GRID Autosport

GRID Autosport

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Problem with the steering wheel
Hi. I have a Driving Force GT and even if I've selected 900 degrees, GRID Autosport seems to recognize only 200. Few weeks ago I've played this game without this problem on my old PC
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By chance haven't you changed the steering saturation within the game's advanced controller options? That can alter the degrees of rotation.

Would help if you posted all your Profiler and in-game settings.
Also, check to see if there is a game specific profile created just for autosport. that one might have different settings.
I've updated the drivers but the wheel is still not working very well. Indeed, it's very difficult to keep the straight way because if I turn the wheel in a direction of some degrees, the car in game turns a lot. On the other hand, if I select 5 percent of steering deadzone, I notice that is too much deadzone. These are the settings. I'm sorry but i don't have time to modify and traduce the text
Dernière modification de [IT] cristakey; 4 mai 2015 à 7h38
You have quite a few things messed up in your settings and I wonder how your Logitech Profiler would look like after this...

First of all you have steering saturation at 80%. This means that whatever the degrees of rotation is set in the Profiler will be multiplied by 0.8. Example: in Profiler you set 500 degrees but because of 80% saturation it will be 400 degrees in game. Problem with this is that this way force feedback strength is altered and you lose quite some because of that.

So the proper way is always creating a profile for a game in Logitech Profiler and setting the rotation there and leaving it alone within game through saturation at 100.
Depending on your driving style you're supposed to use a value between 200-350 degrees. I personally use 240.

For steering deadzone there's no real reason to change it from 0.

Your real problem is coming probably from the steering linearity set to 7. How did you come up with that value? Linearity stands for the amount of turn of your wheel compared to the amount of wheel turn in game.
With a positive value your wheel movements will be more precise (finer) around the middle but when you start turning your wheel more the wheel in the game will turn even faster meaning it's more difficult to prevent possible slides or to countersteer.
With a negative value the car will feel more twitchy around the middle but will have finer control when you turn the wheel more to the sides.
In Codemasters games you're better off using values -4 to 0.

Brake/acceleration deadzone: 0 or 5%. When the potmeters are getting older or just the pedals dustier it's advisable to use 5% to negate the small spikes that you get even when not touching the pedals. You can check if they're spiking in the Logitech Profiler. In the game this would mean the brake lights flashing even when not pressing the pedal.
It's beneficial also if you like to rest your foot above the brake and people often don't realize they're pressing it a bit all the time.

Brake/acceleration saturation: 100%. You have set it to 80% for some reason. This way you have less control over applying throttle.

In the end though the best wheel settings are the ones that suit your driving style.
These are my settings:

Logitech Profiler:

Overall effects strength: 100%
Spring effect strength: 0%
Damper effect strength: 0%
Enable centering spring: unticked
Centering spring strength: 100%
Use special steering wheel settings: ticked
Report combined pedals: unticked
Degrees of rotation: 240 degrees

Use special game settings: ticked
Allow game to adjust settings: ticked

In game:

Steering deadzone: 0%
Steering saturation: 100%
Steering linearity: -4
Throttle deadzone: 5%
Throttle saturation: 100%
Brake deadzone: 5%
Brake saturation: 100%


Vibration: On
Vibration strength: 40%
Wheel strength: 70%
Wheel weight: 30%
Meszes a écrit :
You have quite a few things messed up in your settings and I wonder how your Logitech Profiler would look like after this...

First of all you have steering saturation at 80%. This means that whatever the degrees of rotation is set in the Profiler will be multiplied by 0.8. Example: in Profiler you set 500 degrees but because of 80% saturation it will be 400 degrees in game. Problem with this is that this way force feedback strength is altered and you lose quite some because of that.

So the proper way is always creating a profile for a game in Logitech Profiler and setting the rotation there and leaving it alone within game through saturation at 100.
Depending on your driving style you're supposed to use a value between 200-350 degrees. I personally use 240.

For steering deadzone there's no real reason to change it from 0.

Your real problem is coming probably from the steering linearity set to 7. How did you come up with that value? Linearity stands for the amount of turn of your wheel compared to the amount of wheel turn in game.
With a positive value your wheel movements will be more precise (finer) around the middle but when you start turning your wheel more the wheel in the game will turn even faster meaning it's more difficult to prevent possible slides or to countersteer.
With a negative value the car will feel more twitchy around the middle but will have finer control when you turn the wheel more to the sides.
In Codemasters games you're better off using values -4 to 0.

Brake/acceleration deadzone: 0 or 5%. When the potmeters are getting older or just the pedals dustier it's advisable to use 5% to negate the small spikes that you get even when not touching the pedals. You can check if they're spiking in the Logitech Profiler. In the game this would mean the brake lights flashing even when not pressing the pedal.
It's beneficial also if you like to rest your foot above the brake and people often don't realize they're pressing it a bit all the time.

Brake/acceleration saturation: 100%. You have set it to 80% for some reason. This way you have less control over applying throttle.

In the end though the best wheel settings are the ones that suit your driving style.

Thank you very much for your suggestions. Now the weel works perfectly
You're welcome, have fun!
whell these options i dont have and i use the G29 i even changed the g27 to the script off the G29
and these options arent in the game
In game:

Steering deadzone: 0%
Steering saturation: 100%
Steering linearity: -4
Throttle deadzone: 5%
Throttle saturation: 100%
Brake deadzone: 5%
Brake saturation: 100%
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Posté le 2 mai 2015 à 10h20
Messages : 8