Secret Ponchos

Secret Ponchos

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Yousuf SBM  [developer] Dec 15, 2015 @ 4:22pm
How Regional Matchmaking works
Hi guys, we hade some question how regional matchmaking works, I thought I would do a post.

The game will do initial searches, trying to pair you up with people nearby you. If it doesnot find anyone it expands the search to a broader search region wide. A change we made recently was eliminating world wide searching. We were just seeing too much packet loss over the internet when people are playing world wide, and packet loss is where you see teleporting etc..

So the result is that when people find matches it should reduce the occurances of being paried with people too far with packet loss.

The downside is if someone is playing in a region that doesnot play Secret Ponchos a lot yet, (ie. Asia) the matchmaking will take longer for them to find players, it wont automatically throw you in with US players for example. When you do find people , it wont be a world wide match so you should still have a better quality. If popularity grows in these regions though, the wait time will decrease.

The old system mixed everyone equally, so matches were quicker to find, but we found everynoe had a higher frequency of being connected with someone accross the globe, with too much packet loss.

Please let me know if you have questions or comments I hope this was helpful


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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
HighLanderPony Dec 15, 2015 @ 4:37pm 
Thanks for the transparency, appreciated. We'll see how it works out!
Lego Evinion Dec 17, 2015 @ 5:43am 
Also changing your region in steam settings>downloads>download region to NA or EU may help someone if you're experiencing troubles with finding matches in SEA or Australia. The game runs pretty smoothly with ping below 250. And it's p2p based. So the latest search will go for half the globe.
Last edited by Lego Evinion; Dec 17, 2015 @ 5:46am
Itadakimasu Dec 17, 2015 @ 9:15pm 
Originally posted by Legola$OLs:
Also changing your region in steam settings>downloads>download region to NA or EU may help someone if you're experiencing troubles with finding matches in SEA or Australia. The game runs pretty smoothly with ping below 250. And it's p2p based. So the latest search will go for half the globe.
Thx for your suggestion guy. I'll give this a try
Itadakimasu Dec 17, 2015 @ 9:21pm 
Originally posted by sps_sy:
Originally posted by Legola$OLs:
Also changing your region in steam settings>downloads>download region to NA or EU may help someone if you're experiencing troubles with finding matches in SEA or Australia. The game runs pretty smoothly with ping below 250. And it's p2p based. So the latest search will go for half the globe.
Thx for your suggestion guy. I'll give this a try
Bad news guys, looks like it doesn't work, I still can only found players in SEA
Lego Evinion Dec 18, 2015 @ 7:26am 
Also keep in mind that people mostly play on evenings in their regions. Thanks for attention.

Enjoy your time in the Lone tree.
Zhao Dongyue Dec 18, 2015 @ 8:06am 
Great ,but CHN players can not found more than 10 gamers in SP , T T ,too bad and sad cause we do really like this game ....:steamsad:
5d_owl Dec 18, 2015 @ 9:24am 
and how about an option to expand the search to cover world wide or by continent? Yes I prefer to play with a solid connection, but also I prefer to be able to play at all if there are not players on my area
Lego Evinion Dec 18, 2015 @ 10:13am 
The primary goal is to make the most comfortable conditions for the players to enjoy the game 24/7 across the world. But connecting people further than half the globe will mostly cause some heavy lags. So the best way to deal with the latency between finding matches is increasing the players number. So, please feel free to communicate and form groups of local players, spread the word about the game amongst your friends. Some positive reviews in steam will help too. Keep in mind that there are always people that can help you in the community chat, or just have some chitchat if you wish. You should also understand that this is not the final version of the game and it will be updated as it goes, so matchmaking, balance tweeks and all that stuff will be considered and patched in the future.

Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your time in the Lone Tree. :SPFriend:
Last edited by Lego Evinion; Dec 18, 2015 @ 10:14am
Lucho09 Dec 30, 2015 @ 9:46am 
Soy de México y nunca encuentro partidas :(
Mugs Jan 15, 2016 @ 1:03pm 
I understand your reasons though unfortunately I live in the middle east so theres literally no players here.
Yousuf SBM  [developer] Jan 16, 2016 @ 10:33am 
we're working ona plan to expand the player base... hopefully it reaches the middle east if we're lucky? Stay tuned we will have an update message soon!

Originally posted by KrusKator:
I understand your reasons though unfortunately I live in the middle east so theres literally no players here.
Mugs Jan 16, 2016 @ 10:52am 
Originally posted by Yousuf SBM:
we're working ona plan to expand the player base... hopefully it reaches the middle east if we're lucky? Stay tuned we will have an update message soon!

Originally posted by KrusKator:
I understand your reasons though unfortunately I live in the middle east so theres literally no players here.
Sure,Expecting Good News hopefully.:symammiel:
potovault Nov 23, 2016 @ 2:16am 
Thanks for the info.

Any Aussie players around? My brother and I would really like to team up on this, but still iffy if about the numbers. We could use an alternative to Monster Hunter 4U/& Generations.

Art style kicks ass. Setting/Era is my taste ...just the MP numbers thing.
Yousuf SBM  [developer] Nov 26, 2016 @ 10:19am 
Hi PotoVault, greetings from Canada.

So in honesty Player population is definately an issue preventing people from normal search/play sessions. Long story short we didnot hit the critical mass of population we needed for searches to be effective, and the population hit a downward spiral.

The good news is we're working hard on a big update which moves the game to free to play, and its our best shot at hitting that critical mass of players. So cross your fingers for us.

On a side note, anyone who bought the game to support it before it was free to play will end up getting looked after in terms of in game content that likely will switch to DLC to make f2p work.

So you have a few choices, you can wait for the f2p, or pick it up now as we move through the changes in development, and play with a super small community.

Take care and hope that gives you a clear picture


Originally posted by potovault:
Thanks for the info.

Any Aussie players around? My brother and I would really like to team up on this, but still iffy if about the numbers. We could use an alternative to Monster Hunter 4U/& Generations.

Art style kicks ass. Setting/Era is my taste ...just the MP numbers thing.
Mugs Nov 26, 2016 @ 10:20am 
Just wanted to say I support your move to F2P.In all honesty,I haven't played this in a long time due to the playerbase.
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