Cozy Space Survivors

Cozy Space Survivors

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
simonschreibt  [developer] May 4 @ 1:07am
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the game so short?
I aimed to make a small game which does not need 100h to complete because I like such shorter experiences myself. Also, this was a side project next to my 'real' game dev job and so it's a bit more limited. But who knows, maybe I get an itch about and idea and might extend the game a little bit. :)

How shall I finish the game with the 3rd Ship?!
It's a challenge, but remember: You "only" have to survive to unlock the 4th shippy - you don't need to defeat enemies nor finish a quest. Apart from that, if you did NOT yet finish the Space-Moo-Moo-Quest, you can get them and let them fly with your shippy so that they defend you with their novas. You can also get help from Lillian's Laser on the Pac-Man-Planet.

You did the whole game yourself?
Yes, but sound & music come from a library. By the way, if you want to have details about the creation of sprites (for some I used Blender) and other technical insights, here is a little breakdown:

Why are Windows Files installed?!

Steam sometimes installs Windows files instead of Linux files. Two solutions:

1. Check the "Force to use a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" like shown in this screenshot:

or you can try

2. Steam installed Windows files but Proton was NOT enabled. Enable it and then disable it again, this might force it to install the Linux files.
Last edited by simonschreibt; May 8 @ 3:22am
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Originally posted by simonschreibt:
Why are Windows Files installed?!
Here is how the nice user Hemebond solved this issue:

when it first installed it installed the Windows files, but Proton was not enabled. I enabled it and then disabled it to force it to reinstall, which then correctly installed the Linux files.

This worked for ONCE and I could play the native Linux version and was happy yesterday.

Today, I restarted Steam and ... the Windows executables have come back. Could you please look into that if you have a proper Linux port, that it will not get replaced by the Windows files after a restart of Steam?

Thank you.
simonschreibt  [developer] May 6 @ 4:21am 
Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
Today, I restarted Steam and ... the Windows executables have come back

Oh...that's weird. Unfortunately I don't have a Linux but I just found this post which is only 4 days old! Could that be the solution?
Originally posted by simonschreibt:
Oh...that's weird. Unfortunately I don't have a Linux but I just found this post which is only 4 days old! Could that be the solution?
That nukes the whole the Steam installation including all games and all user files.

I think this is just a configuration issue, where your operating system specific depots ( are not correctly assigned to the launch options (

Perhaps the Steamworks Developer video gives some guidance how to set that straight.

If you don't have a Linux installation, how do you test your builds then?
simonschreibt  [developer] May 6 @ 5:31am 
Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
I think this is just a configuration issue, where your operating system specific depots

Thank you for the links!

I have double checked the config and it looks good to me. I don't want to make you look at this stuff, but just in case you are curious, here is my setup:

Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
If you don't have a Linux installation, how do you test your builds then?

It's not optimal, but I can't test the builds personally (I tried once to use a Virtual Linux Machine but it was so slow, that proper testing was impossible). Luckily, I have nice people in my community which played on Linux and told me that it run fine. Same goes for MacOS as I don't own a Mac. Of course, a real company would have a QA-Department for all of this.

I will try to get an old Laptop and install a Linux on it. I can't promise too much, as I never really used Linux. But I will try (and hope I can repro the issue)!

p.s. What kind of Linux are you using?
Last edited by simonschreibt; May 6 @ 5:35am
simonschreibt  [developer] May 6 @ 5:45am 
p.s. I asked some Linux-people and one had the same issue and fixed it by setting "Compatibility Override" to "Linux Native".

This then started the Linux Version and worked even after restarting Steam. Let me know if this helped. If not, I will buy an USB Stick and get a Linux and install it on my old Laptop :)
No, it did not really work for me out, sadly.

I uninstalled the game, installed it and whops the Windows files were present. Once I opened the properties, ticked the use "compatibility" checkmark there and removed it, the Linux files were downloaded.

Closing and re-opening Steam reverted it back to the Windows version.
simonschreibt  [developer] May 6 @ 10:50am 
Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
Closing and re-opening Steam reverted it back to the Windows version.

Argh. Could you please tell me what Linux you are using? Then I can try to repro.
Originally posted by simonschreibt:
Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
Closing and re-opening Steam reverted it back to the Windows version.

Argh. Could you please tell me what Linux you are using? Then I can try to repro.

I have Suse Tumbleweed running.
simonschreibt  [developer] May 6 @ 11:06am 
Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
I have Suse Tumbleweed running.

Thank you! Just a little side-node: It seems to be a problem several games have and even thought this thread is marked as "solved", there is not real solution...

Many games that had windows only releases, that later on release the linux version end with this problem, steam will try to download the windows one instead of the linux, but forcing the compatibility for the steam runtime DO fix the problem. After install, you can even remove the force compatibility, usually it keeps the linux version at this time, it if was really "released" (ie: not just a beta release)

I think the given tip does not work on your end. But the explanation is interesting.
simonschreibt  [developer] May 6 @ 12:49pm 
Just to double-check:

When you just check this checkbox and let it checked. What happens? Does it do nothing? Does it get the Linux files?
Last edited by simonschreibt; May 6 @ 12:49pm
If I do that, the game files for Linux stay. I guess I should let it at that :)
simonschreibt  [developer] May 8 @ 3:19am 
Originally posted by shakeyourbunny:
If I do that, the game files for Linux stay. I guess I should let it at that :)

Yay! Great to hear that it works now! I bought a USB Stick yesterday to Install Linux on my old Laptop. I think I will do it anyway because it's always good to have a test machine :)

Thanks for getting back to me!
simonschreibt  [developer] May 9 @ 1:47pm 
Ok....I bought an USB Stick und Suse is installing. I hope it will find my network and being able to install Steam :)
Last edited by simonschreibt; May 9 @ 1:49pm
simonschreibt  [developer] May 9 @ 2:35pm 
Ok, I got suse running, installed steam and it works very well even WITHOUT the compatibility mode. I checked the files and it got the linux files very nicely.
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