Rogue's Tale

Rogue's Tale

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Adventurer's Belt And Pouches Feedback
Well, overall very happy to have it. An entire container worth of inventory space for 1-2 item types, more than I could have hoped for when I submitted that suggestion. At first I wasn't really at home with the idea of having to roll the inn to assemble the set on following playthroughs, but after doing a test run it appears that every inn reset spawns a container, which is a pleasant surprise and makes it totes okay. Maaaaybe it would be nice to give us just a wee headstart by allowing us to have the belt by default upon starting the game, just to give that subtle tinge of dopamine when you see your starting character just a bit more loaded compared to when you were without heritages, but it's totally fine if you don't wanna do that.

One thing that I don't think is desireable at all is the fact that ctrl+click prioritizes the belt+pouches instead of the soul bag. Ctrl+click is for bulk-actions, it is what I (and seemingly other players as well given my prior conversations) do to trash that I need to quickly stack up and liquify. The pouches are where I wanna put things I actually intend to keep, and those are scarce enough for me to comfortably manage manually. Would highly appreciate it if you made the soul bag the first priority again, so my alchemist pouch doesn't fill up with cursed potions of fermented animal feces for me to misclick on, and instead keeps the things I put in there myself.

Another small concerning detail is that the belt and pouches are available without DLCs, but the Alchemist and Occultist upgrades require you to craft potions and scrolls which, last time I checked, we could only do with the DLCs, be it the Scribe Tools / Infinite Flask charms or through the Hideout crafting tables. Seems a bit weird to lock that specific chunk of the belt and pouches set like this, since you decided not to gate the overall feature behind DLCs in the first place. In a practical scenario newcomers will likely either enjoy the game enough to get the DLCs or quit before they make it far enough to upgrade the pouches, so it probably doesn't matter all that much, but I still wanna mention it just in case you might consider it worth mentioning.

Opinions regarding the specific containers:

Belt: More than enough space for throwables even with all the pouches. Simply good.

Tormentor: Absolutely massive soul gem storage. Between the size and the ambient soul collection I don't see myself ever running out of soul gems again. Mwah. Would be a nice bonus to occasionally get ambient black gems, but that's just the entitled little bastard in me talking.

Quiver: I can't describe it aptly on account of steam's profanity filter, so I just have to settle for calling it bad. Mainly because it doesn't fit onto the belt. If I use a marksman weapon - I almost never need more than a bolt stack per expedition, occasionally two, and since the quiver is 3 slots big, it's actually more efficient for me to just bring a spare stack of bolts in the regular inventory (Who even wants to be a smelly bow larper? The only bow worth considering uses bolts anyway). It could see VERY niche use in a meme marksman build where you only use bows/crossbows, but that's just a meme build - it's not really competetive, especially now that we can deal two orbs worth of ranged damage with double scepters without needing ammo or energy, which is another thing that throws a wrench in the wheels of marksman builds. I STRONGLY urge you to reconsider your decision of not allowing it on the belt. It's really not good without that functionality. If you're concerned with realism (a quiver should go on the back after all, not on the belt, right?), then I offer for your consideration the fact that there do exist waist/hip quivers, vertical and horizontal, that could be strapped onto a belt. I think it's actually a great idea to turn it 90% degrees as if it's actually a waist-mounted horizontal quiver, and it will fit nicely in that 1 slot tall space under the pouches. Would be absolutely perfect.

Occultist: Damn nearly broke into tears when I saw how clean my inventory became after I got that thing. And now I even have space for subpar meme charms that were useful but not useful enough to put into my inventory, like stone skull or uberlyft shoe. Absolutely godlike.

Alchemist: Does what it should. I very rarely use potions aside from keeping one healing vial on me because of how much space they take, but now I have a whole bunch of room for emergency elixirs. Pretty good. Shame we can't put alcohol in there though, would have been neat.

Jeweller: The primary purpose of storing jewelry seems underwhelming. Most of the rings in the game aren't used not because they're too niche, but because they're trash. Wow, a ring that gives me immunity to deafen and silence? Better stash that one or later, lmao. I could see some people using it to stash the Immunity Ring, but I know better than to hope I'll never get double-poisoned several turns in a row, and then die to charming poison because I already quaffed my antidote on the first double poison and my Cure Posion spell removed the deadly poison. It's just not safe enough for me to take it off. That said, being able to store wands there is good and desireable, so I'm happy to have it.
Dernière modification de Faust; 6 mai à 10h57
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I think the quiver is fine, at the end is just 1 extra space and gives you the benefit of not spending a turn when reloading bolts/arrows.
I think is kind of redundant with the quiver charm but you are gaining one slot from the quiver charm by using the occult pouch so you end up with the same inventory space.
Just the space saving from the charms is massive.
Calfax a écrit :
I think the quiver is fine, at the end is just 1 extra space and gives you the benefit of not spending a turn when reloading bolts/arrows.
I think is kind of redundant with the quiver charm but you are gaining one slot from the quiver charm by using the occult pouch so you end up with the same inventory space.
Just the space saving from the charms is massive.
Implying I'd be in a situation where I'll have 13-25 or more enemies *in a row* that would mean I'll have no respite to swap the new arrows in manually. Besides, that's the past Rogue's Tale you're talking about. Now is the now's Rogue's Tale. And now I can hide the quiver charm in the occult pouch, and have the 2 slots instead of 3. Not to mention that the emphasis here is on "occasionally". Most of the time one stack proves sufficient. On top of that, the quiver costs money. Not much money, but nonetheless it deserves to be properly beneficial like the rest of the pouches instead of being this crippled black sheep that's "kind of" but not even really a net zero compared to the patch without it at all.
Calfax a écrit :
Just the space saving from the charms is massive.
Ye, absolutely. The overall belt and pouch addition is great, and the occult pouch in particular is a star-sent artifact of divine comfort.
nibbe  [dév.] 6 mai à 10h50 
Hmmm, yes, having a month between implementing bags and their upgrades made me forget that crafting upgrades do need a DLC. Whoops. An option for transmutation bag priority over other bags could also be a thing.
♥♥♥♥♥ a écrit :
Hmmm, yes, having a month between implementing bags and their upgrades made me forget that crafting upgrades do need a DLC. Whoops. An option for transmutation bag priority over other bags could also be a thing.
Aw, no love for the quiver? :< I do hope you reconsider, but regardless I'll take any small victories you're willing to spare.
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