This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Kiero  [developer] Nov 10, 2023 @ 7:23am
Patch notes
10th November 2023:
* Added colliders to prevent player from falling in areas they can get stuck in
* Fixed Menu & Settings brightness to be more readable
* Updated the Discord-invite link found in game to permanent one
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Kiero  [developer] Nov 16, 2023 @ 8:55am 
16th November 2023:
* Full gamepad support added (tested with Xbox One -controller on Windows 10)
* Player can now fall in the large hole with a springboard in one of the rooms
* Improved main menu & settings page readability
Last edited by Kiero; Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:36am
Kiero  [developer] Nov 20, 2023 @ 5:31am 
20th November 2023:
* Updated Discord-invite link
* Sound effects synchronized in the end of the demo
* Player can now climb the short ladders in one of the rooms
Kiero  [developer] Dec 15, 2023 @ 6:35am 
15th December 2023:
* Pools demo now available on macOS
* new graphics settings in the settings menu, including FSR which can improve performance
* adjusted camera depth of field near walls to create camera focus effect
* adjusted move speed based on camera direction
* if users language not english, remove english text from the end of the Level 1
* updated some ladders in Level 1
* moved misleading exit signs at the end
* fixed bug at the end of Level 1 which caused re-trigger of an certain event
* fixed minor bug at the end of Level 1 that would occur if player would pause in the middle of the fall
* included version number

On full game progress: Level 2 is ready and we are currently working on Level 3. Our latest devlog from 2 weeks ago (minor spoiler): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LhD4lESI-8
Kiero  [developer] Dec 18, 2023 @ 2:40am 
18th December 2023:
* Fixed some bugs that occured after the last larger update
* New "rewind" mechanic when player falls in the large hole mid level
* Player can now climb into any pool with ladders
Kiero  [developer] Jan 23, 2024 @ 4:36am 
23rd January 2024:
* New audio system including dynamic reverb & sound occlusion:
echoes are dependent on room size and sounds from other rooms
bounce realistically
* New footstep and water sounds
* Water sounds are dependent on water depth
* Small updates to the demo level design
* Character controller updates
* Completely new ladder climbing mechanics
* Improved stair mechanics
* Added camera sway when player is running
* Added camera & sound effects if player falls to ground or water
* Updated main menu visuals
* Improved main menu navigation with a gamepad
* Added low / medium / high settings for lighting quality
* Fixed known bugs
Tensori  [developer] Feb 16, 2024 @ 10:24am 
16th February 2024:
* Fixed VSYNC setting
* Added camera bobbing setting
* Added invert Y axis setting
* Added FOV setting
* Player can now sit on chairs
Kiero  [developer] Feb 22, 2024 @ 8:42am 
22nd February 2024:
* Fixed a bug where player can get stuck in the bottom of the large hole
* Add air vents around the level
* Spawn exit signs after a while to help navigate if lost
* Unusable ladders get visually broken now
* Ducks in labyrinth floating, previously stationary
* Added "back" button to in-game settings menu
* Added colliders to prevent player from going out of bounds
Kiero  [developer] Mar 13, 2024 @ 8:11am 
13th March 2024:
* Made one waterslide usable
* player creates waves in water (can be set off for performance)
* brightness setting
* chromatic aberration setting
* lens distortion setting
* vhs film grain setting
* anti-aliasing setting
* ambient occlusion setting
* lighting adjustments
Kiero  [developer] Mar 19, 2024 @ 10:02am 
19th March 2024:
* Added "route number signs" around the level
* Fixed a bug where you could clip through map behind the red slide
* Added automatic rewind as a backup if player ever falls through map
* Fixed clipping through walls
* Limited framerate to 30 during MainMenu and LoadingScene
* No footstep sounds / bobbing when moving against wall
* Added "None" to lighting settings for very low end computers
* Disabled spawning exit signs
Last edited by Kiero; Mar 19, 2024 @ 10:02am
Kiero  [developer] Mar 29, 2024 @ 7:47am 
29th March 2024:
* Added teaser video to Demo (spoilers from chapters 2-6)
* Added some translations to settings / credits menus
* Updated settings menu dropdown styling
* Slower movement speed on stairs
* Player leaves puddles of water behind after exiting pool
* Dropping water makes sounds after exiting pool
* Added subtle camera shaking
* Made head bobbing into a slider instead of toggle
* Added collision audio to floating rubber ducks
* Added far depth of field distance dynamic adjustment
* Added DLSS upscaling support
Kiero  [developer] Apr 2, 2024 @ 3:32am 
1-2nd April 2024:
* Decreased camera shaking default value from 50 to 5
* Added camera smoothing option in settings
* Added wet footstep sounds after exiting pool
* Fixed a bug where camera shake broke camera in slides
Added new stairs effect:
* increase head bobbing
* slightly slower movement speed
* slightly increase volume of footsteps
Spook Apr 11, 2024 @ 10:19pm 
Dang, You guys are legit epic. Most game designers take months just for a simple bug fix. I love what you guys did with the demo and I can't wait for the full game. I simply just cannot wait for this masterpiece to come out.
Kiero  [developer] Apr 13, 2024 @ 2:00pm 
Originally posted by Spook:
Dang, You guys are legit epic. Most game designers take months just for a simple bug fix. I love what you guys did with the demo and I can't wait for the full game. I simply just cannot wait for this masterpiece to come out.
Thank you so much! We do this with love!
Kiero  [developer] Apr 23, 2024 @ 8:11am 
23rd April 2024:
* Added auto-saving (saves player position if current Chapter not finished)
* Added 'restart level' button to pause menu
* Added camera zoom (used by mouse wheel)
* Removed numbered guiding signs in Chapter 1
* Improved chapter select interface layout scaling on lower resolution displays
* Extended camera smoothing minimum value to 0 + added support for instant camera response when smoothing is set to 0
* Improved controller look response curve and dead zones
yyuuki Apr 25, 2024 @ 9:24pm 
Thank you for the update! I cleared Level 1. It was the most fun time. However, I get 3D motion sickness, so I would be happy if you could also turn off smoothing for walking and running! It slides smoothly like Mario's snow stage.
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