Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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Worth buying this game or wait for updates?
Heard the game had tons of QOL issues at launch so I've been avoiding it but it never goes on sale, I know the combat is awesome but how's the rest of the game mechanics?

I really want to give this a shot but it's still in EA after two years??
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Maybe wait for EA to finish since you've waited (or haven't known about it) for this long anyway.
Then 'maybe' the mod interface will be more stable too, and then it's probably a better investment.

That said, you can get hundreds if not thousands of hours out of it already, but they're going to have to be hours of passion and enjoyment of a very limited set of things.
It's not a deep game.
Callum 13 apr 2022 om 1:55 
If you are still unsure then I would also recommend waiting until the full release to be certain.

You could also check out some live streams, YouTube videos and recent Steam reviews to get a better understanding of the current state of the game.
Playing bannerlord online mod if you are looking for a MMO game with good mounted combat while waiting for this game get out of Early Access state.
Thanks everybody, I think I will keep holding out for the full release.
I'm still playing the first game!
Origineel geplaatst door Phatriik:
Heard the game had tons of QOL issues at launch so I've been avoiding it but it never goes on sale, I know the combat is awesome but how's the rest of the game mechanics?

I really want to give this a shot but it's still in EA after two years??
Qol ?

-no feasts or events.
-no claimants/usurpers
-no cutscenes
-randomly generated companions < Handcrafted companions like jeremus
-no promised gang/brigand playstyle
-villages don't count as fiefs, only useless castles and town do.
-no upgradable villages
-no manhunters
-no naval combat
-RtR system from Warband discarded, a clown could become a faction leader overnight.
-no books or trainers.
-no hitmens targeting you/random encounters like the belligerent drunk.
-no lords consipiring on each others, no duels. 0 political intrigue.
-no political quests and denouncement quests, dueling lords.
-no deserters
-no Lord personalities affecting behaviour
-no deeper courtships, just gamble rng, no poems.
-no real reason to visit towns/castle/villages at all.
-no camping.
-lots of other content removed/discarded.
-meme ingame economy.
-meme ingame diplomacy.
-lots of exploit-early game is a chore/boring.
-meme mid-late game
-EA release a complete disaster even worse than cyberpunk2077.
-no randomized battle terrain (by design)
-no sexism
-no Ambush attacks
-no Dog companion.
-everything is superficial and lack depth.

Mod scene is dead, aside from the few projects still alive thanks to the sunk cost fallacy (warhammer,rome...) others are dropped/dead because the modders had enough (ex:play as a soldier mod).
What is shameful is that there are some mods that fix bugs 6-7 months before talesworld finally fix them in game (siege fix and other stuff),really shows that some ambititous nobodies are better devs than the actual devs.
MP pop is 200 max,5-6 minutes to find a match,very unbalanced,very toxic and servers have a coin toss chance to crash...

Wait for full release than buy it when its on sale.
Laatst bewerkt door ★RULER★; 13 apr 2022 om 12:21
i'd say wait for good total conversion mods
Warband with floris mod (or any mod that expands on floris) is 10x more of a game than Bannerlord at the moment. So if you get bored of playing Warband and Bannerlord still isn't ready yet, get the floris mod for warband!
Origineel geplaatst door Phatriik:
Heard the game had tons of QOL issues at launch so I've been avoiding it but it never goes on sale, I know the combat is awesome but how's the rest of the game mechanics?

I really want to give this a shot but it's still in EA after two years??

Ok so all these people bashing bannerlord are salty 6k hour andy's who played every mount and blade game to infinity. Bannerlord is 10000000% worth it even as early access.

I couldn't get into the earlier mount and blades because honestly they looked like crap. The animations and graphics were horrible and it put me off. Bannerlord looks good and the scale and scope of it is amazing.

If you are new to the franchise or enjoy medieval warfare, strategy, combat with a splash of rpg elements then Bannerlord is easily the best game available right now. Not even a question. Anyone who is into those things I just listed could EASILY get a few hundred hours out of Bannerlord and considering people pay $60 for 20hr single player games yea Bannerlord is worth it. It's a game I dump 100+ hours into a save then stop playing for a while and see it's had updates and come back to and dump another 100+ into a save.

Honestly, if you look at the responses to your post almost all of them are comparing to older M&B games and listing off things that were in the old games and not in this one. Bannerlord isn't really reinventing the wheel when it comes to M&B so all these people with thousands and thousands of hours in the M&B franchise are not vouching for the game even though I am positive all these people have hundreds if not thousands of hours in Bannerlord as well. It's just the syndrome people get when they spend to much time in a franchise.
Origineel geplaatst door Callum:
If you are still unsure then I would also recommend waiting until the full release to be certain.

You could also check out some live streams, YouTube videos and recent Steam reviews to get a better understanding of the current state of the game.
We'd be waiting forever for the full release i think. As i've said in multiple threads, the most we can realistically do is to treat e1.0.0 as the finished product with all major content updates being something along the lines of free DLC.
Wait. The development of this game, or lack thereof, is a joke.
Origineel geplaatst door Callum:
If you are still unsure then I would also recommend waiting until the full release to be certain.

You could also check out some live streams, YouTube videos and recent Steam reviews to get a better understanding of the current state of the game.
Serious question here if you will answer me when the game will be finished?
Origineel geplaatst door ★KING★BuBu:
Mod scene is dead

I'm not sure if they'll come back, but a LOT of them announced they were waiting for a more stable final build before they stopped modding, so when the game's a few patches out of Early Access it may see a mod Renaissance. I know Warband had a LOT of dedicated modders and a lot of them were excited about the prospects of what they could do with M&B 2 but they don't want a modpocalypse to wreck their hard work.
Origineel geplaatst door NiceKiller:
Origineel geplaatst door Phatriik:
Heard the game had tons of QOL issues at launch so I've been avoiding it but it never goes on sale, I know the combat is awesome but how's the rest of the game mechanics?

