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Dear Devs: please delete all content from the game that the guy you fired made.
Hi devs,

Well done for firing that guy from your team.

It's a good first step. But why are you still allowing the content he made to be in your game? Please patch it out immediately.

Us gamer don't want to be reminded he made stuff for this game. It is very triggering. If you leave it in, then obviously you are sanctioning his opinions and the word will get out. I can see the headlines now: "Subnautica devs allow content in game made by racist bigot". Doesn't look good for you at all. Time for you to do the right thing.
Отредактировано HelplessZorg; 6 фев. 2018 г. в 12:26
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I don't know if you're being serious or sarcastic right now.
Noone should ever be fired from their job based on their political views and own opinion, especially if said things have nothing to do with the actual WORK they do. It is in our basic human rights to be entitled to our own opinions...the man should not be punished like that for posting something unrelated to his work.
He got paid for what he did, removing it would mean that he'd have to give back his salary.
Intellectual property and all that jazz.
All you idiots crying the Racist Card, Please remember there is only ONE race on this Earth, its called the HUMAN race....
He got paid for what he did, Devs has full right to use what he created......
He was the sound developer. Whenever I hear sounds in the game I feel like i'm being raped by my dad again. Please patch out all the work that the white cis male created.
Автор сообщения: Takk
I don't know if you're being serious or sarcastic right now.
Noone should ever be fired from their job based on their political views and own opinion, especially if said things have nothing to do with the actual WORK they do. It is in our basic human rights to be entitled to our own opinions...the man should not be punished like that for posting something unrelated to his work.

Only a right winger could think someone can say anything and not be fired, but that people can die from being denied healthcare like so many do in the USA.

Автор сообщения: Takk
I don't know if you're being serious or sarcastic right now.
Noone should ever be fired from their job based on their political views and own opinion, especially if said things have nothing to do with the actual WORK they do. It is in our basic human rights to be entitled to our own opinions...the man should not be punished like that for posting something unrelated to his work.
if your employer finds something you say(or post) in public(with the fact that you're associated with said employer) to be endangering their public image or against their company policies you're going to be fired. this has nothing to do with free speech since it's not the government punishing him. he was perfectly free to say whatever he wanted(barring threats and endangerment of others) without government punishments but that doesn't make you free from all concequences
Автор сообщения: IIIIIIIIIIII
He got paid for what he did, Devs has full right to use what he created......

The devs have the right legally. However, that doesn't mean the customers should support the devs keeping bigoted music and sound in their game.
Автор сообщения: Kameh
Автор сообщения: Takk
I don't know if you're being serious or sarcastic right now.
Noone should ever be fired from their job based on their political views and own opinion, especially if said things have nothing to do with the actual WORK they do. It is in our basic human rights to be entitled to our own opinions...the man should not be punished like that for posting something unrelated to his work.

Only a right winger could think someone can say anything and not be fired, but that people can die from being denied healthcare like so many do in the USA.

I don't know too much about US politics and I identify myself as politically centred. Personally, I don't agree with what he says but I believe we should all be able to have civil discussions about the things we believe, instead of bashing our heads in. And straight up firing the guy is not a proper solution in my opinion.
Автор сообщения: Zano
This game should not be suported as long as there are still racist sounds in it!

All you idiots crying the Racist Card, Please remember there is only ONE race on this Earth, its called the HUMAN race....
All the work he has done is clearly RACIST, please remove everything.
Автор сообщения: Owlf-The Outcast-
Автор сообщения: Zano
This game should not be suported as long as there are still racist sounds in it!

All you idiots crying the Racist Card, Please remember there is only ONE race on this Earth, its called the HUMAN race....
We get it.
You racists should be totally psyched that you have racist sound design in the game! Jeeze.
Автор сообщения: Jesus Cristo
All the work he has done is clearly RACIST, please remove everything.
Yeah, because some growling and ghostly howls and creaking doors is totally racist. Seriously...
Автор сообщения: Tim Timsen
Автор сообщения: Owlf-The Outcast-

All you idiots crying the Racist Card, Please remember there is only ONE race on this Earth, its called the HUMAN race....
We get it.

they dont
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Дата создания: 6 фев. 2018 г. в 12:23
Сообщений: 142