Jets'n'Guns Gold

Jets'n'Guns Gold

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WW2 JnG Concept idea
i had this idea while buying milk and i want to share it before i forget
basically the idea is that instead of the "space sci fi" setting found in JnG
it would be a (not exactly serious or realistic) ww2-esque setting

the player would have access to some interwar planes to begin with and then upgrade through different allied (british, american, soviet etc.) aircraft, with engine and cooling upgrades like we have in JnG.
perhaps you could blow up hangars to get access to axis aircraft? i guess?

so the gameplay would involve shooting down axis aircraft, blowing up tanks and infantry, fighting.. wunderwaffe i guess?

and you'd install machineguns, autocannons and the like onto your aircraft like you would in JnG.
the idea was not to have the game be particularly historical or realistic. JnG surely isn't and it is better for it
Date Posted: Mar 18, 2022 @ 3:03am
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