The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two

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Crispyhardt 4 listopada 2014 o 14:42
why did only about 14 percent of people help kenny towards the end of episode 5?
jane was ok but she and most other people were SO CRUEL to kenny (not to mention jane was a ♥♥♥♥♥ even though i chose to be nice to her she was still a heartless ♥♥♥♥♥ most of the time) ... yes kenny become a bit crazy but thats not his fault. in season 1 his wife shot herself because she couldn't kill their son who was turning into a zombie and he also saw so many friends die within season 1... season 2 kenny is happy for a bit then ♥♥♥♥ happened. kenny lost so many good friends and he was called crazy and dangerous by jack asses who didn't understand.....

so why did so many people not understand this so they killed kenny?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Crispyhardt; 4 listopada 2014 o 14:43
< >
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blue 4 listopada 2014 o 15:11 
i am one of those who shot kenny. and not all who went with jane liked her! i ONLY forgave her because i cant take care of a baby alone. and she knows how to survive and she'll take care of us and most importantly AJ! although i wont forget that she drove kenny that crazy!

why i shot kenny??

because he changed, since season 1 when he saw his family died. he isnt the kenny we met at the farm. and he was TOO sad for me to keep him alive and suffer more! i wanted to be selfish and keep him with me, but i knew deep inside he wanted to be with his family ''katja/duck'' again.... and i cried at the end :( because i got the option that made shoose to shoot him '' its ok kenny, you'll see your family again, you'll see katja and duck '' thats what i said t him whie i was crying with clem :(
i wanted to be selfish and keep him with me! but i know that kenny wont be happy ever again, and i loved him too much to let him live with that much pain and anger. thats why most people shot him. not everyone shot him or left him because they hated him, some of them just like me, we wanted kenny to have peace. and be happy again! and i know that he wont be happy being with me..... in ep5 in the fireplace scene you get to talk to him about his family, you can see that he misses them too much! i love kenny so much and i know that being in heaven with his family is going to make him smile. and he did!!! when i shot himm he said to me '' oh clem, you're always good for a SMILE '' and he smiled, and i cried

Crispyhardt 4 listopada 2014 o 15:17 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Mercyva:
i am one of those who shot kenny. and not all who went with jane liked her! i ONLY forgave her because i cant take care of a baby alone. and she knows how to survive and she'll take care of us and most importantly AJ! although i wont forget that she drove kenny that crazy!

why i shot kenny??

because he changed, since season 1 when he saw his family died. he isnt the kenny we met at the farm. and he was TOO sad for me to keep him alive and suffer more! i wanted to be selfish and keep him with me, but i knew deep inside he wanted to be with his family ''katja/duck'' again.... and i cried at the end :( because i got the option that made shoose to shoot him '' its ok kenny, you'll see your family again, you'll see katja and duck '' thats what i said t him whie i was crying with clem :(
i wanted to be selfish and keep him with me! but i know that kenny wont be happy ever again, and i loved him too much to let him live with that much pain and anger. thats why most people shot him. not everyone shot him or left him because they hated him, some of them just like me, we wanted kenny to have peace. and be happy again! and i know that he wont be happy being with me..... in ep5 in the fireplace scene you get to talk to him about his family, you can see that he misses them too much! i love kenny so much and i know that being in heaven with his family is going to make him smile. and he did!!! when i shot himm he said to me '' oh clem, you're always good for a SMILE '' and he smiled, and i cried


you make a good point.

a while back i was reading discussions on season 2 and so many people didn't like him. i loved kenny, lee, duck, and katja they were my favorite charaters in gaming.... i just couldn't kill kenny he is one of the few people in games i consider "friends" so i just couldn't kill him... the kenny ending made me want to cry even though i stayed with him the killing of sam the dog and when carver beat kenny almost to death i wanted to cry then to but i just couldn't let it out
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Crispyhardt; 4 listopada 2014 o 15:18
PilgrimDK 4 listopada 2014 o 15:30 
I Shot Kenny even tho i liked him alot and backed him up at severel places. My Reason was that Cold Blodded Murder is not Right. Followed Jane but dident Forgive her.
alexshiro 4 listopada 2014 o 15:31 
Did we really need another thread of this?

Początkowo opublikowane przez Mercyva:
why i shot kenny??

because he changed, since season 1 when he saw his family died. he isnt the kenny we met at the farm.

He didn't.

In season 1, he leaves the guy to die at the tractor, gets into a fight with Larry, advocates not helping the guys at the bear trap, wants to take over the farm, kills Larry, loots the station wagon, wants to leave the girl in the street as bait, leaves Lee under rubble (determinant), gets into a fight at the motel. All of this BEFORE he loses anybody. And about the "lost his family" "excuse", everybody lost everybody, and nobody else acts like Kenny, except Carver maybe.

It's not that he changed, he's still the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ we met at Hershel's, only by the end he stops caring enough to controll himself and hide it.

Edit: Btw, followed Jane, didn't think there was anything to forgive. The options in my eyes were either we lose Kenny and go back to Howe's, or AJ starves. I blame the writers for how stupidly they wrote this, especialy the "prove a point" bs
Ostatnio edytowany przez: alexshiro; 4 listopada 2014 o 15:33
Crispyhardt 4 listopada 2014 o 15:44 
Początkowo opublikowane przez PilgrimDK:
I Shot Kenny even tho i liked him alot and backed him up at severel places. My Reason was that Cold Blodded Murder is not Right. Followed Jane but dident Forgive her.

hey kenny thought jane killed AJ so its not his fault that jane lied to show clemintine that kenny is dangerous.... when he is only dangerous to people who are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (like jane)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Crispyhardt; 4 listopada 2014 o 15:46
Crispyhardt 4 listopada 2014 o 15:45 
Początkowo opublikowane przez alexshiro:
Did we really need another thread of this?

