Secret Ponchos

Secret Ponchos

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Lego Evinion Dec 19, 2015 @ 1:51pm
The Real FAQ.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
  1. I can't find games please help.

    The matchmaking is region based. So the initiate search goes for the nearby players and expands later. It also searches depending on your rank, but expands to all ranks later. Now people from NA and EU have matches without any troubles. If you experience that it takes too long for you to find a match try to alter you region (steam settings>downloads>download region). This may increase your odds. There are also threads for people who search friends in SEA and Australia regions to play with. Our goal is to make the best conditions for people to be able to enjoy the game 24/7 across the globe, so please help us to spread the word. Some positive reviews on steam will help too. Thank you.

  2. Character is OP nerf everyone argh!!!

    The game is competetive and skill-based. Statistic shows that all outlaws perform pretty much equally and all are represented in the top 20. So every character can beat any other. Yes some matchups may be harder and take some time. So, check the guides section and feel free to come to ask for tips in the community chat. Also keep in mind that it's not the final version of the game and there will be further balance patches.

  3. Can I earn more perk points?

    Everyone gets 12 points from the start. There's no way to earn more. This was made to put everyone in fair conditions, so newcomers have the same odds as the veterans.

  4. How much do the perk points add to the stat?

    They add about 1% so feel free to experiment and test the best build that suits you. Try to exploit the strenghts of the characters and smooth the weaknesses.

  5. Do I regain stamina and reload faster in cover?

    Yes you recover stamina and reload your firearms faster using the cover. The cover also breaks the line of sight.

  6. What are the barter coins for?

    You can buy skins with barter coins. 200 for the skin. You can earn additional coins by completing achievements. Browse the menu. Skin pack DLC includes some unique skins that you can't purchase in the game.

  7. How can I switch between the team/universal chat?

    Type "/t" for the team chat. Type "/a" for all chat.

  8. How can I report the bad behaviour (harassing, racism, teamkilling on purpose etc...)?

    Take the screenshot, or any other evidence and send here add the name of the person (both ingame and steam) and describe the situation.

  9. How can I submit a bug, crash, etc..?

    Send your logfile.txt (found in the Steam>Steamapps>Common>Secret Ponchos folder) to, together with a description of the problem? That way the devs can get a better view of what the problem is.

  10. Where do I find the soundtrack? All the songs including the trailer OST.

    Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your time in the Lone Tree.:SPFriend:
Last edited by Lego Evinion; Feb 5, 2018 @ 6:55am