Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage

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Achievements Not working.
I Love this game. And when the main game goes on steam sale you know I'm going to be scraping up alien and human parts all over. However while I am practicing down at earth when Santa is having a rough day I seem to be lacking in achievevements that I should be getting but they don't seem to work.
Rooks Kept, Ballistic Weaponry and Head Hunter.
All 3 have the same thing in common. Put them in your janitor Chest and go to the office.
But even if I do this for each achievement or 2 at the same time it never works.
I don't believe I need a fully clean building before it counts right? Isn't it just get them in the office?
I can find everything I need for one of the achievements. Put them in the chest and lock it. Clock out then no achievement. Nothing.
Do I have to re-install the game or something?
Hope someone can help.
A fellow Cleaner.
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BlackEagle  [kehittäjä] 18.1.2016 klo 1.21 
You do need to clean the level yes, at least 70% If it's not clean, the items won't stay in your office and the achievements won't trigger.

I'll probably amend the Achievement descriptions to mention that.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 17.1.2016 klo 16.05
Viestejä: 1