Samawa Idle

Samawa Idle

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Useless skills
I am wondering why there are so many useles skills.
-fire multiple projecticle - beside first one, rest does not hit anything
-bounce - bounces and do not hit anything.
-pierce - pierces a mob and... does not hit anything
- fire backwards - again does not hit anything
-poison tower - infection - shoot additional 10 bullets... and again does not hit anything.

what is event the point of it?
< >
Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
ItzZTW Mar 16 @ 4:38pm 
Multiple projectiles isn't bad as it's a solid dps buff when paired with the other perks you can get. Bounce pairs well with a lot of the stuff you listed and while it might not be the best perk try grabbing an extra 2-3 it can go along way. Pierce is good for non aoe towers. Fire backwards isn't all that bad as it can help with map clear but it really isn't needed from what I've seen. Infection when paired with bounce and pierce is very good at spreading poison dot across the whole map. Just mess around with the perks/skills as a lot of the benefits they give aren't apparent at first.
Snow Mar 16 @ 11:30pm 
the thing is that those skills do not hit anything. the only thing that was hitted was wall. the only reliable skill that actualy did something was speed increase and the skill to chain
Drakanen Mar 17 @ 12:42am 
bounce, piecre and more bullets is very god at lvl 5, the bullets hit a wall and bounce to an enemy most of the time, so more hits per shot
Samharia  [developer] Mar 17 @ 12:40pm 
Originally posted by Snow:
I am wondering why there are so many useles skills.
-fire multiple projecticle - beside first one, rest does not hit anything
-bounce - bounces and do not hit anything.
-pierce - pierces a mob and... does not hit anything
- fire backwards - again does not hit anything
-poison tower - infection - shoot additional 10 bullets... and again does not hit anything.

what is event the point of it?

Hmmm, they are not as useless as you think. They are a major source of damage.

What do you suggest for an improvement?
Originally posted by Samharia:
Originally posted by Snow:
I am wondering why there are so many useles skills.
-fire multiple projecticle - beside first one, rest does not hit anything
-bounce - bounces and do not hit anything.
-pierce - pierces a mob and... does not hit anything
- fire backwards - again does not hit anything
-poison tower - infection - shoot additional 10 bullets... and again does not hit anything.

what is event the point of it?

Hmmm, they are not as useless as you think. They are a major source of damage.

What do you suggest for an improvement?

A suggestion to this could be synergies among different skills... like to have a skill or a passive or an entire new prestige system that makes:
- Bounced projectiles seeks a target
- Additional projectiles aim at a different enemy
- Pierced enemies become vulnerable ( takes aditional damage for x seconds )
- Backward projectiles surprise enemies and do x% increased damage
- Chained projectiles have a chance to not consume a chain stack
- Damage over time effects can stack, multiplying the damage they deal each tick
- etc...

Of course all of those could be "Chance to..." so you have to invest on them... but might make a cool new system
Heinrich Mar 26 @ 5:21am 
These skills are actually all quite useful. You posted about multi-bullet, pierce, bounce, and backfire. And you said anything not aimed directly at an enemy misses, right? Well, I'm going to have to stop you right there: there is collision detection between the shots your tower fires and the enemies. There are 10 normal enemies on each level, and when you level up your number of bosses, there can be a large number of them as well.

If there are enemies clockwise or counter clockwise of your main target, multi shot can hit those.

If there are enemies behind your target, your projectiles can hit those.

If there are enemies on the opposite side of your target, your projectiles can hit those.

And if any of these extra shots miss, then bounce can fling them back into the arena, giving them a whole new chance to hit.

Now I will admit when you first get the workshop this might not seem like much. But when you start to get toward even 10-15 levels and realize that with the right spread of skills you can make the entire room a sea of deadly multicolored garbage, you start to get the point.

When every time your tower shoots it fires left, right, through, and behind multiple times and all those missed projectiles go flinging themselves off the walls at random, if you're using like a fire tower at all you will see all those orange circles all over the place and know you've been hitting.

Trust me man, it is good. Just give it time.
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