Infinity Wars - Animated Trading Card Game

Infinity Wars - Animated Trading Card Game

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Jason (Infinity Wars Classic - C  [developer] Apr 22, 2021 @ 11:32pm
What's up with Lightmare ?? 2015 - 2021
Greetings, this article is for people who might not be aware of the past few years of Lightmare and Infinity Wars, so we’re here to bring you up to speed with where we’re at now. Here’s a full timeline to break down what you may have missed and how we got here.

In May of 2015, we signed Infinity Wars to our friends at Yodo1, who would handle development & support, and we kinda disappeared through a rift to another world for a bit, to work on several new prototypes. One of those would eventually become Infinity Heroes, and the first steps in making a new game running within a new engine framework. Years later, around January of 2019, Yodo was looking to shut down the servers due to low player numbers. So, we negotiated, and in May of 2019, took over running the servers at a great cost, just to keep the last 50 or so players happy, and maintain player’s collections.

In the meantime, Infinity Heroes was shaping up quite nicely in the new engine. Eventually, realizing that we wanted to make the most of the work being done, it morphed into the Infinity Card Engine, intending to ramp up to an Infinity Wars 2 in the distant future. However, the costs of supporting the original Infinity Wars, a game with next to no active players piled up, and we took the hard decision to temporarily suspend the Infinity Wars servers & focus our development efforts on Infinity Heroes and Infinity Wars 2. Please note, your collections are kept safe on ice along with the game, to be thawed out at a later date.

Meanwhile, we also had a lot of our fans saying that they wanted a remade Infinity Wars experience, and due to Infinity Heroes’ design as a more streamlined, cross-platform spectator-friendly esports title, it wasn’t scratching that itch that our most veteran players had. So, listening to that feedback we began working on Infinity Wars Classic as well. The Infinity Card Engine allows us to create three interconnected products, with great design and development cost synergies across all three games. To find out more go here:

As we’ve been in discussions with AAA publishers, Infinity Wars 2 has been growing in its desired scope, as all parties want it to truly be the next big thing. So, before we took on the monumental task, it made sense to focus on a project that would utilise all of the engine work we’re already committed to, but not be as exponentially difficult as designing and creating content for an entirely new game with IW2.

And with the release of Infinity Wars Classic's Patreon campaign being well received and growing, it told us that we were on the right track to giving our players what they wanted this whole time. Infinity Wars, but just a bit better. There have been a lot of bugs and problems, as is to be expected in a Pre-Alpha game, however we have something we didn't have in the original game's life cycle... Patience.

We understand now, that making something this large, and doing it right is a time consuming task, and we're not committing to any timeframes and release dates, because we're not looking at doing the game quickly. We're looking at developing the game RIGHT. And, thanks to our amazing Patreon supporters, we're being given resources to do this, and a number of players breaking our game each week, helping us build out our engine and it's systems.

You can become an IWC Patreon supporter at

We’re also proud to announce that for the first time in Australian pop culture history, two established universes; one a comic series and the other a digital trading card game, are quite literally crossing over universes. The crowdfunding campaign for XCT Infinity was a success, and the pages have recently been completed, to be printed soon.

There so are many more things to mention, which we do so on our Dev live streams, where we host an open panel to chat about all of our projects. There’s also the Infinity Cast, the deep dive into development efforts and projects that are a fantastic source of additional information for anyone that wants to hear more.

And of course, if you have any questions, the dev team is pretty active over on both the Infinity Wars and Heroes Discords. Join in and say hi using the links below.

Infinity Wars:

Infinity Heroes:

Looking forward to chatting with you there, and we’re excited to meet you once more on the Battlefield, Rift Runner.
Last edited by Jason (Infinity Wars Classic - C; Apr 22, 2021 @ 11:37pm