Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse

Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse

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I was stuck on the glyph for a couple of hours. Had to use a walkthrough for the game for the first time. I got most of the words right without cheating, but I couldn't have finished it without a walkthrough or several more hours of trial and error. Anyone else found themselves stuck on this puzzle?
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Yeah, mee to. I got stuck with the one meaning "south". It was just too damm random. The game was pretty cool though, but I somehow missed some more cutscenes instead of so many "a few minutes later".
I got stuck with "source", "desert", and a few more words. I wish it weren't so random. Even with the walkthrough, it's still hard to make sense of the meaning of some of the glyphs.
I had to use a walkthrough too,but still now I can't understand most of this puzzle!That's the worst part of the game IMO,it's hard to understand what you're supposed to do.
I must say that the word "south" was not right, because we're translating a text by replacing words, not contextual meanings. However, none of the other words were random, you just didn't take the time to decipher the alphabet properly. There are 22 glyphs to identify, it's not that much, and then you just combine them.

That's what I did here :

For example, Source has nothing random, you've got River and Birth/Begining. The beginig of the River is called a Source, not hard. For Desert, you've got Burn and Kingdom/Region. What can be a burning region ? Only two words were woking with that definition, Volcano and Desert.

But I couldn't find the South by myself, because "Observing the Young Cities' Region" made sense to me, but not translated by the single word "South".

I've enjoyed this puzzle a lot, it reminded me Fez and its clever deciphering puzzle. Being a little Champollion is very exciting, and brings me back to childhood :)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Yohmi; 24.4.2014 klo 3.55
I was determined to do this puzzle without hints because it seemed interesting. I didn't understand the direction words, and the Volcano/Desert seemed an arbitrary choice. I had to use the hints in the end and wasn't sure how it was worked out. I also didn't like that room in general. The statue didn't look like it was facing the trees; the perspective definitely looked off for me.
I admit this was the hardest puzzle in the game imo and I had to use the hint system to solve it.
I also had to use the hint system for this one. Ultimately I had to use all of them until it just gave me the answers. Too vague. I guess I could have spent another hour or so randomly clicking glyphs until it worked but that wouldn't have been much better. It felt more like it was just there to fill up some time.
Generally, I thought the glyph puzzle was pretty good. Most of them made sense. South also made sense, as it's "LOOK TO YOUNG CITY REGION" or something like that, and from where you are in the directions, looking there is the south. I mistakenly took Volcano for Desert, and EAST totally flommoxed me (as I would have expected LOOK to be used as well.) "HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN" just didn't mean EAST to me (though it rises in the East, so I do see the connection.

(EDIT: I should note that I did NOT solve SOUTH. Needed the hint for that.)

I used the final hints for the last couple. The rest, I already knew. And the game interface is just too slow for me to ping-pong back and force between the map and the puzzle.

Click on Inventory
Right-Click on Map
Click on Inventory
Grab Tabula and use on Glyphs
Work on Puzzle

Yes. :) I'm lazy. I could written it down as I did in the old 'glory' days of gaming, but I'm lazy.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Jeremy Winston; 28.4.2014 klo 18.01
I know that some were able to complete the glyph puzzle without using the hints, I probably would have been able to solve it as well if I spent a couple more hours on it. The problem with it though is the sudden difficulty curve. That puzzle is the weakest part of the game IMHO, moreso than the cockroach/paperclip puzzle and the very simple puzzle at the end of the game. Still, I enjoyed the game, specially the 2D art and voice overs.
Yeah, the direction gylph is just pure evil XD
Although, after looking at the answer, East is kinda make sense. Home+young sun=morning=East
But south is just evil. You have to look at secret message on the letter o make sense of it.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on WickySalsa; 29.4.2014 klo 4.49
i couldnt solve a "Day" glyph ..I just dont undersnad, why Day ...? I thought it woulde be "North" :( ...and also a "South" glyph was definitely too exorbitant

Viimeisin muokkaaja on Blackened Halo; 29.4.2014 klo 15.42
Day = Start Sun End. A full sun cycle.
Yeah I wasn't going to spend hours on a single puzzle so I just used the damn hints.
I am stuck on the glyph for south, l have combined the right symbols but it still says l need to know the location, the hint does not help just says a to e, can anyone help me with this please, it is the only one l need to carry on the game
You need to solve the 'map' puzzle regarding the message he wrote on the map.
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