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jacob99 Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:39pm
(SPOILERS) is it really a good ending?
you leave and escape back to home... only problem is that you are charged by alterra the full value of everything you used resulting in you having a debt of $1,000,000,000,000......... (also they wont give you permission to land unless you pay it, which that much is most likely impossible. your most likely end up broke, homeless, and a few hundred trillion in debt (and probably forced to sell a few organs)

wouldnt the better ending be curing the kharaar, not disabling the gun and staying?
kharaa cured so you wouldnt be dying or attacked by warpers, you have a giant underwater home with a amazing view, personal sub, personal mini sub, personal exosuit, a pet fish that does tricks, snacks, tons of food (fruit, veggies, a variety of fish), and a amazing aquarium and no taxes. you also wouldnt have to pay the taxes and the gun would stop them from being able to come and make you pay, also since the gun is on, they wouldnt be able to come and destroy the ecosystem by mining avatar style. (bonus if another ship comes and crashes, someone else may survive that could provide fun, in the racing/activies/company and/or wink wink nidge nudge way if your into that)

the rocket ending has you abandoned in space with no home to go to, no money, no food, nothing. slowly dying while trying to live off food stamp and soup kitchens in a card board box if you even end up being allowed to land.

it thats or tax free life with everything you could want, only missing a proper bathroom and tv/videogames/radio (although watching fish in the aquarium or shotting stuff with a pro/repulsion cannon could pass the time).
Last edited by jacob99; Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:43pm
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
1ostcat Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:46pm 
I took the part about the debt payment as a bit a joke.
Last edited by 1ostcat; Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:46pm
Do_I_Exist Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:46pm 
I feel that's mostly a joke, referring to an earlier quip made by the PDA that Alterra owns eveything on the planet. Its "canonity" is questionable.

Even so, Alterra would rather have some money, rather than none, so you'd likely be able to work out some sort of settlement and be able to land, even if indebted. Alterra probably doesn't want someone aiming a rocket at their corporate headquarters...
Last edited by Do_I_Exist; Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:46pm
FoeFue Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:47pm 
No. It says that your balance is one trillion credits! your not in debt...
Demolition414 Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:48pm 
You have a rocket filled with Ion crystal power cells, just threaten them of nuke them. I prefer nuke them, go out in style
jacob99 Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:49pm 
Originally posted by FoeFue:
No. It says that your balance is one trillion credits! your not in debt...
nope you owe one trillion.
1ostcat Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:51pm 
I'm sure that there's a significant value attached to all of the scanner data you've recorded from the unique lifeforms and alien power sources on this planet.
jacob99 Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:54pm 
Originally posted by textheavy:
I'm sure that there's a significant value attached to all of the scanner data you've recorded from the unique lifeforms and alien power sources on this planet.
maybe you could fix up that malfunctioning doomsday device in the G.U.N and use it as a little bargining tool, like use it to say that they remove the debt or it may "malfunction" again but it the exploding way this time.
straykaiya Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:10pm 
I admit, i was hoping for a much, much, much, much better ending. Complete with cinematics. I personally felt the ending was there.....just to be there.
w-I-z-DO-m Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:11pm 
are you serious, we should have seen this coming miles away,so much lack of creativity when it comes to the endings on EA game or most of the movies nowadays, its always end abruptly almost always as if it makes no sens, they rather cash in than providing good content, dont get me worng, this game is fun, but to end it like this is really questionable to me. exactly the same happend with the forest,stranded deep,the long dark and many more.because its a survival, we have to escape this planet,makes sens but we could have been evolving into pure energy or being kidnapped by aliens it literally would'nt have change anything.

For me right there is the guiness world record for the dumbest and easiest ending of all time.
SternLX Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:20pm 
The ending with the voice after the credits is a tongue in cheek joke. The actuall ending happens before the credits, which is you escaping the planet.
DerexXD Feb 19, 2019 @ 4:03pm 
i would rather stay on the planet tbh it was pretty beautiful

Guess this game is an example of corporate greed
Bab Peeg Feb 19, 2019 @ 6:12pm 
Wow so woke.

Originally posted by DereC:
i would rather stay on the planet tbh it was pretty beautiful

Guess this game is an example of corporate greed
DerexXD Feb 19, 2019 @ 6:55pm 
Originally posted by BAB PEEG:
Wow so woke.

Originally posted by DereC:
i would rather stay on the planet tbh it was pretty beautiful

Guess this game is an example of corporate greed
Syionic Feb 20, 2019 @ 1:25pm 
Can't you pay off your debt by your information upon the planet, along with your (likely) massive farms producing mass amounts of resources?

Along with that, Precursor technology is astounding compared to Alterra's technology, which means (with the help of the enforcement platform) say to Alterra, "Cancel my debt, and I'll let you toy with super advanced and cool technology." And the technology could give Alterra an amazing edge over any other company due to the ability to build stronger bases, better spacecraft, and more. If I was the head of a corporation, I'll accept that deal in a heartbeat!
DerexXD Feb 20, 2019 @ 1:59pm 
Originally posted by Syionic:
Can't you pay off your debt by your information upon the planet, along with your (likely) massive farms producing mass amounts of resources?

Along with that, Precursor technology is astounding compared to Alterra's technology, which means (with the help of the enforcement platform) say to Alterra, "Cancel my debt, and I'll let you toy with super advanced and cool technology." And the technology could give Alterra an amazing edge over any other company due to the ability to build stronger bases, better spacecraft, and more. If I was the head of a corporation, I'll accept that deal in a heartbeat!
oh yeah true, but if not then that planet is pretty cool anyways also in subzero dont they send a team to that planet
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Date Posted: Feb 22, 2018 @ 4:39pm
Posts: 35