BlackSoul Extended Edition

BlackSoul Extended Edition

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thanks for your feedback, we really need community support to make a better game.

Here a list of things to do:

1. remove most of the loading screens
2. enhance textures
4. make better animations
5. add gamepad support
6. enhance fonts ( for menu )

Since we are a two-man team we will not be able to do all of these changes as a single update.

At moment we are working on loading screens and textures.

I know gamepad should be a priority, but we are waiting for the engine developer to start implementation.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Pierpiero; 5 มี.ค. 2014 @ 4: 02pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 80 ความเห็น
Hi XeniosVision. Its nice to see you are aware of the flaws of your game and trying to fix the most important ones. The frequent loading screens and some poor animations were the biggest flaws as far as immersion goes in my opinion. For loading screens, you have two options : 1) you keep them, but add a little animation like resident evil with the doors opening, that way you build suspens (what lies in this next room ? Must wait for the door to open...) 2) or you remove loading screens as much as possible. Showing the game title or a "loading, please wait" text or this kind of things is kinda distracting from the atmosphere the game was building while exploring, you see what I mean. Animations : Zombies animations need work, it feels kinda rushed, unfinished, a bit funny at the moment. Very important too, the melee combat feels odd : its hard to see if you will hit the zombies, and sometime you wait for them to be close enough to hit them, and they instantly grab you : show the players they begin to try to grab him, and let him the time to hit them quickly before he is grabbed by the zombie.

If you manage to adress these problems, you game would be well made enough to satisfy old school horror fans. You already have made most of the effort : your game has great atmosphere and is very very promishing. You two are some of the very last people who seem to understand survival horror in this video game era, and you got talent buddy. Lets polish this game to present your little masterpeace to the world the way it should be presented ;)

Keep up the good work.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย valochful; 2 มี.ค. 2014 @ 3: 14pm
Hello XeniosVision,
I Just finished your game. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, thank you for making such a game! It has been a while since I played a true survival-horror game!

My only little gripe was the lack of a decent map system. Although it didn't 'break' the game for me; I know implementing such a feature might be difficult but it would definitely make the experience much smoother and prevent any needless backtracking or confusion. Making a dedicated map shortcut key and compass would be much appreciated. (Something like this,)[]

With that said, I look forward to your next project.

PS. at the end the game I got stuck at the credits screen. Is this normal? I really wanted to unlock the 'black soul' difficulty.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ÐĸɑʗɧX; 2 มี.ค. 2014 @ 6: 02pm
This is very reasurring to me - when a developer forgets how to count to 6 and misses 3, I have alot of faith in them. Seriously guys, don't you even care?
I am enjoying the game so far. Its creepy. The zombies are scary. I do agree those loading screens need removing as when I moved from door to door in the house every 2 minutes it was "Black Soul" load screen...even if it was 3-4 seconds it was frustrating and not needed.
The music is great so keep up the music :) pretty creepy.
my fave scene so far is when you finally get the last door unlocked and walk into the cold dim lit bathroom and clear the foul liquid blocking the bath tub and up pops a zombie roaring,,made me jump lol

I think the character you play could be a bit shorter as even in both views (cinema and track) the character blocks half the camera.

Another thing that needs fixing is menu clicks? I found myself having to click on menus at least 5 or 6 times before they responded? such as when I tried to equip the cane to fight the zombie it took 5 mouse clicks to respond? even saving the game takes another 3-4 mouse clicks before it finally saves? any one else with the mouse click issue?

Keep up the great work !
The map is weird? I didnt understand it although it may be just me :)
So far I have found 3 knobs? where is the fourth one? I dont know what to do with the knobs?
at first I thought maybe you connect them into that wall point where you turn the dials? but the game would not let me? maybe I am doing something wrong but what are the knobs for tha you find?
@SinisterEvil are you in the house? try checking under the rug near the staircase
yeah I was in the house :) I found 3 of those knobs :) but the fourth one I could not find. Am going back to the game now
Not to go off topic or anything but here is the 4 knobs... spoilers below.
One is from the planetary puzzle (from hell)
One you get from solving a safe located behind a crooked painting on the second floor
Another is just sitting on a table (use wrench on sink to get the key)
Final one is from draining a tub.
When you place them on the trapdoor have the first knob pointing left, the second pointing down, third pointing left, fourth pointing right.

