Lichdom: Battlemage

Lichdom: Battlemage

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JD_2020 Jul 22, 2014 @ 3:30pm
Official Guides to Crafting, Magical Systems, and Synthesis!
As many of you early adopters know, the Xaviant team has been reading and conversing over your passionate feedback for months. It's been a remarkable and rewarding collaboration between developer and community that we're truly grateful for. We're nearing the end of our Early Access phase (Lichdom: Battlemage launches August 26th as a reminder!), which means the systems that power the game are starting to finally solidify.

These systems are at a point where it makes a lot of sense for us to dive deeper than ever before into explaining how to truly leverage some of these features to their fullest extent. So without further ado, by popular demand, here are the three most-requested guides straight from Xaviant!

Please leave us feedback as we intend to capture as much of this information as possible in the final game that ships as well.

Lichdom: Battlemage Guides

1] A Guide to Crafting

2] A Guide to Magical Systems

3] A Guide to Synthesis
Last edited by JD_2020; Jul 22, 2014 @ 3:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
jstanobody Jul 22, 2014 @ 3:48pm 
Awesome guides, simple and helpful... thank you JD..
Cuchilain Jul 22, 2014 @ 9:37pm 
This is the worlds greatest shooter. I've called it a boner simulator before, because this game makes you feel like a freakin badass. Flashing novas and pools of fire lighting the walls, fireballs lobbing and detonating in clusters, and then flash with a well timed block and everything around you explodes into ash and a few remnants of bone. It is GREAT!!
Veezi  [developer] Jul 23, 2014 @ 11:42am 
Originally posted by Cuchilain:
This is the worlds greatest shooter. I've called it a boner simulator before, because this game makes you feel like a freakin badass. Flashing novas and pools of fire lighting the walls, fireballs lobbing and detonating in clusters, and then flash with a well timed block and everything around you explodes into ash and a few remnants of bone. It is GREAT!!

I would like to use this in our marketing campaign, word for word :)
Carnocide. Jul 23, 2014 @ 1:40pm 
Oh this is precisely what I have been looking for. Furthermore, all this information comes from a reliable source. I highly appreciate your effort in clarifying these (as I do believe) complex systems.

Thank you.
Atratus Jul 23, 2014 @ 4:13pm 
Picked this game up 10 days ago, played the 1st boss and farmed a bit. Loved it! Told all my gaming friends about this game. Can't wait to play the new build. Cheers! Keep up the great work =)
JD_2020 Jul 24, 2014 @ 2:28pm 
Originally posted by Atratus:
Picked this game up 10 days ago, played the 1st boss and farmed a bit. Loved it! Told all my gaming friends about this game. Can't wait to play the new build. Cheers! Keep up the great work =)
Wow what an incredible testimonial Atratus. Thanks for sharing!! :D
IIFriggII Aug 26, 2014 @ 7:02pm 
i don't understand how to make the synergies (from the second guide). any chance you can give an example of how to make it?.
i get lost when it says i need 2, and both hmm.

edit: asked in the guide as well, if you just answer here or there it would be wonderfull :D
still dl the game, looking very much forward to trying it out ^^
Veezi  [developer] Aug 27, 2014 @ 3:30am 
To make Synergies: First you need a Legendary (orange) shape that's upgradeable. You must upgrade it using two other legendary items. This will yield a unique. Some (but not all) uniques have a Synergy. Your synergy-enabled unique shape can only be crafted with a specific Sigil (which will be clear in the description of the shape).

Craft your Synergy spell using the shape. Equip the spell and make sure the other Sigil named in the spell is equipped as well. For instance, if memory serves, the Singularity synergy is a Kinesis spell that requires Lightning to be equipped as well.

Once you have the Synergy spell and both Sigils equipped, your HUD will have a meter in the lower right hand corner when you equip the spell bank for the Synergized Sigil.

Now perform overkills with either of your Synergy sigils to fill the meter.

