28日 17時30分 
CQDatra の投稿を引用:
-The option to turn off the dlc units for the other civs. For me, the Physician goes against the idea of the Greeks being this game's Protoss. Very strong individually, but much more expensive and cannot heal. I do understand folks would like to play with them though. That's why I'm asking for an option, not their removal.
Not protoss at all. Only Poseidon couldn't heal b4.
Zeus and Hades always had Athena's resto + Apolo's healing temple.
Daegoth Vilfariel の投稿を引用:
CQDatra の投稿を引用:
-The option to turn off the dlc units for the other civs. For me, the Physician goes against the idea of the Greeks being this game's Protoss. Very strong individually, but much more expensive and cannot heal. I do understand folks would like to play with them though. That's why I'm asking for an option, not their removal.
Not protoss at all. Only Poseidon couldn't heal b4.
Zeus and Hades always had Athena's resto + Apolo's healing temple.
Definitely not Greeks are all rounders the intro civ, Atties are defo Protoss tho.
Boit 2019年7月28日 21時34分 
I think uproot should have a cap on the amount of buildings it can kill. It seems too strong. Other than that China feel like they are in a good place and people just need to learn how to play against them. Considering they've been 'shunned' for the past couple of years since the release I think more time will help.
possible to look into this scout cav 1 pop isnt enough, fire lancer spam still massacre everything. and make a separate TG ladder
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投稿日: 2019年7月28日 10時54分
投稿数: 28