Riptide GP2
De-modifying your bikes?
I bought this game when it first came out on sale, it's been pretty good once you get on a roll and start buying upgrades and the like, but it's also it's downfall- everything becomes overpowered quickly, especially when going into multiplayer.

From what I'm seeing now, you can only play through the game once. There's no de-grading of your own bikes that would put you on a more level playing field, and there's only one career slot as well. I've put a few hours into it, and it can't already be done for good, can it? Or am I missing something?

De-modifying your bikes would be a great asset for multiplayer too, since people with lesser-modified bikes would get blown away, possibly adding in a modification screen before the race, allowing the rider to pick which parts to attach or not.
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there's no point, like you said the bikes overpower quickly, so it takes very little time to get to the higher bikes, I got a full upgraded Lancer in like 8 hours total career time, so anyone else can do the same.
and honestly the first bike you get caps at 117 if I remember right, so that should be low enough to race anyone.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 24.4.2014 klo 13.25
Viestejä: 1