Once the meter is full (you'll hear a sound and see an effect) cast the AOE of your Synergy Sigil (kinesis if we're talking about Singularity) in order to cast the Synergy.

Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty straight-forward to do.
Yoelsick Aug 27, 2014 @ 4:47am 
Lots of thanks for the guides :)
Codo Aug 27, 2014 @ 2:17pm 
Alrighty... I know this may sound extremely rude of me to say and ask, but...

Is there any Air/Wind element spell-making in this? This really IS the difference between me buying it now at 40 dollars, or waiting for it to go on deal. :c I don't mean to sound pompous, or like "I'll just take my money elsehwere! HMF!" kinda person, but all too often in games, the element of actually using the Air or Wind is over-looked or done oddly. Things like saying "Yeah, there's a wind element!" and then firing electricity from your fingers...? I get the whole concept of STORMS, but Electricity and Wind are NOT the dang same as a lot of games seem to, for WHATEVER reason, imply. If Electricity really -is- 'Wind' as a lot of games (And yes, I -can- give examples. First and easiest, Golden Sun series. Though at least they occasionally have whirlwinds and stuff.), then fine, tell me why, but as again.

I just want a game where I can play with magical theory, and get to use Air Spells. Few games let me play with magic like this. Magicka was one (Didn't have wind, but darned if it didn't let me play with magic as much as I want, and steam was pretty close at least, so I gave it that.), Lost Magic (Combine any 2 spells, and certain combinations of 3, WITH the wind element in the game)... Some games offer some -great- wind magic, and some games let you play with spell-making. But very rarely do the two paths cross. So I know it may sound selfish or rude to base my entire opinion on it, but air-based spells and whatnot are a big thing to me. If there is things like tornadoes, gusts of wind, blades of air, and all that stuff in this game? Groovy, I'll buy it right the moment I get a reply. But if not, I think I'll at least wait till it's cheaper. Not to disrespect you guys, as I'm sure you put in more work into this game then I could ever know, and the concept of playing with spell theory is still drawing me to it like a fat kid towards cake... But it is the one thing that keeps me from cramming my hand in this game's love socket.

...And yes, I hope you think of that imagery. :|

But yeah. TL;DR - Is there wind magics in this game?
Codo Aug 27, 2014 @ 2:23pm 
Well actually, can I just ask: What -are- the elemental energies you can infuse spells with in this game? I so far have only heard about the WAY you can cast spells, not what kind of elements they are.
Veezi  [developer] Aug 28, 2014 @ 2:31pm 
There are 8 "Sigils" (similar to schools of magic) in the game, each can be crafted in different ways so that they exhibit different behavior (i.e. You can craft a Ice spells that freeze, or slow, or apply a debuff and slow nearby enemies), and also so that they can be cast in different ways.

The elemental Sigils are Fire, Ice, and Lightning. The 5 additional sigils allow you to do things like mind control enemies, raise undead minions, infest enemies with corruption that bursts after a time, etc.
Codo Aug 28, 2014 @ 2:45pm 
Aaah, alright. I thought that there was 8 ELEMENTS, not 8 different sorta 'schools' of affects here. Thank you for your clarification though. I'll see about still getting it, but I think I'll at least wait for a while now.

Don't get me wrong though, still totally buying this. >_> I still want it, trust me. But thank you for clarifying this for me though, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I still can not accept there is a mage who does not use mana. In my head he is not a mage if he does not need mana pools or does not have cool-downs like normal mages and wizards.
Codo Aug 29, 2014 @ 3:31pm 
Wolkun_, Magicka did sort of the same deal. No cooldown, no mana... Only issue was, you could kill yourself just as easily as others. But it all came down to the speed of your spell casting. Though, I'm still not quite sure how the spell-casting in this game goes, but that's only because I refuse to spoil for myself how this game will be with lets plays and such. But there's no reason a mage shouldn't be a total badass. Just that like Magicka, you should be reminded just how powerful the very forces you wield are... By probably causing your own death a few times, or blowing everything around you up into microscopic dust. :D
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