I really want to give this a shot but it's still in EA after two years??

Ok so all these people bashing bannerlord are salty 6k hour andy's who played every mount and blade game to infinity. Bannerlord is 10000000% worth it even as early access.

I couldn't get into the earlier mount and blades because honestly they looked like crap. The animations and graphics were horrible and it put me off. Bannerlord looks good and the scale and scope of it is amazing.

If you are new to the franchise or enjoy medieval warfare, strategy, combat with a splash of rpg elements then Bannerlord is easily the best game available right now. Not even a question. Anyone who is into those things I just listed could EASILY get a few hundred hours out of Bannerlord and considering people pay $60 for 20hr single player games yea Bannerlord is worth it. It's a game I dump 100+ hours into a save then stop playing for a while and see it's had updates and come back to and dump another 100+ into a save.

Honestly, if you look at the responses to your post almost all of them are comparing to older M&B games and listing off things that were in the old games and not in this one. Bannerlord isn't really reinventing the wheel when it comes to M&B so all these people with thousands and thousands of hours in the M&B franchise are not vouching for the game even though I am positive all these people have hundreds if not thousands of hours in Bannerlord as well. It's just the syndrome people get when they spend to much time in a franchise.

I really liked Warband but this guy is right, and a lot of people are used to playing Warband with mods and forget how rough it was out of the box. Everyone needed to download the Diplomacy mod or Sword of Damocles for basic functionality that's built into the core game for Bannerlord. And a lot of the stuff that's missing are things the devs already said are coming.

But I think the devs want to do them right when they do them. they probably don't want a feast to be just a bunch of lords coming to stand in your hall this time for example. So to it proper is going to take some time and it's taken a back seat to things like basic performance and stability, bug fixes, battlefield mechanics, economy balancing, and things like that.

The game's come a long way from the first time I played it, Devs THANK YOU for the Sandbox Mode btw and the cutscene when I launched it was amazing.
Laatst bewerkt door 👁; 13 apr 2022 om 23:14
Origineel geplaatst door 💀:
Origineel geplaatst door NiceKiller:

Ok so all these people bashing bannerlord are salty 6k hour andy's who played every mount and blade game to infinity. Bannerlord is 10000000% worth it even as early access.

I couldn't get into the earlier mount and blades because honestly they looked like crap. The animations and graphics were horrible and it put me off. Bannerlord looks good and the scale and scope of it is amazing.

If you are new to the franchise or enjoy medieval warfare, strategy, combat with a splash of rpg elements then Bannerlord is easily the best game available right now. Not even a question. Anyone who is into those things I just listed could EASILY get a few hundred hours out of Bannerlord and considering people pay $60 for 20hr single player games yea Bannerlord is worth it. It's a game I dump 100+ hours into a save then stop playing for a while and see it's had updates and come back to and dump another 100+ into a save.

Honestly, if you look at the responses to your post almost all of them are comparing to older M&B games and listing off things that were in the old games and not in this one. Bannerlord isn't really reinventing the wheel when it comes to M&B so all these people with thousands and thousands of hours in the M&B franchise are not vouching for the game even though I am positive all these people have hundreds if not thousands of hours in Bannerlord as well. It's just the syndrome people get when they spend to much time in a franchise.

I really liked Warband but this guy is right, and a lot of people are used to playing Warband with mods and forget how rough it was out of the box, they talk about things like feasts for example but back then a feast just meant that everyone gathered and stood around in your castle hall, that was a "feast"

Everyone needed to download the Diplomacy mod or Sword of Damocles for just built into the core game for Bannerlord.

And a lot of the stuff that's missing are things the devs already said are coming, but I think the devs want to do them right when they do them, they probably don't want a feast to be just a bunch of lords coming to stand in your hall this time for example. So to it proper is going to take some time and it's taken a back seat to things like basic performance and stability, bug fixes, battlefield balancing, and things like that.

The game's come a long way from the first time I played it, Devs THANK YOU for the Sandbox Mode btw and the cutscene when I launched it was amazing.
The thing is on feasts in WB was indeed to feel alive and i really enjoyed tournament on feasts and lords seem more like a vassals more like lords kings look like kings wise and passionate about their ideologies

and we are looking at a game in 2010 and in a game 2022 the thing is with this tehnology and soo many more people they really do slow as ♥♥♥♥ and we are all underserved like it or not it is what it is MP is dead SP is really bad withouth mods what did they give us for 50 euro tell me
Well the original game was very Indie and Experimental, so the way feasts worked, everyone would just gather at a castle and stand there not doing anything, it was mostly just a way to get a lot of lords in one place to interact with them.

But what if the devs have more in mind for feasts in Bannerlord? They could have everyone just gather at a castle and stand there without too much effort, but to do more than that, they're going to have to design a whole system around feasting.

The game's still in early access and they've been ironing out the core mechanics and fixing performance issues, crushing memory leaks,, working on the battle formations system and battle terrain generation, planting floating trees in the ground where they belong and putting floating torches on the buildings where they were meant to be, fixing pathfinding bugs and generally improving the AI, stuff like that.

Personally speaking, I understand why feasts have taken a back seat to other things and would rather them be fleshed out when added than rushed and barebones anyway.
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Geplaatst op: 13 apr 2022 om 0:37
Aantal berichten: 22