Eschalon: Book 3

Eschalon: Book 3

I got kicked out of part 3
I got kicked out of part 3. Something about messing with the game. I have not at all. I didn't do anything wrong. What can I do to get this fixed. ?
Ultima modifica da QJSterren; 10 nov 2021, ore 2:18
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What do you mean by you got kicked out? With this kind of information no one can help you
It gives a windows with,
Windows exception

Did you try validate the installation or even new installation?
so it happens if you load a save or already when you try to start the game?
Or maybe Window 11 upgrade?
1 it happens whit a save an try to start the game. after it fell away after the save.
Ultima modifica da QJSterren; 14 nov 2021, ore 3:14
Did you somehow try to edit or copy & paste the save game file? This happened only once to me after I copy and pasted a save game file.

Can you load a different save game?
no I only added my own photograph.
I have deleted all save games. Now I'm out of that window. but it wont start the game anymore. I only get the start window. even after reinstallation.
Ultima modifica da QJSterren; 15 nov 2021, ore 4:18
You can try to delete all files and folders in

Users\YOUR USERNAME\Appdata\Roaming\Basilisk Games\Book 3 Saved Games

You have to exchange YOUR USERNAME with your actual username in your windows installation.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH. that was the solution. I think I just deleted the error documents.
Ultima modifica da QJSterren; 15 nov 2021, ore 12:22
Well great. Nice to hear :-)
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