Początkowo opublikowane przez Mercyva:
why i shot kenny??

because he changed, since season 1 when he saw his family died. he isnt the kenny we met at the farm.

He didn't.

In season 1, he leaves the guy to die at the tractor, gets into a fight with Larry, advocates not helping the guys at the bear trap, wants to take over the farm, kills Larry, loots the station wagon, wants to leave the girl in the street as bait, leaves Lee under rubble (determinant), gets into a fight at the motel. All of this BEFORE he loses anybody. And about the "lost his family" "excuse", everybody lost everybody, and nobody else acts like Kenny, except Carver maybe.

It's not that he changed, he's still the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ we met at Hershel's, only by the end he stops caring enough to controll himself and hide it.

Edit: Btw, followed Jane, didn't think there was anything to forgive. The options in my eyes were either we lose Kenny and go back to Howe's, or AJ starves. I blame the writers for how stupidly they wrote this, especialy the "prove a point" bs

the bit where kenny let hershal's kid die at the farm isn't his fault all that much... think about it would you rather save your kid or someone else's kid you barely know?
PilgrimDK 4 listopada 2014 o 15:53 
Was thinking the same Alex, around if we need another Thread about this subject, now we got a few others up and running.
PilgrimDK 4 listopada 2014 o 15:55 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Crispy The Cat:
Początkowo opublikowane przez PilgrimDK:
I Shot Kenny even tho i liked him alot and backed him up at severel places. My Reason was that Cold Blodded Murder is not Right. Followed Jane but dident Forgive her.

hey kenny thought jane killed AJ so its not his fault that jane lied to show clemintine that kenny is dangerous.... when he is only dangerous to people who are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (like jane)

Did Jane not say it was an accident, and who the H*ell can´t have an Accident in the Apoc?
And even if someone lie to another, it still Dont´Justify Murder.
Zombiecat 4 listopada 2014 o 16:32 
I helped him, Jane is a crazy manipulator and she has no idea when is not a good place and good time to do something.
BathyBdyWrks 4 listopada 2014 o 17:10 
I feel ya, many say that Kenny had no reason to live, but AJ is his reason now
Crispyhardt 4 listopada 2014 o 18:06 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Zombiecat:
I helped him, Jane is a crazy manipulator and she has no idea when is not a good place and good time to do something.

i agree
Crispyhardt 4 listopada 2014 o 18:07 
Początkowo opublikowane przez KennyTWD:
I feel ya, many say that Kenny had no reason to live, but AJ is his reason now
Kenny: She never wanted the baby around. She made that clear.
Kenny: Hey, listen. I didnt want that to happen, either. I thought she'd killed Alvie, clem. And at any point she could've stopped what was happening by saying he was fine. She wanted a fight.

jane is not gonna rish her own life for that dam baby, that baby gonna be born n such
made jane leave clem in the first place, who knows why she returned, but its not to protect
the main reason why she left in the first place, I hope jane shows how she only cares for
herself to make jane lovers not happy with the choice they made, she didnt care for baby.

Shes only there for clem, who knows her real reasons, maybe shes lonely, or sis replacement etc
Ostatnio edytowany przez: MissChibiGoddess TTV; 4 listopada 2014 o 19:53
Chungə 5 listopada 2014 o 0:12 
look at the conversation clem has with kenny

Kenny: I thought...I thought we lost you buddy.
Clem: I thought that jane might've killed him
Kenny: I was thinking the same thing, clem. Its why I was so fired up. She never wanted the baby around. She made that clear.
Kenny: Hey, listen. I didnt want that to happen, either. I thought she'd killed Alvie, clem. And at any point she could've stopped what was happening by saying he was fine. She wanted a fight.

and jane's

Clem: Upset? You're ♥♥♥♥ing crazy! How could you do this!?
Jane: I had to do it clem. You saw how he reacted. I had to show you what he was capable of.
Clem: So you put AJ in danger...and got my friend killed...just to prove a point!?
Jane: it was a stupid plan.

kenny clearly has a better reason to killing jane then jane does killing kenny
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Chungə; 5 listopada 2014 o 0:12
salvajm 5 listopada 2014 o 0:44 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Mercyva:
i am one of those who shot kenny. and not all who went with jane liked her! i ONLY forgave her because i cant take care of a baby alone. and she knows how to survive and she'll take care of us and most importantly AJ! although i wont forget that she drove kenny that crazy!

why i shot kenny??

because he changed, since season 1 when he saw his family died. he isnt the kenny we met at the farm. and he was TOO sad for me to keep him alive and suffer more! i wanted to be selfish and keep him with me, but i knew deep inside he wanted to be with his family ''katja/duck'' again.... and i cried at the end :( because i got the option that made shoose to shoot him '' its ok kenny, you'll see your family again, you'll see katja and duck '' thats what i said t him whie i was crying with clem :(
i wanted to be selfish and keep him with me! but i know that kenny wont be happy ever again, and i loved him too much to let him live with that much pain and anger. thats why most people shot him. not everyone shot him or left him because they hated him, some of them just like me, we wanted kenny to have peace. and be happy again! and i know that he wont be happy being with me..... in ep5 in the fireplace scene you get to talk to him about his family, you can see that he misses them too much! i love kenny so much and i know that being in heaven with his family is going to make him smile. and he did!!! when i shot himm he said to me '' oh clem, you're always good for a SMILE '' and he smiled, and i cried


Yeah, this is mainly the reason why I shot Kenny and joined jane at the end. I just chose the best among two bad situations. As much as Kenny loved AJ, he was not stable, and would've been highly unpredictable. After all she did, with Jane we know she's a total Capital B, which keeps us prepare to leave her as soon as needed.

... God, how I miss Lee...
< >
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