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Bug Report: Crypts level merging with Outskirts?
Hey Guards Players! I have found a potentially interesting bug while doing more exploring of the Crypts areas and this could be potentially why other bugs on the map are happening (Unsure) but a few times I've loaded in there have been mountains or stony areas making it impossible to do certain things with the biggest and most recent one I've encountered completely locking me OUT of the map entirely so I couldn't even do the mission.

Here are the screenshots I got with this particular bug in effect:
Strange Formation in Crypts Jail Room[]
Mountains at the APC in Crypts Start[]

It doesn't always happen but when it does it's quite crazy! Honestly the Crypts themselves seem to be very bugged currently.

Between Hostages and Perps not always using stairs, pathing sometimes being broken and then things such as Evidence randomly being destroyed during a mission or Perps getting killed on traps it's quite the mess currently.
Last edited by DragonMomTox; Mar 19 @ 2:30am