Calibre 10 Racing Series

Calibre 10 Racing Series


This video shouldn't be anything new to anyone that has been here a while. Just adding it to my site. Thanks
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Hi there!

Yup, nothing new. This game has been abandoned for a looooong time. Bongfish Games dropped this quickly and never wrote here anything anymore. They are still active with Smurfs Village and their World of Tanks partnership. Good for them but I wish they would've at least wrote here that development halted instead of disappearing suddenly.

If you want to know a bit more, this game was actually a spiritual successor to Harm's Way, which was a free game on the Xbox 360. The idea was to have a sort of async team play where one tries to drive and be first while the partner shoots down other cars or even other shooters to help them. That's for example the reason why you died suddenly at the start as someone shot you down. If you played the original you'd notice that it's a pretty fun concept, especially if you can find a full room. That's the reason why I immediately jumped in on this game full price and tried to give as much feedback as possible. It did cost 20 USD at start but after a later date they did a key giveaway on Alienware. Small boost but it didn't help much. I guess the interest at the time was just too low.

A small feedback on your video: I love concepts like yours but I'd say there's a good room for improvement. It would be nice if you'd go a bit more into detail and try to play the game a bit more with an opener mind, maybe at least finish one round/match/etc. Maybe even better, you could research a bit in discussions and news here so that you could give a sort of history about a game that has been abandoned. Sometimes there are pretty interesting facts you could unearth.

Even if it's abandoned, I as a "newcomer" would be interested to see the game and hear the history of it so I could make a picture of the game myself and at the same time be potentially be entertained by you. I mean people love to watch others play bad games so why shouldn't it be similar to abandoned and potentially bad games. Right now it just felt like you were sort of bored and uninterested so I myself wouldn't have a real incentive to watch further because it feels like there's no substance to the video.

Thanks for reading!
Legutóbb szerkesztette: TimeWalker; 2019. febr. 8., 17:02
Hi! I really appreciate the response. Thank you for the insight and I wish I had someone like yourself in every other discussion group I have posted in!

Thanks as well for the feedback. While I definitely hear what you are saying, I am kind of toeing a line with these abandoned games. I definitely dont want to go into depth in these videos and possibly encourage anyone to support or play an abandoned game. That would go against what I am trying to achieve.

I usually do investigate as far as I canon certain titles until the breadcrumbs run out. In the case of this game it was fairly evident it was it was more or less about getting a video for this game rather then the content.

However your feedback will be useful for other content I will be posting. There are games that are literally years in early access....the community is barren and reviews are dismal. But the developers are loyal to the cause and still work hard to realize their dreams. It's rather impressive. I'll be featuring these types of early access games to just show people what some devs are doing!

Now it's my turn to thank you for reading!
i brought this game from 2014 then no update this game need refund if this game no wan play it
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