Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge

Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge

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Unoffical Soundtrack.
I want to preface this discussion with a disclaimer- This is in no way for profit and merely for those who genuinely appreciate and love the game, of whom I am one of!

I'm trying to get together folks who know their way around the Unreal Engine 3, and or Music ripping to make together a full OST to the game. As I for one really dig the style and tone of it. If anyone here has skills in such a practice, or knows a guy who knows a guy- please do let me kn ow! I'd love to try to give the same some more traction- something more to remember it by. As I don't hold much skills myself.

I would also love to get together a community perhaps of those interested in Ripping models and other assets from the game. Thus, I've created a Small Discord server for now to have ample platform for such a thing to stand on.

https://discord.gg/QZ9Edtr Please feel free to join in!