Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

Statistiken ansehen:
wow this game is...
really confusing, i really dont have a clue what Im doing, dont know how to exactlty control everyone, activating abilities WTF
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Check your installation folder, there should be a VERY robust manual PDF. Keep in mind, this a early 2000's RPG....lots of reading to be expected. Especially since a reasonable (but not perfect) adaption of the 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons system.
billy 1. Juli 2014 um 19:39 
pause a lot and set up the auto pause . And read the combat log for clue's to whats going on in combat. Right click spells to read what they can do
Zuletzt bearbeitet von billy; 1. Juli 2014 um 19:40
ellisD 1. Juli 2014 um 20:56 
The manual I have is 159 pages. :spazdunno:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von ellisD:
The manual I have is 159 pages. :spazdunno:

You must have a cliffs notes version!
its the 10000000 Comment this week like this .... yaya - D&D Core Rules <3
Click the "How to Play" button in the menu screen. It describes a bunch with helpful videos.
The game as an old-school RPG and is best played with active tactics for each party member, to be "most effetive". There are very few "always on" passives, like in modern RPGs, other than the Thief abilities for detecting traps and illusions or keeping them in sneak mode. You can preset a lot of general behaviours by your fighters and casters by going to their individual character sheets, choosing "Customize" and selecting options under AI. These are just behaviors like "Melee General = Attack any seen enemy with melee" etc or having a caster self protect by casting defensive spells before attacking at range with offensive spells, setting a cleric / paladin, to heal first and fight only if attacked. But until you get used to being an old-school control freak these AI beahviours will help get your party through most situations. (Usualy with some injuries but still able to carry on.) Once you get used to the classes you will see orchestrating every attck and spell by all party members is not too hard, and becomes a fun (some would say the most fun) part of the game. i.e. The old Icewind Dale series had the same game engine as BG/BG2 but was 90% combat and 10% storey whereas many vets would say the BG series is that happy balance of an RPG that is equal parts story-play and tactical-play that therefore allows you to "role" play tactically in battles or "role" play a charactor personality like in a well written play.
Sorry for digressing; the lesson here is you can use the AI functions to help until you master the tactical roles of your choson NPC firends - Enjoy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Demolaye; 26. Okt. 2014 um 5:06
You will either give up, or it will take years for you to master this game. Mark my words.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sweetroll:
You will either give up, or it will take years for you to master this game. Mark my words.
no it doesnt.

I was 12 when I finished the game and im swedish so english was a language I didnt really master at that age.
It takes a few days, I would def suggest playing the tutorial and watching some video on youtube - but its not really that complicated... I mean games like Dragon Age might have a better UI but its the same DNA in one sense.
ellisD 2. Juli 2014 um 16:44 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von ChevyNoel:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von ellisD:
The manual I have is 159 pages. :spazdunno:

You must have a cliffs notes version!

It even includes "Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate"

O wait, I'm talking about bg1.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sweetroll:
You will either give up, or it will take years for you to master this game. Mark my words.

It does take time and patience to be good at the game but it is exageration to say it is so difficult it takes years to master. One can play through beat the game and enjoy themsleves without being a BG-Zen-master. Although one can keep learning more with each play through and each charactor type or party mix - one does not need encyclopediac knowledge of DnD rules rules to suceed. There are all kinds of lessons to learn-yes. But before scaring potential fans off with elitist BS; note that non-english speaking QuezcatoL - was 12 and beat the game in the English verson. I have nieces and nephews that beat the game (cleanly) in their early teens by having fun and experimeting with all the combinations of characters (main and NPC allies).
In the end be creative have fun you will learn lot's of tricks on how to beat certain situations; don't worry about being the most efficient or min/max-ing every charactor or situation. I have played through a dozen or more times (BG / BG2 / TOB) and never worried about efficiency, becuase if you enjoy the journey you will make it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Demolaye; 26. Okt. 2014 um 5:11
Siddha 2. Juli 2014 um 20:50 
This is not an arcade game.
It will take a while and some reading to get into it.
If you can do that it will be worth it.
There are a lot of guides & walkthroughs online.
Checkout Dan Simpson's guides on GamesFaq...he has one on D&D rules.
A game that doesn't hold my hand? WAH! *runs back to call of dooty*
Ursprünglich geschrieben von kaiyl_kariashi:
Check your installation folder, there should be a VERY robust manual PDF. Keep in mind, this a early 2000's RPG....lots of reading to be expected. Especially since a reasonable (but not perfect) adaption of the 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons system.
I Cant find the manual. it isnt in the baldurs gate 2 file in Steamapps. where is the install folder?
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Geschrieben am: 1. Juli 2014 um 19:09
Beiträge: 31