Don't worry, for some reason the developer seemed to put the most esoteric puzzles in the beginning of the game. The rest are pretty fun and straightforward.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย SinisterEvil:
yeah I was in the house :) I found 3 of those knobs :) but the fourth one I could not find. Am going back to the game now

Back on topic:
Would it be possible to get a brightness adjustment in the game options screen?
I was eventually able to change the setting in the config file (thanks to "わたちう @脳筋")
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ÐĸɑʗɧX; 2 มี.ค. 2014 @ 11: 24pm
OK not to go off topic but I found the crooked painting and took it off the wall and there are 4 dials? I have no clue or notes th at tell me which way they should go? Only some card on a table that has 4 letters on it? How does the safe open?
I'm glad that you decided to make this game an Early Access title instead of a full blown release. We all know that this game needs work, but I'm grateful that you are actively working on changes to make this game better.
This is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you can’t just market it as a full release and then just switch it into an early access model. That is really just leading your consumer base on or even blatantly betraying them. i will acknowledge that it is good that the game is still being worked on, but if you’re going to go full release and then switch the model, the game shouldn’t have been released in the first place. All being said, this has resulted in me not trusting this developer, even though they are releasing a survival horror game which there are way too few of these days. that’s all and ♥♥♥♥ you XenoisVision.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Silverdax; 5 มี.ค. 2014 @ 7: 27am
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Cold Havana:
This is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you can’t just market it as a full release and then just switch it into an early access model. That is really just leading your consumer base on or even blatantly betraying them. i will acknowledge that it is good that the game is still being worked on, but if you’re going to go full release and then switch the model, the game shouldn’t have been released in the first place. All being said, this has resulted in me not trusting this developer, even though they are releasing a survival horror game which there are way too few of these days. that’s all and ♥♥♥♥ you XenoisVision.

I think you're being angry just for the sake of being angry. I mean, looking, you don't own and haven't played the game. You're just sort of blindly being upset over something on a personal level, which is fine, but also your outlandish attitude and sort of blind arguments clearly show. The game is playable from beginning to end, and there is actually a lot of content on display here. The campaign lasts a fairly lengthy time (I haven't finished it yet, but people say its about 12-16 hours right now).

This decision isn't one to betray consumers, and the two developers haven't stricken me or most people as being malicious or ripping people off in the least. They have been updating the game and taking peoples criticism seriously, ever since the original release on Desura. This wasn't some planned action, the developers got feedback, feedback they wanted to address to make their game better, and as a result decided to put it into early access to notify users that the game is still being worked on.

Essentially this is a position of, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." The game has bugs. I've had it crash on me three times in the 7 hours I've played. The animations are wonky, there's this weird text glitch where the text for me more often than not is smaller than it should be (but works to regular size sometimes). The game also doesn't seem to follow my launch options, while you can resize it manually it doesn't launch in 720p or 1080p, for example.

But I have been enjoying the game itself for what it is, but it'd be easier to talk about or recommend or something if its problems are ironed out. I read into it that the Early Access status is to let potential purchasers know the game is in kind of a buggy state, though it is playable from beginning to end right now, which I think is not a way to 'betray' consumers, but to let them know the status of their project. I mean, it's not like suddenly the game's content was magically changed when it switched from a release to an early access release, but is a way to let people know they're still working on the game and that it's buggy right now, instead of the opposite of leaving it buggy and letting people buy it while it's buggy.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย AestheticGamer:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Cold Havana:
This is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you can’t just market it as a full release and then just switch it into an early access model. That is really just leading your consumer base on or even blatantly betraying them. i will acknowledge that it is good that the game is still being worked on, but if you’re going to go full release and then switch the model, the game shouldn’t have been released in the first place. All being said, this has resulted in me not trusting this developer, even though they are releasing a survival horror game which there are way too few of these days. that’s all and ♥♥♥♥ you XenoisVision.

I think you're being angry just for the sake of being angry. I mean, looking, you don't own and haven't played the game. You're just sort of blindly being upset over something on a personal level, which is fine, but also your outlandish attitude and sort of blind arguments clearly show. The game is playable from beginning to end, and there is actually a lot of content on display here. The campaign lasts a fairly lengthy time (I haven't finished it yet, but people say its about 12-16 hours right now).

