Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Buildings flashing, flickering and disappearing
I'm getting all of the above in game. I only have Traffic Manager, Prop Snapping, 81 Tile, Network Extensions 2, Move it, Surface Painter, Roads United Core 2.0 and Loading screen mod. This never used to happen to me before, but I am now getting this? Can someone here please help?
Last edited by Darth Modus - God of Richards; Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:22am
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Showing 1-15 of 36 comments
I would greatly appreciate any help from anyone here.
Aturchomicz (Banned) Sep 15, 2018 @ 4:57am 
Originally posted by jobro_06:
I'm getting all of the above in game. I only have Traffic Manager, Prop Snapping, 81 Tile, Network Extensions, Move it, Surface Painter, Roads United Core 2.0 and Loading screen mod. This never used to happen to me before, but I am now getting this? Can someone here please help?
Just set your computer on fire,that would help
sindar Sep 15, 2018 @ 5:02am 
Originally posted by Aturchomicz:
Just set your computer on fire,that would help
Please, Aturchomicz... remember that advice next time you have your own question or issue seeking for help in this forum.
@Aturchomicz - I have reported you by the way for posting a very stupid and unwarranted comment, so good luck with that.
Last edited by Darth Modus - God of Richards; Sep 15, 2018 @ 5:08am
fitopolidysup Sep 16, 2018 @ 9:23pm 
Hello, I have the same problem, did you solve it?
@fitopolidysup - Yes I did solve it. It has something to do with growables. So what I did was unenable all the assets. However, you can also unsubscribe if you prefer to. Anyway, I then went through and tested every growable asset to see if there was a particular one or couple that was causing the problem. I was also advised that I should ignore the loading screen when it says that props are missing because they are actually not missing. Anyway, I realised that the flickering was actually caused by growables that had obsolete props or in other words props that had not been updated. My advice for you is, avoid as much as possible assets that have not been updated and which have a lot of props. The more props they have, the more issues you will get.
Last edited by Darth Modus - God of Richards; Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:21am
@Akeela - No offense but your post doesn't really help much. So I don't know why you are directing people there?
Streeto Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:21am 
Network Extensions has long since been succeeded by Network Extensions 2, so you should probably unsubscribe from 1 and sub to 2. I'm not sure why that would make buildings flicker though.

It could just be a new asset you've subbed to that isn't well optimized? Or is it all buildings?
Last edited by Streeto; Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:24am
@Streeto - My bad, I do have Network Extensions 2, I just forgot to add the 2 on the end lol.
Streeto Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:25am 
Oh lol.

Well this might be obvious but ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date.
@Anyone interested - I am now experiencing weird glitching sounds whilst in-game. If for example I scroll with the mouse, the game sticks for like a mili-second when I am moving the mouse, whilst emitting this buzzing or glitching sound. I've never had this before so I was wondering if others here have experienced it?
@Streeto - My GPU drivers are all up to date.
Last edited by Darth Modus - God of Richards; Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:27am
sindar Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:40am 
Originally posted by jobro_06:
@Akeela - No offense but your post doesn't really help much. So I don't know why you are directing people there?
FYI - In the Paradox support forum:
a) You can easily and directly attach files which is not possible on Steam forum (also large files as i.e. entire savegames)
b) Those attachments (i.e. output_log.txt) will allow for further and more holistic problem analysis based on actual logging of the game as opposed to "lose" descriptions of a player
c) There is a chance the game Devs may jump in and assist other than here on Steam.
Last edited by sindar; Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:42am
Streeto Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:43am 
Perhaps he wanted a quick straight answer instead of been funneled off to another site? Lol.

It probably is more helpful over there though.
@Sindar - I have no faith in game devs because I've been using that forum for years posting problems and it's actually fellow gamers who've helped me in the past. So nah, I will just post on here thanks Sindar.
@Streeto - Precisely and I already solved the problem I was having with the flickering. So I advised fitopolidysup earlier on what to do.

I am now getting problems with this emitting sound whilst in game. I don't know how quite to describe it, it sounds like a transformer and no not one you plug in, but an actual transformer sound when they transform from cars into bots. It's kind of a glitchy sound, but it goes away very fast. Yet, it is very repetative and annoying now. This is what I am now trying to figure out.
Last edited by Darth Modus - God of Richards; Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:48am
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Date Posted: Sep 15, 2018 @ 4:54am
Posts: 36