Syder Arcade

Syder Arcade

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seya  [developer] Apr 2, 2014 @ 6:57am
Community Mission: S-132 Bullfrog Weapon!
Space warriors! According to your votes the starship built with the help of the community (your help!) is slowly reaching its final form. Its name is S-132 Bullfrog, a slow moving heavy bomber, that will be playable in single mode in the same way of the other ships.

Now it's time to choose the final, main feature of our starships: the weapon! Our idea was a slow but very powerful weapon, according to the nature of this ship, but we want to hear your thoughts about details or different ideas! Leave a comment in this topic and let us know your ideas and preferences.We will choose Bullfrog characteristics together!

Last edited by seya; Apr 2, 2014 @ 6:57am
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
reuben.mathew Apr 2, 2014 @ 3:17pm 
A black hole type weapon that sucks in and destroys moving ships in its path.
.X1k1nh00. Apr 5, 2014 @ 7:54am 
A Plasma Cannon that destroys everything in his line of sight, or a Powerfull Gauss Cannon that spreads 3 shots in all directions :)
eFMeral_dEVO Apr 7, 2014 @ 10:12pm 
"Tounge-sten Lasher"

A quick, short to mid-range, pink/red colored, plasma coil(akin to Raiden series) that proturdes from the front end(mouth) of the Bullfrog.

It is very powerful but the range and area of effect are limited.

If the fire button is held down, the Bullfrog remains stationary allowing the player to move the joystick(up and down) to control the direction of the "Tounge-sten". When used in this manner, enemy bullets can be destroyed.
Last edited by eFMeral_dEVO; Apr 7, 2014 @ 10:13pm
Rahknathal Apr 8, 2014 @ 11:06am 
Mine/Clusterbombs that you can strategically lay. You can then detonate them by hitting the fire button again (or holding it). In this way, the slow nature of the ship can be used in a very tactical manner
Voyd™ Apr 8, 2014 @ 4:01pm 
I'm asuming we're talking about it's "super weapon" here... so that being said:
It's a bomber right? So let it "drop" a minefield.
Similar to the ones that you have to avoid in the 1st mission, but it should be slow, have a delay... like:
You hit button.
Horde of Drones deploy that fly around quickly laying a ton of mines all over the screen. (perhaps shooting a few really weak shots here and there whilst they are buzzing about.)
after the 3-5 second deploy time, a sonar-like "ping" emanates from your ship, activating all mines
the mines then home in on nearest enemies. and...
Boom boom boom.
Last edited by Voyd™; Apr 8, 2014 @ 4:04pm
seya  [developer] Apr 8, 2014 @ 10:44pm 
Thanks guys, so many great ideas :D

@Voydangel: we are considering suggestions for first, second and special weapon :)
Wartyo Apr 9, 2014 @ 7:28pm 
Raiden-style toothpaste laser, for bonus nostalgia.
Mikeums420 Apr 30, 2014 @ 11:37pm 
i like the black hole generator in front. its been used in the Dune series of books. :avgn:
Kabraliah May 21, 2014 @ 5:38am 
An old-school like cannon: It fires powerful slugs that explode a couple seconds after firing. So if you get in close range the shots are VERY powerful, and if you move away from the target, the shot explodes and shrapnel flies in all directions :dragonskull:

PS: Do we have a thread for stage suggestions? :3
mana_rd Jun 2, 2014 @ 7:58am 
A minefield is a very good idea. :sider:
Dowlphwin Sep 8, 2014 @ 5:12am 
Maybe a special weapon that hijacks any enemy bullets and projectiles on screen and directs them at the nearest enemy? Or in a random direction maybe.
The Squirrel Mar 18, 2015 @ 1:35pm 
What's the word where's the Bullfrog?
lavizh Jun 11, 2015 @ 1:28pm 
Its been over a year, is it coming soon?
incriminated Feb 7, 2016 @ 1:19pm 
Another half a year ... just bought the game, Found this thread...asking myself also: Is it coming "soon"?
lavizh Apr 13, 2016 @ 6:02am 
Hasn't been updated in 2 years :/
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