This decision isn't one to betray consumers, and the two developers haven't stricken me or most people as being malicious or ripping people off in the least. They have been updating the game and taking peoples criticism seriously, ever since the original release on Desura. This wasn't some planned action, the developers got feedback, feedback they wanted to address to make their game better, and as a result decided to put it into early access to notify users that the game is still being worked on.

Essentially this is a position of, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." The game has bugs. I've had it crash on me three times in the 7 hours I've played. The animations are wonky, there's this weird text glitch where the text for me more often than not is smaller than it should be (but works to regular size sometimes). The game also doesn't seem to follow my launch options, while you can resize it manually it doesn't launch in 720p or 1080p, for example.

But I have been enjoying the game itself for what it is, but it'd be easier to talk about or recommend or something if its problems are ironed out. I read into it that the Early Access status is to let potential purchasers know the game is in kind of a buggy state, though it is playable from beginning to end right now, which I think is not a way to 'betray' consumers, but to let them know the status of their project. I mean, it's not like suddenly the game's content was magically changed when it switched from a release to an early access release, but is a way to let people know they're still working on the game and that it's buggy right now, instead of the opposite of leaving it buggy and letting people buy it while it's buggy.

I do believe we call that Pwnage.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย AestheticGamer:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Cold Havana:
This is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you can’t just market it as a full release and then just switch it into an early access model. That is really just leading your consumer base on or even blatantly betraying them. i will acknowledge that it is good that the game is still being worked on, but if you’re going to go full release and then switch the model, the game shouldn’t have been released in the first place. All being said, this has resulted in me not trusting this developer, even though they are releasing a survival horror game which there are way too few of these days. that’s all and ♥♥♥♥ you XenoisVision.

I think you're being angry just for the sake of being angry. I mean, looking, you don't own and haven't played the game. You're just sort of blindly being upset over something on a personal level, which is fine, but also your outlandish attitude and sort of blind arguments clearly show. The game is playable from beginning to end, and there is actually a lot of content on display here. The campaign lasts a fairly lengthy time (I haven't finished it yet, but people say its about 12-16 hours right now).

This decision isn't one to betray consumers, and the two developers haven't stricken me or most people as being malicious or ripping people off in the least. They have been updating the game and taking peoples criticism seriously, ever since the original release on Desura. This wasn't some planned action, the developers got feedback, feedback they wanted to address to make their game better, and as a result decided to put it into early access to notify users that the game is still being worked on.

Essentially this is a position of, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." The game has bugs. I've had it crash on me three times in the 7 hours I've played. The animations are wonky, there's this weird text glitch where the text for me more often than not is smaller than it should be (but works to regular size sometimes). The game also doesn't seem to follow my launch options, while you can resize it manually it doesn't launch in 720p or 1080p, for example.

But I have been enjoying the game itself for what it is, but it'd be easier to talk about or recommend or something if its problems are ironed out. I read into it that the Early Access status is to let potential purchasers know the game is in kind of a buggy state, though it is playable from beginning to end right now, which I think is not a way to 'betray' consumers, but to let them know the status of their project. I mean, it's not like suddenly the game's content was magically changed when it switched from a release to an early access release, but is a way to let people know they're still working on the game and that it's buggy right now, instead of the opposite of leaving it buggy and letting people buy it while it's buggy.

i just mean that the fact that it got on steam as a full product and was able to switch and 'hide' behind the early access model, is kind of outrageous. I’m not out to demean or attack the products quality, I’m just saying there’s a big dilemma in that content creators can just blatantly hide behind an excuse like "oh never mind it’s not done yet, its beta, its early access" even though the product was released as a full game on steam and desura.

I’m sure the developers are great and not out to lead anybody on or mistreat anybody, but they are really not showing the consumer any respect by doing this, and thereby not giving me a reason to trust them.

Just for the sake of defending myself and of course argument, I do not have to own the product to address the issue with borderline scummy business tactics, and I don’t believe I’m being irrationally angry or angry just for the sake of being angry.
This game does not have "Early Access Status" on the Steam Store page.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Caligo Clarus; 8 มี.ค. 2014 @ 5: 58am
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 80 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 2 มี.ค. 2014 @ 10: 48am
โพสต์: 80