Brazen Blaze

Brazen Blaze

the game is 'punch heavy' (but not fun like Larcenauts) so why is it so difficult to engage in a fight
the fact you lunge where you punch your fist is odd- good luck landing that when enemies are CONSTANTLY zipping by with their trigger dash - they DASH so frequently your right hand's 'snap turning' is almost fn useless - like COMPLETELY USELESS that they are behind you in your blindspot of turning and they kill you.

its already a pain in the a trying to dash with the Triggers - then you gotta hold down Grip and hope you punch in the right direction with miliseconds to hope they didn't move within that timefram?? there needs to be Crowd Control or somethin' other then a pointless grenade i throw in a HUGE A ARENA - what am i gonna hit with this? its like so much negative space - the 'tank' Legacy is even more useless with so much empty space around him... the ONLY person i can get any kind of 'fighting time' is with the Main character with the word 'F X X K' on her knuckles - ur right lady - F X X K'd is right! lol
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Yep, pretty much. The punches aren't done good enough to carry the gameplay, which is the current status of this game. Like, I can't hit that precise and fast, while also not effected by ping and the game systems wrong detection of punches. My punches are missed a lot, even on a static target.. As far as the skills, I think fine tuning them is required, because the grenade is useless when everyone literally move faster than the time it takes to throw it and blow up, especially with the small range of it.

Like, honestly, I am not fan of VR melee combat at all, and this game literally want straight into it without really reinventing it to a point it is feels different and actually playable. And it is a shame because it is a decent idea, I like the 'Smash Bros but VR' concept, but it doesn't work for me.
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