Little Racers STREET

Little Racers STREET

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Wuffyhumps Feb 10, 2014 @ 10:50pm
[Linux] Game freezes at the end of both intro logo sequences
The game will freeze at the end of both intro logo parts before the main menu. The way I get past them is by alt-tabbing out of the game just after starting it up. For some reason doing this prevents the freeze ups. Anyone else experiencing this?

Linux Mint 16, Nvidia gfx w/ closed source driver.
Last edited by Wuffyhumps; Feb 11, 2014 @ 9:10am
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
mianosm Feb 11, 2014 @ 4:19am 
I just purchased it this morning....can not play at all on Fedora 20. Game attempts to load and instantly crashes with no errors/logging that I'm aware of.

Fedora 20, ATI open source driver.
Last edited by mianosm; Feb 11, 2014 @ 4:19am
WaaghMan  [developer] Feb 11, 2014 @ 8:12am 
In next update we'll try to generate a debug log when the game crashes during initialization.
Wuffyhumps Feb 11, 2014 @ 9:05am 
Originally posted by WaaghMan:
In next update we'll try to generate a debug log when the game crashes during initialization.
Thanks! :D
Figured I'd start a separate thread since that other one was solved and for a different issue.
Originally posted by mianosm:
I just purchased it this morning....can not play at all on Fedora 20. Game attempts to load and instantly crashes with no errors/logging that I'm aware of.

Fedora 20, ATI open source driver.
That's a different problem, this is a freezing after the scene is finished running (slowly fades/zooms in, then doesn't progress). Try the closed AMD driver. Then you'll know if the driver is to blame or not. The open driver is sometimes less buggy than the closed, but the open is also further behind in some ways and will have different bugs than the closed.
Last edited by Wuffyhumps; Feb 11, 2014 @ 9:09am
V10lator Feb 11, 2014 @ 9:38am 
Originally posted by Swiftpaw:
The open driver is sometimes less buggy than the closed, but the open is also further behind in some ways and will have different bugs than the closed.
I'm using the open source, too and don't have the problem he describes. other than that: "sometimes" ? fglrx needs some kind of buggy software award. ;) further behing? OpenGL 3.3 is all I need and 4.x is in the works. Seriously, you should try it, you may be impressed how far it has improved.
Wuffyhumps Feb 11, 2014 @ 9:58am 
Originally posted by V10lator:
Originally posted by Swiftpaw:
The open driver is sometimes less buggy than the closed, but the open is also further behind in some ways and will have different bugs than the closed.
I'm using the open source, too and don't have the problem he describes. other than that: "sometimes" ? fglrx needs some kind of buggy software award. ;) further behing? OpenGL 3.3 is all I need and 4.x is in the works. Seriously, you should try it, you may be impressed how far it has improved.
Fglrx has OGL4 right now, so yes, further behind. I'm not aware of any games requiring OGL4 yet either, but if we switch to talking performance, fglrx is still superior in most cases in comparison to the fastest open source drivers, even on OGL3 workloads. So again, yes, further behind. Also, different AMD cards use different open source drivers, so the one you're using and the one he is using could very much yield different results.
Will the open source drivers be better in every way eventually? It seems that way. But right now, performance-wise, no.
Last edited by Wuffyhumps; Feb 11, 2014 @ 10:28am
Wuffyhumps Feb 11, 2014 @ 10:34am 
Strangely the game launched perfectly a few moments ago, and on top of that it played flawlessly too with no jitters! Fun game!
And theeeeeeeen I exited and restarted and the same freezing problem came back again. XD
kaistian Feb 11, 2014 @ 12:35pm 
The last update that came just a few hours ago also made the game freeze for me also.
I have tried a lot of different things but nothing has worked yet :-(
Wuffyhumps Feb 11, 2014 @ 10:28pm 
Originally posted by kaistian:
The last update that came just a few hours ago also made the game freeze for me also.
I have tried a lot of different things but nothing has worked yet :-(
After the last update today, I launched it and it worked, so it got my hopes up! Then I launched it a second time, and it froze. :D I'm sure they'll let us know when a fix is in their patch.
wingnux Feb 12, 2014 @ 8:43am 
The same thing has happened to me! I've launched the game and it worked fine, I've even played a quick match (fun game, btw!) and then exit with no errors at all.
After that I decided to give it another shot and... nope! Black screen after the second logo and the menu music playing in the background. Also, no error log files were created.
volnes Feb 12, 2014 @ 9:41am 
well the same thing.
kaistian Feb 12, 2014 @ 11:48am 
The last update "Update for Wednesday 12th Feb" fixed the freeze for me :-D
Wuffyhumps Feb 12, 2014 @ 10:36pm 
Originally posted by kaistian:
The last update "Update for Wednesday 12th Feb" fixed the freeze for me :-D
As I posted above, try it again, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. That's what I was getting, anyway. I thought the same thing you did because the first time running it after that patch it worked for me too, but then I exited and reloaded and it froze again.
Last edited by Wuffyhumps; Feb 12, 2014 @ 10:37pm
WaaghMan  [developer] Feb 13, 2014 @ 12:52am 
Originally posted by Swiftpaw:
Originally posted by kaistian:
The last update "Update for Wednesday 12th Feb" fixed the freeze for me :-D
As I posted above, try it again, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. That's what I was getting, anyway. I thought the same thing you did because the first time running it after that patch it worked for me too, but then I exited and reloaded and it froze again.

When you posted your case, the latest patch wasn't released yet, so please try now.
Wuffyhumps Feb 21, 2014 @ 9:16am 
Originally posted by WaaghMan:
Originally posted by Swiftpaw:
As I posted above, try it again, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. That's what I was getting, anyway. I thought the same thing you did because the first time running it after that patch it worked for me too, but then I exited and reloaded and it froze again.

When you posted your case, the latest patch wasn't released yet, so please try now.
Same thing. I've found something weird though, that the first time at a freshly powered on Linux desktop it has been working for me every time now. But then after you close it, wait for a while, and then try to run it again it always freezes right at the part where the Steam overlay normally notification is supposed to pop up in the lower right corner.

It's funny how if you alt-tab out before the overlay pops up on the milkstone splash it will get past it, but if you then alt-tab back during the LRS splash it will freeze at the end of it too.

Subsequent times loading the game makes me sometimes hit a time where it works fine again like with the initial load.
Last edited by Wuffyhumps; Feb 21, 2014 @ 9:22am
Wuffyhumps Aug 26, 2014 @ 9:35am 
The Steam overlay seems to be completely disabled now.

On Linux Mint 17 and I cannot play this game, it freezes at the Milkstone Studios logo. The work-around by bringing up the Steam overlay doesn't work since the overlay isn't working.

Any ideas? Any error logs? :D

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