Cannons Lasers Rockets

Cannons Lasers Rockets

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Dark Sidekick 4 fev. 2014 às 11:07
Report Bugs Here
1. When you press F10 in game to bring up option menu and then return to in game. The cursor gets bugged.

2. Randomly the camrea will move on its own in game.

3.Sometimes when shooting main weapon the lasers will shoot in a random direction in game.(Mouse click)

4.Small flicker effects the screen when in lobby waiting for others to select there ship.


6.[Tutorial]-In the tutorial I could not find Hornet. The tutorial screens get in your view. Also there is nothing to tell you how to get back to main menu.

7.No graphic or resolution settings in options( No full screen, stuck in window mode.)
Última alteração por Dark Sidekick; 4 fev. 2014 às 11:18
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A mostrar 1-15 de 82 comentários
Industrial 4 fev. 2014 às 21:12 
1: The tutorial runs but the screen is black with only the outlines of ships visable as well as the radar.

2: No defined goal in battle or way to exit battles.

3: Very unpolished flying, a lot of times I'll just crash into something or I'll fly through somethings and not take any damage.
noclafyrG 5 fev. 2014 às 0:04 
Same as tracer's #1

In the tutorial there is only a black screen with the outlines of ships appearing when the cursor passes over them.
Morion  [developer] 5 fev. 2014 às 6:02 
tracertk7, one can leave battle by pressing F10, then X
Frosty The Blowman 5 fev. 2014 às 10:48 
I can't even play the game. It just says "connecting proxy server" forever.
Joker445 5 fev. 2014 às 18:52 
Ship will sometimes fly backwards as if its going forwards
Black scree upon match start(Found a fix, turn vsync on)
Random camera direction changes
Sdols  [developer] 7 fev. 2014 às 6:42 
Frosty, it seems you have some connection problems. Can you please describe your situation with more details?

joker445 I am sure that it is a part of our "lag" problem. It should take some time to fix it.
[SG]Rock 7 fev. 2014 às 14:22 
Tutorial missions last a few seconds, then return to the main screen.
Leeam 7 fev. 2014 às 18:19 
I found when i start a game it is all black except for the aim cursor and the name tags.
Obdi  [developer] 8 fev. 2014 às 3:46 
Originalmente postado por squirlfreak217:
I found when i start a game it is all black except for the aim cursor and the name tags.
turn vsync on
soon we will resolve this bug
stuck in windowed mode? seems like the old ALT + ENTER worked for me. during windowed mode however, the ships and scenery were totally black and all you can see is the ship names and locations. upon resuming in full screen mode all ships and scenery were visible.
Última alteração por ᒉᘿ|_BàshBrõ_|ᘾᒋ; 11 fev. 2014 às 0:55
xThunderfox 10 fev. 2014 às 18:29 
"The gram crashed"... error and report in folder... how to report the error to you guys?
Morion  [developer] 11 fev. 2014 às 0:20 
You can send error report to
Obdi  [developer] 11 fev. 2014 às 0:40 
Anybody who have crash when start the game, try to repair client or re-download him. If this not helping you - send report to
mrshilamma 12 fev. 2014 às 17:54 
Earlier today the game disconnected me mid-battle. When I logged back in, I was presented with a new battleground... I don't know if there was just an update while I was playing or if that's how the game reacts at that point. Either way, if this is confusing, here's a link to the vid, "error" occurs at 18:45.
CobaltCause 12 fev. 2014 às 20:42 
I noticed that when you change your steam display name, it doesn't change in-game. Not a horrible bug, but kind of weird.
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